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Title Date Author(s)
Apprenticeship of boy to blacksmith. 07-09-1654 Bonella, A. de, Silva, F. de, Gonzalez, J., Aguileta, J. de (Alcalde Mayor)
Wages of Alexo Garcia Conde, mariscal de campo, now governor of Nueva Vizcaya. 10-14-1810 Pacheco, Manuel Jose, Truxillo, Francisco Xavier, Silva, Antonio, and others
Wages of Alexo Garcia Conde, mariscal de campo, now governor of Nueva Vizcaya. 10-14-1810 Pacheco, Manuel Jose, Truxillo, Francisco Xavier, Silva, Antonio, and others
al senor fiscal de real hacienda 02-17-1817 Cordero, Antonio, Silva, Antonio, Venadito, Conde del, and others
Continuation of preceeding folios in which fathers of various missions defend themselves against allegations of poor mission administration and mistreatment of pisones. 02-10-1767 Campusano, Pedro Felis (Capitan), Silva, Manuel de (Guardian), Garcia de Leon, Joseph (Teniente Justicia), and others
Series of documents dealing with a demanda made against Indian caudillo in Sichu. 07-19-1775 Lara, Lorenzo de, Silva, Joseph de, Palencia, Jose, Barbero, Francisco