Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Aguero Dispute over water rights 03-13-1769
Aguta Documents about controversy of named alcalde mayor Cordero and general Croix. 08-28-1778
Aguirre Oficios resolving naming of four governors to province of Nueva Vizcaya by viceroy and real audiencia of Durango. 10-25-1785
Aguado Re: court-material of Serna, teniente de primera compania Volante de Nuevo Santander. 11-29-1792
Aguado Testimony taken by Gonzales and letters from Echeagaray to Castro concerning illness and activity of Serna. 05-01-1792
Aguirre Letters between Castro, Sierragorda, Maldonado about results of various military trials. 07-07-1791
Aguirre Letters between Lacomba, Revilla Gigedo and others detailing Menchaca's trial for misconduct. 07-03-1788
Aguirre Letters between Florez, Castro, Valdes & virrey about Florez' complaints against Castro. 07-12-1792
Aguayo Expediente concerning transfer of military group from Parras to Quatrocienegas. 00-00-1693
Aguirre Correspondence between Oca, Bucareli, and other government officials concerning Oca's request to go to Spain. 05-22-1769
Aguirre Offices concerning index of Pedro de Nava's letters from 1790 to 1793, 12-06-1790
Aguirre Various persons vie for vacant position of teniente in letters to Sierragorda. 01-15-1796
Agustin Detailed cuentas of expenses from Janos for supplies for pacified Indians and prisoners of war. 08-31-1788
Aguirre Establishment of stores to sell gunpowder and playing cards in Sinaloa. 09-03-1768
Aguirre Establishment of stores to sell gunpowder and playing cards in Sinaloa. 09-03-1768
Aguirre Collection of autos and testimonios related to economic crisis of Chihuahua City (directed to viceroy?) 10-19-1739
Aguirre Collection of autos and testimonios related to economic crisis of Chihuahua City (directed to viceroy?) 10-19-1739
Aguirre Documents relating to fate of Antonio Barrios (capitan de dragones) 03-18-1786
Aguero Testimonial report assembled by governor of Durango on vagrant and idle Indians of Nueva Vizcaya and Sonora 10-31-1746
Aguero Letters about Indian attacks and military campaigns in Sonora. 03-17-1769
Aguayo Letters to and from Escorza, concerning fiscal arrangements of the presidios of the Chihuahua area. 01-24-1776
Aguayo Letters to and from Escorza concerning fiscal arrangements for presidios around Chihuahua. 07-15-1776
Aguirre Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and some government officials of p.i. 1779. 01-06-1779
Aguirre Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and the commander of Provincias Internas, Teodoro de Croix. 1779 02-01-1779
Aguirre Administrative correspondence between Bonilla and the viceroy. 03-12-1772
Aguayo Correspondence regarding military and civil affairs within Provincias Internas. 07-08-1777
Aguirre Correspondence between listed authors re: Apaches in Nueva Vizcaya. 02-24-1788
Agaba de Ayala Virrey Matias de Galvez is consulted on establishment of taxes; war with Apaches; punishment of Indian prisoners in internal provinces. 05-21-1784
Aguayo Administrative correspondence of Provincias Internas between Croix and virrey Mayorga. 05-14-1782
Aguirre Discourse concerning reales de minas at la Cieneguilla, Sonora. 01-20-1772
Agorreta Correspondence of Urrea, Bucareli and others concerning administrative/military problems at altar 01-01-1769
Aguilar Letters between Ugarte and Flores concerning pension for soldier's widows. 01-05-1789
Aguayo Letter from Lopez Padilla to virrey advocating reduction in troop strength in Nayarit. 02-11-1768
Aguirre Documents relating to request by Navarro to cajas de Guadalaxara for payment of synods and provisioning of corn for cultivation by Indians. 02-16-1787
Aguirre Oconor to virrey on military visitas 12-17-1774
Agudo Correspondence re: shipment of supplies to San Blas. Includes lists of items and costs. 03-06-1790
Agudo Correspondence re: shipment of supplies to San Blas. Includes lists of items and costs. 03-06-1790
Aguilar Correspondence re: construction of iglesia and Casa Cural in San Blas 06-29-1779
Aguilar Correspondence re: fire in old church and financing construction of new church. 05-17-1787
Aguirre Correspondence of Fueros with viceroy and real de cuentas officials about affairs at Cieneguilla 07-19-1775
Aguirre Correspondence of Fueros with viceroy and other officials about affairs at placeres de Cieneguilla 01-04-1775
Aguirre Correspondence between Fueros, viceroy, and others regarding placeres at Cieneguilla. 00-00-1771
Agudo Correspondence related to adjustments to Rengel's salary upon promotion to comandante inspector. 06-11-1783
Aguayo Correspondence relating to Velasquez' complaints and request to leave office. 04-16-1784
Aguayo Correspondence relating to Velasquez' complaints and request to leave office. 04-16-1784
Agaron del Prado Correspondence relating to purchase of Calo's house. 01-07-1785
Aguilera Documents related to court cases of various prisoners. 08-12-1776
Aguero Letter from governor to virrey concerning the return of 50 soldiers 00-00-1729
Aguero Administrative letters 08-27-1729
Aguero Petitions to cancel a fine. 00-00-0000
