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Dufay (Sargento)/military rolls from Echegaray for year end 1787. 05-01-1739
Dufay Administrative correspondence from Ramon to Castro. 06-10-1791
Dufay Administrative letters from Echegaray to Ugalde. 12-15-1787
Dufay Administrative letters from Echegaray to Ugalde; late 1788 01-02-1788
Dufay Ano de 1792 correspondencia con el gobernador de Nuevo Leon Manuel Vaamonde begins with acavo de recivir el superior. 10-03-1793
Dufay Bureaucratic correspondence concerning military administration of Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, Nuevo Santander. 06-22-1789
Dufay Carpeta septima; letters from Santianes to Ugalde and others concerning military activities. A few letters from Ugalde to Santianes and... 10-11-1786
Dufay Correspondence between missionaries, governor, others concerning allegations of mistreatment of Indians at missions. 00-00-1781
Dufay Correspondence concerning various matters of military administration. 11-16-1788
Dufay Correspondence regarding remuneration of officers for years of military service. 01-12-1788
Dufay Don Carlos por la gracia de Dios, rey de Castilla, de Leon, de Aragon, de las dos cecilias, de Jerusalem . . . . 11-03-1784
Dufay Don Guillermo Dufay alferes primero de la compania de la Punta de Lampazos provincia del Nuevo Reino de Leon . . . . 10-04-1790
Dufay El senor inspector que fue de las tropas de este reyno don Jose de expeleta, se encargo prolixamente.... 04-30-1767
Dufay Extracto general of military reviews of flying company of Lampazos, 1791, 1792. 01-03-1791
Dufay Formation and armament of cavalry and presidio in Nuevo Leon. 06-07-1783
Dufay General letters to, from Ugalde concerning military administration. 11-05-1787
Dufay Incidencias sobre don Guillermo Dufay. 11-02-1790
Dufay Indexes of documents sent from Castro to Revilla Gigedo 06-28-1791
Dufay Letter from Emparan to viceroy concerning charges leveled against Emparan by Castro. 05-24-1791
Dufay Letters between Castro and Emparan concerning Indian attacks. 08-11-1791
Dufay Letters between Dufay and other military officials dealing with his home arrests. Motives for the arrest are unclear to Dufay 09-20-1787
Dufay Letters between Emparan and Castro concerning dispute over appointment of Ventura Moreno as teniente gobernador militar. 07-29-1791
Dufay Letters between Ugalde, other military administrators, various concerns. 11-16-1788
Dufay Letters from Dufay to Ugalde concerning Indians behavior, and military informs. 08-06-1788
Dufay Letters from Dufay to Ugalde concerning Indians misbehavior. 04-01-1788
Dufay Letters from Echegaray to Ugalde and Gonzalez de la Huerta concerning remittance of military lists, and sugar trade. 01-11-1789
Dufay Letters from Echegaray to Ugalde concerning Indian issues. 04-01-1788
Dufay Letters from Echegaray to Ugalde concerning military promotions and petition for weapons. 09-24-1788
Dufay Letters from Echegaray to Ugalde concerning military promotions, granting of invalid status and travel costs of Indian captives. 01-25-1788
Dufay Letters from Ramirez to Ugalde concerning Indians behavior. 10-12-1789
Dufay Letters from Ramirez to Ugalde concerning logbook remittance. 08-04-1788
Dufay Letters from Ramon and Gomez de Castro to Ugalde concerning Indians behavior, and military reports. 09-20-1787
Dufay Letters from Uriarte and Balenzuela to Ugalde concerning military issues. 11-22-1786
Dufay Los indios Chichimecos del pueblo de San Christobal de esa provincia Andres de la Garra.... 01-10-1784
Dufay Military service records of Punta de Lampazos for 1788. 10-10-1771
Dufay Military service records, presidio de Lampazos. 01-08-1760
Dufay N. R. de Leon subalternos 87, 88 y 89. 09-21-1787
Dufay Nuevo Leon. Ano de 1784. Numero 40 instancia de Anselmo Rodriguez Balda, procurador de indios, sobre que se les asista 12-07-1782
Dufay Offices concerning legal trial to Mata. 10-17-1786
Dufay Para el archivo. Borradores. De oficios pasados a los presidios que deven trasladarse a sus respectives quadernos 03-16-1789
Dufay Routine administrative correspondence from Vaamonde to Castro. 04-28-1790
Dufay Series of letters from Castro to virrey complaining about Emparan. 07-14-1791
Dufay Series of letters relating to Emparan's replacement by acting governor Gutierrez de la Cueva. 08-27-1791
Dufay Series of letters to Francisco de Ugalde concerning Indian raids around Linares, Nuevo Reino de Leon 12-01-1786
Dufay Series of testimonies dealing with accusations made against Alferez Guillermo Dufay, accused of using abusive manners against subordinates... 03-10-1790
Dufay Service records of oficiales, sargentos y cadete from compania veterana de Lampazos. 08-19-1799
Dufay Unnumbered letters from Vaamonde and others to Conde de Revilla Gigedo. This series begins with he recivido las dos instancas. 09-20-1793
Dufay Unnumbered letters from Valdes to Vaamonde Villamil concerning investigation of Dufay's pacification of Indians with money. First... 10-07-1793
Dufay Unnumbered letters to virrey Conde from authors above generally concerning financial matters this series begins with worksheet titled... 09-27-1793