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Title Date Author(s)
Trial against several Indians from San Christobal mission, accused of convincing other to go to the mountains and rebel against Spaniards 03-23-1790 Gomez, Juan Jose, Vaamonde y Villamil, Manuel (Gobernador)
Series of petitions for military retirements due to battle injuries. 08-10-1814 Guerrero, Jose Macario (Teniente), Gomez, Juan Yganacio (Cirujano), Arredondo, Joaquin (Comandante General), and others
Series of documents concerning expenses made by Sagarraga in preparing for transition of office to Gonzalez del Castillo. 10-10-1799 Sagarraga, Jose (Administrador General), Gomez, Joaquin (Contador), Alva (Fiscal), and others
Request by Francisco Gomez, teniente de escuadrones de caballeria de Nuevo Santander, for retirement. 12-31-1818 Gomez, Francisco (Alferez), del Venadito
Reports of inspection and deterioration of forts in alta California 10-30-1809 Gomez, Manuel, Arrillaga, Jose Joaquin de
Letters from procuradores of California missions to virrey and senor Fiscal requesting payment of funds and lampara. 10-10-1790 Roa, Francisco (Teniente), Arrillaga, Jose Juaquin de (Capitan), Gomez, Juan Chrisostomo (Fray Procurador), and others
Letters from procuradores of California missions to virrey and senor Fiscal requesting payment of funds and lampara. 10-10-1790 Roa, Francisco (Teniente), Arrillaga, Jose Juaquin de (Capitan), Gomez, Juan Chrisostomo (Fray Procurador), and others
Letters and documents about retirement of head of carpenters of port of San Blas. 11-07-1772 Gomez, Francisco (Maestro de Carpinteros), Branciforte, Marques de (Virrey), Gallangos, Tomas (Teniente), Eliza, Francisco de
Letter from Gomez to virrey concerning payment of sinodos. 05-23-1804 Gomez, Juan Crisostomo (Fray) (Procurador General de Misiones), Beltran, Lasso
Documents relating to request by Gomez that twelve missionaries be granted travel allowance for their passage from Spain to California. 03-22-1804 Gomez, Juan Crisostomo (Fray), Bermudez, Francisco de Paula, Rivero y Escano, Benito, and others
Documents concerning purchase of, payment for supplies for Bacoachi Apaches. 07-23-1787 Corbalan, Pedro (Gobernador), Gomez, Thomas, Bazo, Jose, and others
Budget of expenses made in repair of salt stores of Huaristemba and Zapotillo. 02-29-1817 Andrade, Benitez, Gomez, Jose Francisco, Croquez, Marcelo
Budget of expenses made in repair of salt stores of Huaristemba and Zapotillo. 02-29-1817 Andrade, Benitez, Gomez, Jose Francisco, Croquez, Marcelo
Budget of expenses made in repair of salt stores of Huaristemba and Zapotillo. 02-29-1817 Andrade, Benitez, Gomez, Jose Francisco, Croquez, Marcelo
Budget of expenses made in repair of salt stores of Huaristemba and Zapotillo. 02-29-1817 Andrade, Benitez, Gomez, Jose Francisco, Croquez, Marcelo