Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Borica Diarios de comision from Borica to Conde de Revilla Gigedo first in this series begins with the phrase paso a manos de v.e. el diario de lo... 01-19-1791
Borica Letters and diarios de comision from Borica de Diego concerning military visitas in Nuevo Vizcaya first in this series begins with febrero... 03-22-1791
Borica Diarios de comision and instructions for Ochoa on mission matters first in this series begins with paso a manos...desde el 8 del corriente. 04-13-1791
Borica Diarios de comision and relacion de los ramos from Borica to Conde de Revilla Gigedo concerning religious visitas and fugitives first in... 04-30-1791
Borica Diarios de comision and letter from Borica discussing matters in missions as they relate to the Indians. First in this series begins with... 05-27-1791
Borica sobre eleccion de govierno politico y militar en la taraumara y de ests empleo y del ayudante inspector del presidio. 02-12-1790
Borica Correspondencia de milicias arregladas. 04-01-1792
Borica expediente sobre providencias para contener la infedilidad de los taraumaras y gente foragida que hostilizan en la Nueva Vizcaya. 10-03-1781
Borica Letters to and from Ugarte y Loyola concerning procedures to be used in stemming domestic collaboration with Apaches, first in this series... 09-03-1789
Borica Letters to and from Ugarte y Loyola and Conde de Revilla Gigedo concerning Indian collaboration between Apaches and Taraumares, first in... 02-02-1790
Borica Statements by Gasiot y Miralles concerning administrative record keeping, travel restrictions, and grain industry first in this series... 07-09-1790
Borica Detailed explanation of relevant articles and instruction to Ugarte and Loyola on upcoming commission first in this series begins with... 07-09-1790
Borica Letters from Ugarte y Loyola and Navarro concerning visita and abandonement of Tabahueto. 07-09-1790
Borica Extracto de las hostilidades executadas por los lipanes y mezcaleros . . . . 03-24-1792
Borica coleccion de oficios y documentos de los comandantes generales sobre paces de los lipanes y novedades de los demas Apaches . . . . 09-14-1792
Borica las rancherias de Volante Alegre, Jose, Esquin-yoet, Montera Blanca, ca cuerno berde, se hallan a la vista de este presidio 09-01-1792
Borica el pronto regreso del coreo extraordinario que dirigi al senor comandante general de esas provincias don Pedro de Nava . . . 10-29-1792
Borica el dia 18 del corriente a las once y media de la manana recivi el superior oficio de v.e. de 9 del mismo . . . . 11-21-1792
Borica por la carta de v.m. de 21 de noviembre ultimo y documentos que la acompanan que . . . . 11-04-1792
Borica por la carta de v.m. de 21 de noviembre ultimo y documentos que la acompanan que . . . . 11-04-1792
Borica por la carta de v.e. de 28 de noviembre proximo pasado veo se ha servido aprovar las determinaciones que tome . . . . 12-27-1792
Borica por la adjunta copia se hara cargo v.e. del parte que me ha pasado el sargento Reymundo Sanchez comandante del puesto del Alamo. 01-02-1793
Borica Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with Indian affairs and other war operations in Sonora provinces of El norte. 01-06-1792
Borica Series of brief titles (or headlines), regarding various Indian affairs and military operations in provincias del norte. Folios in this... 02-01-1792
Borica Gubernatorial correspondence between several government officials and the viceroy, concerning the situation of Indians who have surrendered... 10-18-1792
Borica Gubernatorial administrative correspondence reporting on several Indian affairs and some military actions. 02-01-1792
Borica Gubernatorial correspondence concerning reports on the status of the provincias del poniente. 11-00-1792
Borica Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with reports sent to the viceroy on the status of the provinces of Sonora and Nueva Vizcaya. 12-31-1792
Borica Documents concerning Opata, Chiricahua auxiliaries. 09-14-1790
Borica Correspondence between Loyola and virrey Florez re: accounting for number of enemies killed. 03-19-1789
Borica Oficiales de nueva creacion y providencias para que se les entrega sen varias cantidades a buena cuenta de sus sueldos. 09-26-1779
Borica Payment of bills and economic matters of compania Volante of Nueva Vizcaia and of companias presidiales y Volantes of Nuevo Mexico. 05-24-1797
Borica excelentisimo senor. Senor: movido vuestra excelencia de las continuas muertes y rovos, que por todas partes executaban los indios... 11-26-1784
Borica Documents concerning accusations of mistreatment of Indians in missions in alta California 08-20-1778
Borica Letters concerning military retirment 05-19-1797
Borica Documents related to the factory in presidio San Diego 06-12-1796
Borica Detailed account of money spent in San Francisco's presidio. 06-26-1795
Borica Letters concerning relocation and changes in San Francisco 12-31-1794
Borica Letters concerning hiring two blacksmiths 01-26-1797
Borica Letters concerning expenses of San Francisco's factory and presidios in the area. 06-04-1793
Borica Documents concerning administrative matters in presidio Monterrey and other missions and presidios in the area of of alta California. 01-08-1794
Borica Letters concerning reimbursment to presidios in alta California 12-14-1791
Borica Letters concerning financing a new facade for church in Monterrey. 03-06-1792
Borica 1172. Ano de 1791. Provincias de oriente. Ordenes al comandante general del poniente y sus contestaciones despues del suceso del valle da... 05-25-1791
Borica 1170 expedientes antiguos de Provincias Internas. Vuelven al archivo de donde se sacaron. 09-17-1790
Borica Documents concerning benefits, problems of 'recargo de armamentos.' 10-23-1778
Borica Neve's will and documents concerning carrying out provisions in will. 01-29-1777
Borica Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784
Borica Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories. 10-06-1774
Borica Documents concerning executors of Neve's will, inventories, auction and accounts of Neve's wealth. 01-29-1777
