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Person Last Name Document title Date
Camargo Adriano Gonzalez Valdez Zienfuegos, justicia mayor. Requicitoria librada por el justicia de parras contra los yndios que en ella se... 01-04-1734
Camargo Luis de Valdez a Diego Guaxardo, gobernador y capitan general. Testimonio sobre la rebelion de los Tepeguanes. 06-23-1648
Camargo Luis de Valdez a Diego Guaxardo, gobernador y capitan general. Testimonio sobre la rebelion de los Tepeguanes. 06-23-1648
Camargo Sobre si se debe establecer un presidio en el valle de Xicarilla. 00-00-1723
Camargo Letter of viceroy Bucareli(?) to governor Ugarte 10-19-1773
Camargo Inspection of missions 06-25-1703
Camargo Documents concerning possible Spanish chieftan of Indian group in Coahuila 04-14-1706
Camargo Erection of new missions and settlement in new town in Coahuila 01-02-1699
Camargo Letters from Elizondo and Martinez concerning disciplinary problems of 2nd flying company of Sonora 01-23-1771
Camargo Correspondence between viceroy and comandante general 04-16-1788
Camargo Guadalaxara -- en carta numero 165 de 26 de noviembre de 1803 dio cuenta . . . . 12-16-1803
Camargo autos y diligencias que se hizieron sobre aver pedido los Apaches de la Xicarilla y demas gentiles de aquellos payzes el agua del Santo... 11-08-1723
Camargo Complaints against commandant Jose Ortega by natives of Lajas concerning military misconduct 02-23-1819
Camargo 1820. Provincias internas de occidente numero 105. El excelentisimo senor comandante general de ellas remite la declaracion tomada al... 08-05-1820
Camargo Letters relating Juan de Dios Michelena's activities and whether he is a spy or not from New Mexico. 11-06-1795
Camargo compania precidial Horcasitas. Provincia de Sonora. Dia primero del mes de septiembre de 1816. 09-01-1816
Camargo Letter from Herrera to Nemesio Salcedo concerning capture of insurgent forces lead by Hidalgo. 03-28-1811
Camargo Service records for soldiers of the compania de Pimas de Tubac. 12-31-1817
Camargo Service records for soldiers of the compania de Pimas de Tubac. 12-31-1817
Camargo Reports to Flores about military strength of each jurisdiction. 01-05-1724
Camargo Reports concerning appointment of alcaldes in Nayarit. 01-04-1724
Camargo Documents concerning executors of Neve's will, inventories, auction and accounts of Neve's wealth. 01-29-1777
Camargo . Petition and presentation of a complaint against the governor, the Marques de la Penuela. 08-01-1712
Camargo Penuela (Marques de la). Order requiring September 14 of each year be a celebration of the conquest of Santa Fee by the Marques de la Nava... 09-16-1712
Camargo Felix Martinez (gobernador). Journal of entrada into moqui territory. 05-10-1716
Camargo Felix Martinez (gobernador). Governor requests religious officials to permit civil authorities to seize a soldier being sheltered at a... 01-12-1717
Camargo Antonio Camargo (fray). Resonse to royal order that Indians be instructed in the faith in the Spanish language. 08-20-1717
Camargo Diaz de hortega, Felipe. notice to viceroy related to governor of New Mexico, of Indian found wandering in Valladolid who was baptized and... 11-06-1795