Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Branciforte Correspondence concerning Quimpers request for a transfer to Spain and payment of wages. 09-22-1795
Branciforte Correspondence concerning request by Tellez to remain in San Blas to recover from illness. 08-20-1794
Branciforte Correspondence concerning the suspension of Francisco Lavastida as contadora of San Blas. 11-16-1791
Branciforte Correspondence concerning the transfer of monterde back to Spain. 12-07-1789
Branciforte Correspondence concerning voyages of ships from San Blas to Acapulco and construction of wall around naval casement in San Blas. 10-29-1794
Branciforte Correspondence from Nava to virrey regarding procedural matters such as defense of northern borders. 12-29-1795
Branciforte Correspondence re: Apache relations. 10-05-1796
Branciforte Correspondence re: documents in Bodega's possesion at time of death that are to be archived. 05-03-1794
Branciforte Correspondence re: exchange of alfereces Abla and Trevino between Riogrande and Lampazos. Exchange granted on interim basis. 05-22-1797
Branciforte Correspondence re: Garcia Galindo's request for remainder of expense money for trip to San Blas to relieve Monterde as contador. 10-31-1794
Branciforte Correspondence re: granting of salary for criados employed on various expeditions. 07-23-1789
Branciforte Correspondence re: Hernandez' exclusion from cuerpo de invalidos. 06-19-1797
Branciforte Correspondence re: montepio militar. 10-18-1796
Branciforte Correspondence re: permission granted to directors of Gremios mayores de Madrid to conduct expedicion de comercio carrying supplies from... 03-28-1794
Branciforte Correspondence re: request by Cruz and two other ayugua Indians for passport to allow them to see virrey about wrong done them by Tato. 02-12-1797
Branciforte Correspondence re: request by ministerio de San Blas for extension in presenting cuentas to tribunal due to illness of Monterde and lack of... 04-16-1793
Branciforte Correspondence re: shipment of supplies for construction of Marina of San Blas sent from Spain on Navio San Lorenzo. 06-23-1794
Branciforte Correspondence re: submission and receipt of documents relating to appointments and expenses of provincias under Nava's direction. 08-13-1794
Branciforte Correspondence re: submission and receipt of documents relating to various appointments and other administrative matters. 07-22-1794
Branciforte Correspondence re: supplies needed in San Blas. 04-18-1793
Branciforte Correspondence re: transactions of caja de Perote. 01-03-1794
Branciforte Correspondence to virrey Branciforte from Nava and Calleja re: exchange of two alfereces between presidio de Riogrande and Punta de... 11-06-1796
Branciforte Correspondence with virrey concerning granting of sick leave to Vidal de Lorca. 03-01-1795
Branciforte Correspondence, manifests, and documents regarding royal treasuries of Chihuahua and Arispe 1795-1804 12-31-1795
Branciforte Court case against malibran and Dolores de las casas in Nuevo Santander 09-20-1795
Branciforte Criminal cases against Camarillo (Maulas), noparan and Jose Antonio. 09-02-1796
Branciforte Criminal cases against noparan, Pedro Maulas, and Jose Antonio. 09-07-1796
Branciforte cuentas de la collera de indios que condujo de Guadalaxara el Alferez de dragones de Espana don Joseph Loredo part 2. 04-20-1782
Branciforte Debt of Lasaga to fondo gratificacion 00-00-1784
Branciforte Diaz de hortega, Felipe. notice to viceroy related to governor of New Mexico, of Indian found wandering in Valladolid who was baptized and... 11-06-1795
Branciforte Diligencias against Garza and Echeagaray. 02-12-1796
Branciforte Diligencias' concerning auctions held at mission in Nuevo Santander. 12-28-1793
Branciforte Discourse between Virrey, Ugarte and others concerning acquisition of cannon to defend presidios of Nueva Vizcaya. 04-04-1789
Branciforte Discourse from Sierra Gorda to virrey re: Azana's imminent succession of Branciforte as viceroy; leave granted to captain of 3rd... 10-19-1796
Branciforte Discussion about introduction of mescal into California 00-00-1796
Branciforte Disposition of Serante's personal effects. 10-01-1792
Branciforte Documents concern sunken bergantin, San Judas Fadeo. 09-20-1783
Branciforte Documents concerning accusations of mistreatment of Indians in missions in alta California 08-20-1778
Branciforte Documents concerning defense plans to prevent U.S. invasion of Texas and reports of troop strengths at Texas presidios. 11-08-1808
Branciforte Documents concerning hacienda de Arroyo Zarco administration. 10-19-1790
Branciforte Documents concerning naming of Barberena as 2nd Alferez of 1st flying company of Nuevo Santander. 04-07-1790
Branciforte Documents concerning plans by Gonzalez del Castillo to increase productivity of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso. 09-23-1803
Branciforte Documents concerning retirement of intendente Potau. 07-22-1795
Branciforte Documents dealing with ingeniero Codina's replacement in Guadalajara, Pagazaurtundua presently serving in Provincias Internas. 00-00-1774
Branciforte Documents from various places in the Provincias Internas that concern primarily military personnel, marital, women's, and Indian land... 08-17-1797
Branciforte Documents pertaining to liquidation of accounts for Rivera y Moncada expedition of 1781 from Sonora to alta California. 01-01-1774
Branciforte Documents pertaining to proof of legitimacy of heirs of capitan Fernando Rivera y Moncada and settlement of dispute of his salary and... 00-00-1742
Branciforte Documents re: arrival in nootka of improperly attired soldiers. 06-15-1794
Branciforte don Joseph Blanco capitan de la segunda compania Volante de dicha provincia en solicitud de licencia para pasar . . . . 06-02-1796
Branciforte dona Maria Rosalia Valdes vecina de San Carlos en solicitud de su marido don Manuel Ruiz, que dice haberse embarcado para Espana . . . . 06-08-1795
