Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Escandon conde de sierra gorda que se le oiga n.4. 01-25-1773
Estrada y Bustamante conde de sierra gorda que se le oiga n.4. 01-25-1773
Escandon conde de sierra gorda que se le oiga n.4. 01-25-1773
Escandon conde de sierra gorda que se le oiga n.4. 01-25-1773
Escandon conde de sierra gorda que se le oiga n.4. 01-25-1773
Escovar y Llamas Consejo de indias. expediente sobre cargas contra gobernador Agustin de Vildosola. 07-00-1752
Escovar y Llamas Consejo de indias. Extracto del expediente que trata de la reduccion... 00-00-1744
Estrada consequente de ordenes superiores de los excelentisimos senores virrey de estos dominios y comandante general de esta provincia, he... 01-11-1816
Escobedo consulta del comandante de marina de San Blas sobre que las memorias para los presidios de California esten en todo February A mas tardar... 12-16-1785
Estudillo consulta del governador del Nuevo Reyno de Leon don Vizente Gonzales santianes sobre que se le paguen sus sueldos desde 1 de enero de 73. 09-10-1772
Escorza Consultas de oficiales reales de Durango sobre caudales para la paga de situados de los presidios internos, y descuentos a sus oficiales... 03-19-1773
Escovar Consultation by Ruiz with virrey on various civil and naval matters. 02-20-1778
Escaxadillo Continuation of issue addressed in preceeding folios: allegations of mistreatment of pisones at mission Ygollo, related issues. 00-00-1753
Escandon Continuation of preceeding folios in which fathers of various missions defend themselves against allegations of poor mission administration... 02-10-1767
Escorza Continuation of serial 19700012, oficiales de nueva creacion y providencias, etc. concerning establishment of new presidios of Janos, San... 06-19-1779
Escudero Contra Antonio de Escudero, Lorenzo Ventura, Miguel Peinado y Juan indios Apaches. Por hacer robo en la casa y tienda de Ignacia Barbara de... 03-26-1761
Esteban Contra Esteban, indio tarahumarch Por haber dado muerte a un espanol llamado Joseph. 05-11-1730
Espadas Contrato de condiciones and related documents 10-28-1783
Espeleta Contrato de condiciones and related documents 10-28-1783
Espinosa copia de declaraciones recibidas sobre lo ocurrido el 14 de octubre con el ayuntamiento por haberse presentado a las nueve de la manana a s... 08-31-1814
Esquibel Copia de ynstruccion que dejo Velez Cachupin gobernador del Nuevo Mexico a su sucesor don Francisco Marin del Valle. 08-12-1754
Escondon Copied informes from archbishop in San Luis Potosi concerning establishment of missions in Nuevo Santander and Provincias Internas. 11-15-1772
Esquibel Cornel y Ferraz, Antonio (secretario de estado). Royal order 10-04-1766
Esquibel Cornel y Ferraz, Antonio (secretario de estado). Royal order 10-04-1766
Escalante Correspondence among various officials concerning suspension of 'recargo de armamentos.' 01-23-1787
Espinosa Correspondence and diary re: Cordero's campaign against Indians. 08-29-1789
Estrada Correspondence and published government documents on regulation of maritime transportation of other ports with San Blas 07-26-1810
Escalante Correspondence between Allande, Ugarte, viceroy, and other government officials concerning endowment of Allande's wife. 08-06-1776
Espinosa Correspondence between Arredondo, Lopez, and Adam concerning Indian hostilities in Coahuila. 02-17-1816
Esquerra Correspondence between Belena, Galvez, viceroy and other officials regarding visits by Galvez an Belena to provinces of Sonora and Sinaloa . 10-00-1769
Espanger Correspondence between Bonavia and comandante general regarding border defense plan, troops and logistics discussed. 04-25-1809
Estrada Correspondence between Bucareli, Ugarte, Oconor, and others concerning relocation of presidios. 00-00-1750
Escorza Correspondence between Caballero de Croix and virrey Mayorga on administrative matters of the Provincias Internas Jan.-March 1782. 01-02-1782
Esquine Correspondence between Cachupin, Cruillas and others re: Portillo's attack on cumanche; establishment of peace. 03-23-1762
Escobar Correspondence between Corix and Mayorga re: civil administration, request and receipt of documents, civil and military personnel, and... 10-21-1779
Espinosa Correspondence between Crespo and viceroy on plans for second expedition to Monte Rey 05-18-1774
Escorza Correspondence between Croix and Cuellar concerning war against Apaches. Copies of extensive series of documents and testimonies from... 10-20-1766
Estrada Correspondence between Croix and Cuellar concerning war against Apaches. Copies of extensive series of documents and testimonies from... 10-20-1766
Escorza Correspondence between Croix and Cuellar concerning war against Apaches. Copies of extensive series of documents and testimonies from... 10-20-1766
Escobar Correspondence between Croix and Mayorga re: administrative matters of receipt of documents, military personnel, and Moncada trip to... 02-06-1780
Escorza Correspondence between Croix and Mayorga re: receipt of correspondence; personnel; funds for missionaries; transport to Californias;... 10-27-1773
Escorra Correspondence between Croix and Mayorga re: treasury transactions; military personnel; documents on Aviles; use of funds. 12-07-1779
Esconsa Correspondence between Croix and virrey re: civil administration of personnel, armour, and expenditures. 04-12-1780
Estavillo Correspondence between Croiz and Mayorga re: civil administration; personnel; treasury transactions; salaries; use of funds inporting... 08-14-1777
Escorza Correspondence between Croiz and Mayorga re: military personnel and treasuries of Chihuahua and Alamos. 00-00-1778
Espinoza Correspondence between Diaz, Fueros, viceroy, and others government officials concerning separation of Nueva Vizcaya from Coahuila. 05-21-1785
Espinosa Correspondence between Elias, Tienda, and Cruillas concerning relocation of Sobaipuri Indians. 03-22-1762
Estorgo Correspondence between Elizondo and viceroy regarding expedition to Sonora. 04-08-1767
Escafadillo Correspondence between Escandon and Marques de Altamira concerning the preparation of the colonization of the seno Mexicano 06-07-1748
Estrada Correspondence between Feliz, viceroy, Nava, and other government officials concerning payment of sinodos to Valdez. 08-00-1767
