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Title Date Author(s)
Ysidro Rey & Rafael Montes. Report on the arms, munitions, clothing, and horses and mules of a detachment of soldiers from San Elceario presidio. 10-15-1818 Rey, Ysidro, Montes, Rafael (Captain)
Rafael Montes and Julian Bernal. A report on the arms, clothing, and animals owned by the members of the El Paso militia company. 10-28-1818 Montes, Rafael, Bernal, Julian
Jose Maria Perez, Jose Mateo Montes. Contra un decreto de Juan Jose Elorriaga. 04-03-1818 Perez, Jose Maria, Montes, Jose Mateo
Concerning military, religious affairs of Sonora. 01-16-1771 Montes, Clemente de (Sargento Mayor), Pineda, Juan Claudio de (Gobernador), Echeveste, Juan Jose de, and others