Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Diaz Letter from Mezieres concerning different Indian groups, comanche raids, arrest of Vidal, and other matters. 07-17-1774
Diaz Letter from Mezieres concerning different Indian groups, comanche raids, arrest of Vidal, and other matters. 07-17-1774
Dupont Correspondence between governors of Texas and virrey, year 1790 02-00-1790
Diaz de Salcedo Correspondence between governors of Texas and virrey, year 1790 02-00-1790
Damacio de Aguilar Correspondence between Tovar and virrey (?), includes copies of correspondence between Tovar, Ripperda and Pacheco. From February to June,... 02-05-1771
Damasio de Aguilar Correspondence between Tobar and virrey, year 1771. Includes copies of correspondence between Tobar and Ripperda. 02-02-1771
Diaz Correspondence with Bucareli concerning Tobar's resignation and Cazorla's new post as captain of Bahia in year 1772. 03-03-1772
Durava Correspondence concerning appointment of Durava as governor of Provincias Internas. 02-09-1793
Demezieres Ripperda's correspondence re: Indian depredations and abandonment of Orcoquiza 10-14-1770
Demezieres Ripperda's correspondence re: defence, troop movement and allocation, and Indian depredations 07-21-1770
Delgado Ripperda's correspondence re: defence, troop movement and allocation, and Indian depredations 07-21-1770
Delgado Ripperda's correspondence re: defence, troop movement and allocation, and Indian depredations 07-21-1770
Demezieres Ripperda to Croix re: mail delivery and exploration of costal area to Louisiana 04-20-1771
Du Pain Relacion about peace trip to Caudachos 00-00-1729
Demezieres Ripperda's correspondence re: peace with Indians, use of troops, defense, Indian depredations and pacification 05-26-1771
Delgado Ripperda's correspondence re: Indian auxiliares, Indian conversion, and detachment troops 04-20-1771
Davalos y Rayo Legal documents from Echeverria to de la Mota y Portugal 06-27-1718
Dongo Legal documents given by Echeverria to Dongo 04-14-1752
Diaz Legal documents concerning payments of interest rates on loans. 05-14-1757
Diez Bustamante Letters from president of misiones de Californiato virrey concerning retirement permissions. 03-20-1786
Diaz de Corvera Legal documents from Conde de Revillagigedo to rey de Espana. 01-30-1793
Diaz de la Vega Legal documents concerning sale of lands between Villapuente and misiones de California. 01-20-1801
Diaz Correspondence between Hezeta and virrey concerning ships, including construction and repair. 06-18-1779
Davalos Correspondence concerning employment, delivery of food to Californias and Loreto, and war against England. 03-06-1780
Diaz Letters concerning military promotions. 08-09-1780
Davalos Offices concerning ship repairs, construction, and voyages; military promotions and fiscal affairs. 02-20-1780
Davalos Bodega y Quadra to virrey concerning agave (pita) commerce. 05-11-1780
Diaz Letters concerning payments of Alcabala to department of San Blas, and de la Bodega y Quadra replacement by Arteaga. 08-09-1780
Dapelo Request for promotion. 00-00-1756
Diaz Veanes Diary submitted to virrey re: troop movements and Indian hostilities. 02-07-1767
Daroca Letter from Daroca re: arrival at presidio del norte, revista of local population, encounters with Apaches. 10-24-1773
Daroca Letter fro Daroca to virrey Bucareli and response re: arrival at Paso del norte and request for money. 06-12-1773
Daroca Letter from Daroca and attached note from Oconor re: Daroca's requset for retirement following injury. 01-18-1774
Daroca Letter from Daroca asking permission to marry. 02-16-1774
Daroca Letter to Daroca re: replacement following accidents, job performance. 10-14-1774
Daroca Letter from Daroca to virrey Bucareli re: deteriorating health, other matters. 06-08-1774
Daroca Letter from Daroca to virrey Bucareli re: providing assistance to Barrio. 09-24-1774
Daroca Letter to Daroca re: defense of his conduct. 04-06-1774
Daroca Daroca requests reassignment in any place other than El Paso where he is currently serving. Remits details of service and experience. 10-15-1774
Daroca Letter from Mendinuta to Peramas acknowledging good character of Daroca. 03-31-1773
Duran Ichabes Letter from Duran Ichabes discussing his failure to gain audience with governor. 04-28-1775
Dominiquez Letter from governor of New Mexico insuring safe passage for Atanacio Dominquez to visit mission. 06-07-1775
Duran Letter to Mendinuta from virrey(?) concerning charges of mestas against debtor Baduran. 02-29-1776
Dominquez Letters from Mendinuta concerning justification of mission construction and battle plans. 03-20-1776
Dominquez Letter from Mendinuta to Bucareli asking for aid to conduct Dominquez on visit. 06-07-1775
Draca Letters between Mendinuta and virrey about charges brought against draca and satisfaction with officer mestas. 02-29-1776
Dominquez Letters between Mendinuta and virrey containing index & summary of correspondence by number. 11-29-1776
Dominguez Letter from Arredondo to viceroy requesting recompense for battle fought by company three years previous. 01-31-1799
Davila Collection of letters, decretos, oficios concerning effects of revisions in military pension program on invalid soldiers and their families. 00-00-1769
Dominguez Oficios from Cordero and others to virrey concerning Cordero's re-assignment of governorship. 02-08-1779
