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Person Last Name Document title Date
Alire Joachin Codallos y Rabal. An order restricting the grazing of livestock around Santa Fe. 03-12-1744
Alire Dilixencias judiziales-la alberiquazion de la persona de Santiago Belo, nazion franzes. 06-10-1744
Alire Joachin Codallos y Rabal. An order for the alcalde mayor of pecos to publicize the annual expedition to the salt lakes. 05-28-1746
Alire Joachin Codallos y Rabal. An order prohibiting the free grazing of livestock until the completion of the harvest. 04-22-1747
Alire Joachin Codallos Rabal. Campaign diary of Bernardo de Bustamante Tagle against gila Apache. 09-30-1747
Alire Maria de Roibal and Joseph de Riano. Poder que ostorgaron dona Maria de Riobal y su hijo don Joseph Riano a don Juan Joseph Moreno. 11-15-1747
Alire Salvador Martinez. Request for appointment to military command. 02-13-1748
Alire Salvador Martinez. Petition by five men-asking for money so they could return to New Mexico from Mexico City. 02-29-1748
Alire Joachin Codallos y Rabal. An order prohibiting the free grazing of livestock at Sante Fe until the corn harvest. 04-14-1748
Alire Juachin Codallos y Rabal. An order prohibiting the free grazing of livestock at Santa Cruz de la Canada during the growing season. 05-08-1748
Alire Joachin Codallos y Rabal. Transmission of viceregal order telling certain people to return to their homes. 06-25-1748
Alire Joachin Codallos y Rabal. Transporation of prisoner by military escort. 07-02-1748
Alire Joachin Codallos y Rabal. Military transport of prisoner. 07-02-1748
Alire Joachin Codallos y Rabal. A bando defining punishments for horse thieves. 07-20-1748
Alire Ventura indio. Description of navajos by Ventura, a genizaro Indian, who lived with the navajos for more than a year. 07-20-1748
Alire Juan Francisco de Guemes y Horcasitas. Viceregal order for taking of census. 07-31-1748
Alire Joachin Codallos y Rabal. Testimonio a la letra del poder original, que se remitio a la Ciudad de Mexico, otorgado por los soldados de este... 12-31-1748
Alire Ortiz, Theodora. A law suit over an inheritance and possession of cattle. 06-03-1782
Alire Ortiz, Theodora. A law suit over an inheritance and possession of cattle. 06-03-1782
Alire Ortiz, Antonio Jose. Sumaria contra Pablo Serna por ladron ratero. 05-04-1783
Alire Yanacio Maria Vergara-to-Pedro Maria de Allande. Reporting on navajo raids on livestock herds and the murder of one man. 06-24-1818
Alire Pedro Maria de Allande-to-the alcalde of Xemes. Concerning navajo depredations. 06-25-1818