Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Enrriquez Jiron y Cabrera Bustamante, Juan Domingo de (gobernador y capitan general). Order for publication of real cedula announcing resumption of throne by Felipe... 09-30-1724
Enunquee Munga, Pedro/Munga, Pedro el moso. Criminal proceedings against Pedro Munga and son for witchcraft. 08-23-1725
Enrriquez de Cabrera Enrriquez de Cabrera, Miguel (alcalde mayor-capitan). Order regulating trade with Apaches. 09-09-1725
Enrriguez Afan de Rivera, Francisco. Settlement of estate of Francisco Afan de Rivera. 05-13-1726
Enrriquez Bustamante, Juan Domingo de (gobernador y capitan general). Complaint against religious for disregard of military- religious custom and... 06-11-1727
Enrriquez de Cabrera Romero, Francisco Xavier. Criminal proceedings against Francisco Xavier Romero for sodomy. 06-09-1728
Ensenada . Outlawing petitions by troops, outlines punishments. 11-11-1752
Enguero . December 4, 1821 copy of the gaceta imperial del Mexico with news of political and economic interest. Several reports from various... 12-04-1821
Enderica Report of Iturbide's capture of the fuerte de liceaga. 11-20-1812
Enis Vezinos of San Fernando to Prudencio de Orrobio Bazierra petition requesting aid due to loss of crops to locusts 06-10-1738
Ensenada Junta de guerra y hacienda. Relates to the French moving the presidio of nachitos into Spanish territory. 01-00-1754
Enmosa Ciudadanos de San Fernando a Jazinto de Larrios y Jaurigue. Series of documents seeking repeal of acts by the governor. 09-00-1754
Enciso Pedro Alvarez Enciso. Carta personal sobre sus haciendas y fondos. 03-06-1769
Enciso Pedro Alvarez Enciso. Carta personal sobre sus haciendas y fondos. 03-06-1769
Enrrique Domingo Cabello. Military reports of Bexar. 02-28-1781
Enrriques Domingo Cabello. 02-14-1782
Encueracapa Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to Domingo Cabello. Reports on Indian alliances. 07-15-1786
