Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Bustamante Matheo Joseph de Larrea. Cartas de relacion sobre la administracion del virrey Duque de la Conquista. 05-00-1741
Bustamante General Joseph Raphael Rodriguez Gallardo and Diego Ortiz Parrilla and others. Informe sobre Sonora y Sinaloa. 00-00-1745
Bustamante Juan Francisco de Guemes y Horcasitas (virrey, gobernador). expediente sobre haber separado el virrey de Nueva Espana a Agustin de... 00-00-1748
Bustamante Indice de los autos que en virtud de superior decreto del eximo... 00-00-1720
Bustamante Sobre si se debe establecer un presidio en el valle de Xicarilla. 00-00-1723
Bustamante Francisco Xavier Miranda a gobernador Augustin de Vildosola. Carta sobre los Jesuitas. 08-20-1746
Bustamante Gobernador Augustin Vildosola a padre provincial Christobal de Escobar y Llamas. Cartas sobre los Jesuitas. 09-16-1746
Bustamante Pedro Gabriel de Aragon. Carta sobre guerra contra los hiaguis. 11-15-1748
Bustamante Index of documents relative to provinces under command of comandante Teodoro Croix. 00-00-1807
Bustamante Correspondence, manifests, and documents regarding royal treasuries of Chihuahua and Arispe 1795-1804 12-31-1795
Bustamante Correspondence, manifests, and documents regarding royal treasuries of Chihuahua and Arispe 1795-1804 12-31-1795
Bustamante Index requested by viceroy Pacheco y de Padilla of official documents dealing with Provincias Internas from 1636-1793. 00-00-1636
Bustamante Notes and letters concerning appointment of Cancio as captain of Santa Rosa presidio 05-28-1755
Bustamante Transition of governments in the Californias 03-12-1822
Bustamante Letters requesting the building of presidio in Sonora 05-16-1691
Bustamante French incursions into New Mexico 04-12-1749
Bustamante French incursions into New Mexico 04-12-1749
Bustamante Sentencing and pardon of Victor Segovia 03-20-1792
Bustamante Documents about depredations by Pedro Jose and his band of rebels. 06-16-1793
Bustamante Request for primisias for priest from Presas del Rey. 00-00-1763
Bustamante San Vicente to Bucareli. expediente concerning military operations against Apaches in Chihuahua. 00-00-1772
Bustamante Letters from Virrey(?) to Fayni concerning details of 1772 campaign. 02-28-1772
Bustamante Correspondence between various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 12-15-1787
Bustamante Correspondence between various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 12-06-1787
Bustamante Tercera compania Volante. Cuenta del fondo de gratificacion de hombres desde fin de 90 hasta fin del 1791. 12-31-1791
Bustamante Extracto general of military reviews of flying company of Lampazos, 1791, 1792. 01-03-1791
Bustamante Letters between Castaneda y Quevedo, Ruis de Guadiana, Nava and others about various administrative matters. 03-07-1777
Bustamante Correspondence between Ugalde, Croix, Galvez, and other government officials concerning destitution of Ugalde. 00-00-1578
Bustamante Proposals for military promotions, and petitions of cedulas de invalidos. 03-02-1793
Bustamante Letters from Nava, Borica and Cordero to virrey concerning proposals and petitions for military employments. 05-03-1792
Bustamante Series of informes from Tresierra y Cano to virrey concerning loans made to private citizens by Caxas Matrinzes. 01-26-1795
Bustamante Indexes of oficios sent by Herrera to virrey from June 1795-December, 1796. 06-14-1795
Bustamante Military correspondence between virrey, Herrera and various presidial officers regarding Indian hostilities in Nuevo Leon. 03-27-1796
Bustamante Libramentos de Provincias Internas 04-18-1796
Bustamante Letters to and from Escorza concerning fiscal arrangements for presidios around Chihuahua. 04-02-1776
Bustamante Letters and accounts to and from Escorza, concerning fiscal management of the presidios around Chihuahua. 05-19-1777
Bustamante Letters between Escorza and Bucareli y Urzua concerning fiscal management of presidios. 03-29-1773
Bustamante Military personnel payrolls for presidio of Buenavista, from August to December. 12-22-1765
Bustamante Letter from Ugarte to Flores including resignation of Bustamante due to old age. 01-02-1789
Bustamante Correspondence of intendente Corbalan for May - June, 1774 06-22-1773
Bustamante Documents related to court cases of various prisoners. 08-12-1776
Bustamante Letter from governor to virrey concerning the return of 50 soldiers 00-00-1729
Bustamante Administrative correspondence between Torija and virrey. 01-01-1763
Bustamante Administrative correspondence between Torija and virrey. 02-24-1764
Bustamante Correspondence between virrey, captains of presidios of Junta de los Rios and Janos. 02-14-1756
Bustamante Correspondence between Cuellar and virrey concerning military matters related to planned expedition against Apaches. 05-31-1768
Bustamante Letters concerning ship departures and arrivals. 04-29-1780
Bustamante Letter from Gachupin to virrey Croix concerning need of cooperation between presidios for defense. 04-20-1768
Bustamante Request by Perea for retirement and pension. 11-08-1815
Bustamante Correspondence from Loyola to viceroy during July 1788 regarding issues within Provincias Internas de Poniente with previous documents. 09-28-1787
