Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Borrego . Certifications of he publication of a document (bando) which is not preserved in the archive. 00-30-1785
Borrego . Damages due to stampede. 09-14-1816
Borrego . List of supplies given to members of the Santa Fe presidio. 05-06-1820
Borrego 19. 1815 Provincias Internas de oriente numero 18. Libro glosa 57 numero 34.621 foxa 258. El senor comandante que de ellas da cuenta de... 01-03-1815
Borrego Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A bando transmitting Neve's bando concerning his authority in relation to the royal patronage. 03-10-1784
Borrego Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Bando concerning the evasion of law-suits. 10-25-1777
Borrego Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a bando prohibiting travel without written permission. 12-10-1783
Borrego Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of the royal decree appointing Phelipe de Neve as the comandante general of the provincias. 02-15-1783
Borrego Anza, Juan Baptista de. A bando concerning the Voluntary war contribution. 08-17-1780
Borrego Anza, Juan Baptista de. Bando prohibiting the personal services provided by New Mexico Indians. 03-10-1784
Borrego Arredondo petitions virrey for increased military assistance to Texas. 12-28-1820
Borrego Autos formed against Escandon from obispo de Guadalaxara. 11-04-1766
Borrego Autos formed by bishop of Guadalaxara in rancho Dolores in 1759 accusing Escandon of negligence in the matters of religion. 11-10-1766
Borrego Autos formed by bishop of Guadalaxara in rancho Dolores in 1759 accusing Escandon of negligence in the matters of religion. 11-10-1766
Borrego Barbara Garzia Jusado. Attempt to collect debts owed estate of her deceased husband. 02-04-1763
Borrego Borrego, Diego Antonio. Civil suit by Mariano de la Pena 05-10-1796
Borrego Borrego, Diego Antonio. Civil suit by Mariano de la Pena 05-10-1796
Borrego Causa criminal against Mesa and Valenzuela. 08-03-1796
Borrego Correspondence between Bucareli, Ugarte, Oconor, and others concerning relocation of presidios. 00-00-1750
Borrego Correspondence between Ugalde, Croix, Galvez, and other government officials concerning destitution of Ugalde. 00-00-1578
Borrego Correspondence re: charges brought against various Indians. 12-15-1775
Borrego Correspondence related to court case against Gaspar. 08-29-1775
Borrego correspondencia con el ayudante inspector don Roque de Medina comisionado en Coaguila. Ano de 1774. 08-31-1773
Borrego Diego de la Cruz. Robbery-execution of mulato. 12-06-1661
Borrego Disparate collection of letters from Ugalde and unsigned others to Lacomba concerning activities and organization of tercera compania... 12-11-1784
Borrego Erection of new missions and settlement in new town in Coahuila 01-02-1699
Borrego Extracto de las hostilidades executadas por los lipanes y mezcaleros . . . . 03-24-1792
Borrego Extracto de los puntos esenciales de fundacion en la provincia de Coahuila. 12-14-1696
Borrego Facundo Melgare. Report on three soldiers, Jose Ribera, Antonio Sandobal, and Rafael Borrego, eligible for service premiums. 08-18-1818
Borrego Fr. Joseph Pinilla to senor don Melchor de Peramas. - -N.D.
Borrego Geographic defense-plan reports from Bazquez Borrego (elder) to Escandon. 07-26-1750
Borrego Homicide committed by Borrego, and his protection by Cura Diaz. 01-01-1798
Borrego Indexes and letters that concern primarily military matters in the province of Texas, subject matter ranges from military misconduct to... 08-19-1793
Borrego Inspection of missions 06-25-1703
Borrego Larranaga, Juan. Receipt for funds advanced to Santa Fee presidio soldiers serving in Chihuagua. 07-01-1821
Borrego Letters from Lacomba to Ugalde; concerning a variety of matters affecting the tercera compania Volante. 02-09-1789
Borrego Letters from Lacomba/Cossio to Ugalde; concerning a variety of matters affecting la tercera compania Volante de la colonia del Nuevo... 06-30-1789
Borrego Letters informing virrey about situation of new colony Nuevo Santander. 04-18-1769
Borrego Letters of Ugarte, Bucareli and Borgeo on recent Indian depredations 01-21-1774
Borrego Martin, Pedro. Trial for rape. 10-13-1812
Borrego Military correspondence between virrey, Herrera and various presidial officers regarding Indian hostilities in Nuevo Leon. 03-27-1796
Borrego Military correspondence between virrey, Herrera and various presidial officers regarding Indian hostilities in Nuevo Leon. 03-27-1796
Borrego Moreno, Valentin/Rey, Ysidro. Records of the compania de cavalleria del real presidio de Santa Fee. 06-03-1813
Borrego Nuevo Reyno de Leon. Caussa criminal que se sigue de oficio contra los que resultaren culpados, sobre las muertes hechas en el paraje de la... 07-30-1782
Borrego Pedro Maria de Allande. Criminal case against Juan Manuel Chavez for sheltering his son, a deserter from the Santa Cruz presidio in Sonora. 01-18-1818
Borrego Receipt for chocolate and sugar loaves provided to the wife of Francisco Borrego. 10-19-1819
Borrego Relaciones of premios and filicianes of soldiers and sub-officials assigned to the milicias of Nuevo Santander. 12-31-1803
Borrego Relaciones of premios and filicianes of soldiers and sub-officials assigned to the milicias of Nuevo Santander. 12-31-1803
Borrego Representaciones a la corte por el virreynato de Mexico. 00-00-1774
Borrego Series of documents concerning fever contracted by soldiers at Espiritu Santo. 10-10-1816
