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Croix Con fecha 18 del anterior ymdiato me manda v.e. que combiene que el capitan dn Gabriel de Vildasola continue sin perdonar... 08-24-1770
Croix Con fha 16 de agosto proximo pasado me incluye v.e. su licencia para que pueda casarse el dragon del piquete del regimiento... 11-12-1770
Croix Con fha 18 de junio proxo. pasado se sieve v.e. prevenirme que atendiendo alas repetidas ynstancias de dn. Juan de Pineda... 07-21-1770
Croix Con motivo haver hido escoltando al yllo senor dn Joseph de Galvez quarenta hombres y con el del movimiento... 06-23-1770
Croix Concerning appointing Orozco as maestro armero after death of Zumaran. 08-12-1790
Cruz Concerning establishment and protection of jurisdictions in Nayarit. 12-10-1723
Cruz Concerning establishment and protection of jurisdictions in Nayarit. 12-10-1723
Cristoval Concerning establishment and protection of jurisdictions in Nayarit. 12-10-1723
Croix Concerning establishment of new treasury at Saltillo, civil appointments. 07-07-1793
Croix Concerning general planning of military campaigns, defense of Texas, Coahuila. 12-06-1817
Croix Concerning gold claims at Cieneguilla. 06-30-1772
Crofet Concerning hacienda de Arroyo Zarco's leasing; construction of reservoir. 07-02-1790
Croix Concerning military, religious affairs of Sonora. 01-16-1771
Croix Concerning shipment of arms to Nueva Vizcaya. 10-20-1783
Crespo Concerning supply of lanzas to milicias of Michoacan. 05-22-1784
Cruells Concerning supply of lanzas to milicias of Michoacan. 05-22-1784
Croix Concerning transportation of gold from Cieneguilla to ciudad de Mexico. 07-23-1772
Croix Concerning Tueros' business, salary, gambling operation. 11-29-1772
Cruillas Concerning Tueros' business, salary, gambling operation. 11-29-1772
Croix Concerns 'retirement' of Fueros, considered 'inutil' by Ugalde and virrey. 06-18-1782
Croix Concerns administrative documentation for presidio construction in San Carlos de Buenavista. 03-10-1770
Croix Concerns alleged rivalry between military of Saltillo and Parras, opposition to nomination of Varela Bermudez as 'capitan a guerra... 00-00-1767
Crespo Concerns civil and military administration 1775. 06-07-1775
Cruillas Concerns colonization of San Miguel, wages of N.A. and I.P. Santiago y Castillo. 06-04-1761
Croix Concerns construction of casas de moneda in Guatemala and Arispe. 06-02-1739
Croix Concerns construction of casas de moneda in Guatemala and Arispe. 06-02-1739
Cruillas Concerns construction of casas de moneda in Guatemala and Arispe. 06-02-1739
Cruz Concerns construction of church at Ygollo mission, secularization and inventory of 'temporalidades' at others. 03-00-1768
Cruz Concerns dealing with Indians after reconquest of Nayarit. 01-02-1724
Croix Concerns decision, much delayed by death of havilitado, to descontar from captain's salary money owed to regimientos and presidio. 08-07-1781
Croix Concerns decisions about militia organization in Saltillo and Parras, appointment of 'capitan a guerra,' all contingent upon... 00-00-1767
Croix Concerns decisions about the tropa de piquete de dragones de Espana which was long assigned to Sonora. 10-31-1772
Croix Concerns incorporation of oficials of Provincias Internas into monte pio de ministros. 06-19-1773
Cruz Concerns Indian raids on Nayari in December 1723. 12-02-1723
Cruz Concerns Indian raids on Nayari in December 1723. 12-02-1723
Cristobal Concerns Indian raids on Nayari in December 1723. 12-02-1723
Croix Concerns issues leading to Ugarte y Loyola's appointment as governor of puebla de Los Angeles. 00-00-1769
Croix Concerns real orden of March 2, 1782 in which king declares that 'secretarias' of Provincias Internas eligible for 'el goze... 03-02-1782
Cruz Concerns request by Velarde for status of invalid. 10-17-1802
Cruz Concerns request by Velarde for status of invalid. 10-17-1802
Crespo Concerns the management of the segunda compania de Voluntarios de Cataluna. 02-26-1761
Croix Concerns the management of the segunda compania de Voluntarios de Cataluna. 02-26-1761
Crespo Concerns the replacement of men within the regimiento de dragones de Espana detached in Mexico. 02-02-1767
Croix Concerns the replacement of men within the regimiento de dragones de Espana detached in Mexico. 02-02-1767
Croix conde de sierra gorda que se le oiga n.4. 01-25-1773
Croix Conde del Revillagigedo to Antonio Valdes. 02-28-1790
Croix Conflict concerning whether presidio captain Lumbreras should collect full final month of salary. 03-06-1779
Crespo Consejo de indias to king of Spain. Report on silver discoveries, Arizona. 10-05-1737
Croquer consequente de ordenes superiores de los excelentisimos senores virrey de estos dominios y comandante general de esta provincia, he... 01-11-1816
Cruz consequente de ordenes superiores de los excelentisimos senores virrey de estos dominios y comandante general de esta provincia, he... 01-11-1816
