Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Chavez Capitan Francisco Ramirez de Salazar. Auto de guerra. 03-02-1692
Chavez Joachin Fernandezto governor and captain don Lope de Cuellar. Inventories missions of Tarahumara Alta, Baja, Tepejuania, Sonora. 04-03-1770
Chavez Budget of expenses made in repair of salt stores of Huaristemba and Zapotillo. 02-29-1817
Chavez Correspondence between Hijosa, virrey re funds to repair salt warehouse at Zapotillo. 03-18-1794
Chavez Correspondence between Hijosa, virrey re funds to repair salt warehouse at Zapotillo. 03-18-1794
Chavez At request of his father, Luis Cuevas is sent to Nueva Californiato become poblador or soldado; father later requests that he be returned... 02-18-1799
Chavez Homicide case against Mulato Pablo Lugo. 10-11-1790
Chavez Trial of three Indians accused of espionage in Cuencame province 12-11-1688
Chavez Informe about attack of Apaches to Xemes and other pueblos. 06-23-1709
Chavez Autos concerning pueblo revolt of 1680. 08-14-1680
Chavez Correspondence of viceroy Bucareli and governor Fayni 08-02-1775
Chavez Letters from Nava to virrey concerning military employment, retirement and military promotions. 06-06-1792
Chavez Index of the letters from Pedro de Nava, describing concerns in Provincias Internas del poniente de la Nueva Vizcaya. 06-03-1791
Chavez Viceroy's letters to Nava referring to orders and dispatches about military and religious positions, and administrative paperwork. 09-27-1790
Chavez Establishment of stores to sell gunpowder and playing cards in Sinaloa. 09-03-1768
Chavez Correspondence between viceroy and Croix in reference to various issues within Provincias Internas. 07-31-1777
Chavez Documents relating to military and civilian requests for salary increases and other issues. 09-17-1777
Chavez Correspondence between comandante general, viceroy and officers pertaining to military personnel. 09-14-1790
Chavez Diary of Vial's expedition was sent to Concha; from Concha to virrey Revilla Gigedo. 05-00-1792
Chavez Budgets and details of repairs needed to buildings of the real sala del crimen in Mexico. Repairs to casa del mayorazgo in Puebla. 11-19-1790
Chavez Administrative correspondence between the governor of provincias de Oriente and the viceroy. 11-07-1792
Chavez Correspondence between commander of provincias del Oriente and the viceroy. 05-21-1785
Chavez Concerning Diaz de Luna transporting Apache prisoners to capitol. 10-14-1790
Chavez Nuevo Leon. Ano de 1784. Numero 40 instancia de Anselmo Rodriguez Balda, procurador de indios, sobre que se les asista 12-07-1782
Chavez Trial against several Indians from San Christobal mission, accused of convincing other to go to the mountains and rebel against Spaniards 03-23-1790
Chavez numero 8letters concerning promotion for Guifas, problems with senior officers, illness, and financial problems 10-02-1786
Chavez Gubernatorial administrative correspondence reporting on several Indian affairs and some military actions. 02-01-1792
Chavez Provincias Internas indice del tomo nunero 184 07-28-1818
Chavez Inquiries formed concerning rape and drowning of a woman by soldier Cristoval Ibarra 07-22-1819
Chavez Charges formed against soldier Francisco Chavez for second desertion. 06-24-1815
Chavez Charges formed against soldier Francisco Chavez for second desertion. 06-24-1815
Chavez Reports of Indian raids in Nueva Vizcaya. 12-30-1788
Chavez Instancia promovida por el capitan del presidio de Loreto don Fernando de Rivera y Moncada sobre satisfacciones de sus sueldos atrasados. 00-00-1773
Chavez Documents relating to charges brought by Moreno y Castro against Pison y Gusman for blasphemies, drunkenness, debts and other bad conduct,... 00-00-1768
Chavez papeles y titulos de las haziendas. Primeramente una caxa de ella los titulos/de la hazienda de este nombre, y/son los siguientes. 12-31-1540
Chavez cuaderno numero 23, de cuentas particulares de los sirvientes labradores, y baqueros de las estancias de cerroalto, 12-31-1802
Chavez Letters concerning handicapped soldiers who ask Gracia de invalidos retirement. 09-28-1816
Chavez Letters concerning handicapped soldiers who ask Gracia de invalidos retirement. 09-28-1816
Chavez Letters concerning handicapped soldiers who ask Gracia de invalidos retirement. 09-28-1816
Chavez Letter from Ugalde to virrey Conde de Galvez concerning eight provisions included in peace treaty that governor of Texas has proposed with... 02-23-1786
Chavez Bonavia elected to position of 'intendencia' of governor of Durango. 07-16-1793
Chavez Letter from Herrera to Nemesio Salcedo concerning capture of insurgent forces lead by Hidalgo. 03-28-1811
Chavez Report by Allende on payments to soldiers of Santa Fe presidio as per royal order of Cct. 4, 1766. 03-10-1818
Chavez Hernandez requests retirement from tercera compania del cuerpo Volante de Durango. Status of invalid also requested. 08-09-1816
Chavez Concerns monetary awards to certain military men in Santa Fe and Carrizal. 10-04-1766
Chavez Concerns monetary awards to certain military men in Santa Fe and Carrizal. 10-04-1766
Chavez Documents relating to comanche, navajo unrest. 05-02-1817
Chavez Francisco Xavier Weiss al padre provincial Francisco Zevallos. Brief note concerning mission affairs. 11-18-1765
Chavez Juan Jose Escovar escribano publico, venta de esclava. TA-NO-N.D.
Chavez Lorenzo de Mendivil. Memoria de los generos. 01-11-1725
