Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Duran Rubio, Josef to Mendinuta, Pedro Fermin de (gobernador). Short note to governor reviewing candidates for officer rank for presidio staff. 01-08-1778
Duran Anza, Juan Baptista de. A bando concerning the Voluntary war contribution. 08-17-1780
Duran Anza, Juan Baptista de. A bando concerning the Voluntary war contribution. 08-17-1780
Duran Ortiz, Theodora. A law suit over an inheritance and possession of cattle. 06-03-1782
Duran Ortiz, Theodora. A law suit over an inheritance and possession of cattle. 06-03-1782
Duran Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a bando concerning cattle brands and their use in New Mexico. 01-15-1783
Duran Sanchez, Jose. Diligencias seguidas a peticion de los vecinos de las truchas su theniente Jose Sanchez quien salio sin cargo. 02-04-1783
Duran Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of the royal decree appointing Phelipe de Neve as the comandante general of the provincias. 02-15-1783
Duran Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of the royal decree appointing Phelipe de Neve as the comandante general of the provincias. 02-15-1783
Duran Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a bando concerning the use of sealed (papel con sello) paper. 10-27-1783
Duran Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a bando prohibiting travel without written permission. 12-10-1783
Duran Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a bando prohibiting travel without written permission. 12-10-1783
Duran Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A bando transmitting Neve's bando concerning his authority in relation to the royal patronage. 03-10-1784
Duran Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A bando transmitting Neve's bando concerning his authority in relation to the royal patronage. 03-10-1784
Duran Anza, Juan Baptista de. Bando prohibiting the personal services provided by New Mexico Indians. 03-10-1784
Duran . Certifications of he publication of a document (bando) which is not preserved in the archive. 00-30-1785
Duran Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a royal decree appointing Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to the position of comandante general of the... 08-14-1786
Duran Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a bando limiting the amount of tobacco that passengers can take on board of ships during voyages. 08-19-1786
Duran Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo. Advises of pension to deceased man's widow. 06-24-1789
Duran . List of soldiers of Santa Fe presidio to receive pensions including their ages and years in service. 11-28-1795
Duran . List of soldiers of Santa Fe presidio to receive pensions including their ages and years in service. 11-28-1795
Duran Fernandes, Bartolome. Criminal case against Reyes Vigil. 07-28-1805
Duran Joaqin del Real Alencaster (gobernador). note to audiencia of Guadalajara that documents for criminal case against Josef Antonio Duran,... 06-10-1807
Duran List of subscribers to the Voluntary contribution made by the inhabitants of the province of New Mexico. Nearly 500 names. 11-20-1809
Duran Ruiz, Antonio/Chaves, Jose Antonio. List of names of children vaccinated; names of parents; places of residence. 08-22-1810
Duran Armijo, Francisco. Case against Armijo for cruelty to his wife. 03-25-1816
Duran Jose Francisco Duran. 04-29-1819
Duran Jose Francisco Duran. 04-29-1819
Duran Receipt for arms stored and taken. 08-23-1819
Duran Rafael Tapia. Report on arms stored in an unspecified warehouse (Santa Fe presidio)(?). 08-23-1819
Duran Bartolo Duran. Receipt for soap, sugar loaves, and ribbons sold to Bartolo Duran. 10-15-1819
Duran An order to have depts paid off. 10-19-1819
Duran Leiba, Jose Francisco. 12-27-1819
Duran . List of supplies given to members of the Santa Fe presidio. 05-06-1820
Duran Lucero, Pablo. Report on local elections for representatives to a district electoral junta to be held at Taos and on district election. 12-03-1820
Duran Lucero, Pablo. Report on local elections for representatives to a district electoral junta to be held at Taos and on district election. 12-03-1820
Duran Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Report on ayuntamiento of Pecos. 01-03-1821
Duran Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on absence of elector Alexandro and settlement of a law suit. Reply appended. 02-19-1821
Duran Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Concerning transport of grain for the troops. Reply appended. 04-10-1821
Duran Jaramillo, Manuel. Receipt for supplies provided to soldiers from carrizal presidio company. 06-19-1821
Duran Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of letter concerning Duran's non compliance with an order to organize... 07-26-1821
Duran Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on damages done by a group of comanches and asking for the formation of a contribution to a... 08-21-1821
Duran Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of Pino's proclamation, and communicating his (Duran's) willingness to... 08-23-1821
Duran Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on whereabouts of militiamen nominated to rank of sergeant. 08-24-1821
Duran Luis Antonio Manchaca (capitan). Pleito sobre muerte por heridos de Diego Menchacha por Juan Sosa por adulterio con su esposa. 04-19-1772
Duran Domingo Cabello. 02-14-1782
