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Title Date Author(s)
Appeal interposed for Miguel Cortes, captain of the auxiliary company of Palmillas. 04-13-1790 Cortez, Miguel (Capitan), Revilla Gigedo
Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and other government officials. 03-28-1786 Cortez, Juan, Castro, Ramon de, Baquera, Josef Antonio
1820. Provincias internas de occidente numero 194. El excelentisimo senor comandante que dirige la sumaria... 12-07-1817 Balza Viguri, Antonio (Juez), Tarbe, Fermin de, Cortez, Gabriel Muns, Cayetano (Medico), and others
1820. Provincias internas de occidente numero 194. El excelentisimo senor comandante que dirige la sumaria... 12-07-1817 Balza Viguri, Antonio (Juez), Tarbe, Fermin de, Cortez, Gabriel Muns, Cayetano (Medico), and others