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Person Last Name Document title Date
Callejas Letter from commander of San Blas, informing of collapse of local church. 07-04-1816
Callejas Series of documents dealing with maritime transportation and civil administration 10-16-1812
Callejas Letter from Pasqua to viceroy reporting on situations of thirteen missions of Nueva California; missionaries from college of San Fernando... 04-28-1788
Callejas Letter from Pallou, guardian of San Francisco college, to fiscal de lo civil concerning irregularities of new missionaries transferred to... 10-16-1686
Callejas Matter of reimbursement for supplies provided to ships 00-00-1781
Callejas Daily logs and monthly rosters of troop strength at Santander and Llera. 01-31-1795
Callejas Documents relating to request by Navarro to cajas de Guadalaxara for payment of synods and provisioning of corn for cultivation by Indians. 02-16-1787
Callejas Series of letters dealing with political jurisdiction of provincias del oriente and poniente. 04-07-1819
Callejas Administrative correspondence dealing with reorganization of provincias del Oriente and Occidente. 04-30-1814
Callejas Letter from Indians to the viceroy requesting release or formal charges for prosecution. Defense made in favor of Puga 09-23-1783
Callejas passo alas superiores manos.... letters concerning charges of misconduct against Nunez. 04-28-1791
Callejas Letters concerning administrative and medical matters. 04-11-1798
Callejas Oficios regarding escape of 27 meca women from hospicio de pobres, and capture and imprisonment of some of them, also border. 06-23-1810
Callejas mui senora mia y mi mas benefactora 11-15-1816
Callejas sobre surtido de polbora y tabacos en las Provincias Internas de occidente, pagando su valor 10-26-1813
Callejas Documents concerning accusations of mistreatment of Indians in missions in alta California 08-20-1778
Callejas Letters from Borica to Calleja regarding the complaints lodged b Lopez in response to his dismissal from the governorship of the colonia... 11-13-1815
Callejas Concerning retirement of Barrera; travel license for Villamil; fiscal affairs of Gutierrez. 05-24-1815
Callejas Series of appeals to virrey from padres at colegio Pachuca for Martinez to travel to Rome. 12-23-1786
Callejas Juaquin Maynes alcalde de 2nd voto. Junta del ayuntamiento del valle de San Bartolome para satisfacer un decreto del virrey. 07-24-1813
Callejas Teodoro de Croix to Domingo Cabello. Transmitting decree forbidding merchants to trade and give credit to soldiers and families. 05-01-1780