Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Delgado Reports of events on frontier from Munoz. 12-20-1775
Delgado Camargo Correspondence between Oca, Bucareli, and other government officials concerning Oca's request to go to Spain. 05-22-1769
del Moral Offices concerning index of Pedro de Nava's letters from 1790 to 1793, 12-06-1790
deArizpe Offices concerning index of Pedro de Nava's letters from 1790 to 1793, 12-06-1790
Delgado Index of the letters from Pedro de Nava, describing concerns in Provincias Internas del poniente de la Nueva Vizcaya. 06-03-1791
Delgado Viceroy's letters to Nava referring to orders and dispatches about military and religious positions, and administrative paperwork. 09-27-1790
Delgado Nava's correspondence re: pensions; military and civil personnel' military appointments; civil administration. 07-01-1772
Delgado Nava's correspondence re: military appointments for Santa Fe, Tucson, and Cerrogordo; and retirements. 07-01-1791
Denofeant Nava's correspondence concerning Denofeant's conduct among Apache chiricaquis, and Mata Binolas' plans against rebels near... 06-14-1791
Deblane Correspondence concerning Indian attacks in Texas and Nuevo Santander and relations with French in Luisiana. 11-09-1795
Delgadillo Correspondence between Nava and virrey concerning diverse fiscal and administrative affairs. 05-12-1794
Delgado Varied procedural military documents such as oficios and acknowledgement of receipt of correspondence, 1795-1796. 08-07-1795
Delgado Military review of segunda compania Volante de Nuevo Santander, diarios and military rolls, 1796. 01-01-1796
de Malla Relacion and informes concerning pacification of comanches and yutas. 02-20-1779
Delgado Correspondence between various officials concerning Indian relations in Nuevo Mexico 11-00-1786
Delgado Accounts and receipts for food and other gift goods given to comanches in Nuevo Mexico. 01-26-1787
Delgado Dos cuentas de gastos extraordinarios originados en la provincia de Nuevo Mexico. 08-25-1787
Delgado Account and receipt of gift goods to allied Indian nations in Nuevo Mexico. 01-01-1790
Deneira Establishment of stores to sell gunpowder and playing cards in Sinaloa. 09-03-1768
Delgado Collection of autos and testimonios related to economic crisis of Chihuahua City (directed to viceroy?) 10-19-1739
Deporto Letters and autos from various officials to Fayni and Bucareli concerning military crisis of Nueva Vizcaya 10-31-1771
Delgado Letters to and from Escorza concerning fiscal arrangements for presidios around Chihuahua. 04-02-1776
Delgado Letters and accounts to and from Escorza, concerning fiscal management of the presidios around Chihuahua. 05-19-1777
Dertbilos Administrative correspondence between Bonilla and the viceroy. 03-12-1772
Demecieres Rengel acknowledges receipt of various copies of royal announcements and decrees from Virreynato. 02-07-1786
Demecieres Military, fiscal and administrative correspondence of comandante general Croix, primarily with viceroy, for 1782. 08-19-1773
Demecieres Correspondence between Croix and virrey re: civil administration of personnel, armour, and expenditures. 04-12-1780
Deiran Letters from Callis to viceroy on pay and supply expenses. 12-30-1770
Dejoa Letters from Elizondo and Martinez concerning disciplinary problems of 2nd flying company of Sonora 01-23-1771
Denojeant Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy re: military personnel. 06-16-1785
Delgado Correspondence between viceroy and comandante general de las Provincias Internas. 05-03-1788
Delgado O'conor's informe on condition of interior provinces 01-30-1776
Delgado Correspondence re: documents in Bodega's possesion at time of death that are to be archived. 05-03-1794
Delgadillo Correspondence re: fire in old church and financing construction of new church. 05-17-1787
Desquiver y Barga [untitled] 11-06-1783
Delgado Letter from Ripperda to Bucareli complaining about elections. 07-05-1774
Demezieres Ripperda's correspondence re: Indian depredations and abandonment of Orcoquiza 10-14-1770
Demezieres Ripperda's correspondence re: defence, troop movement and allocation, and Indian depredations 07-21-1770
Delgado Ripperda's correspondence re: defence, troop movement and allocation, and Indian depredations 07-21-1770
Delgado Ripperda's correspondence re: defence, troop movement and allocation, and Indian depredations 07-21-1770
Demezieres Ripperda to Croix re: mail delivery and exploration of costal area to Louisiana 04-20-1771
Demezieres Ripperda's correspondence re: peace with Indians, use of troops, defense, Indian depredations and pacification 05-26-1771
Delgado Ripperda's correspondence re: Indian auxiliares, Indian conversion, and detachment troops 04-20-1771
Delgado Documents regarding military issues within Provincias del Poniente. 12-15-1788
Delgado Correspondence from Loyola to viceroy during July 1788 regarding issues within Provincias Internas de Poniente with previous documents. 09-28-1787
Denojeant Correspondence regarding military issues during September 1788 in Provincias Internas de Poniente. 09-22-1788
Delgado Correspondence from various officials to viceroy regarding military issues in Provincias Internas. 04-23-1788
Denojeant Correspondence of Ugarte and viceroy concerning promotions of presidial officers and other administrative positions. 06-01-1787
Deonls-Dite Exmo. Senor -- como en oficio no. 27 de 9 de febrero proximo anterior, dije a v.exa. Que no havia aun recivido el titulo de capitan grande... 02-08-1788
Deonls-Dite Exmo. Sor = con el gusto que justamente me infiere el conocimiento que v.exia. Tiene ya del poder de los lipanes y lipiyanes 03-07-1788
