Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Fueros Correspondence of intendente Corbalan for January - February, 1773 02-11-1772
Fueros Correspondence of intendente Corbalan, March 1773. 06-24-1772
Fueros Correspondence of intendente Corbalan for April - June, 1773 02-22-1772
Fueros Correspondence of Pedro Corbalan, intendente of Sonora, for January - March, 1774 03-29-1749
Fueros Correspondence of intendente Corbalan for May - June, 1774 06-22-1773
Fueros Correspondence of intendente Corbalan for July 1774 12-11-1759
Fueros Correspondence of intendente Corbalan for November - December 1774. 00-00-1769
Fueros Correspondence relating to Velasquez' complaints and request to leave office. 04-16-1784
Fueros Correspondence between viceroy and Corbalan concerning military personnel, salaries, and fiscal affairs of Sonoran military expedition. 01-15-1771
Fueros Corbalan to Croix letter concerning government purchase Cieneguilla gold. 09-24-1771
Fueros Correspondence between Corbalan and Croix concerning supplies and funds for troops in Californias. 01-02-1771
Fueros Corbalan's correspondence re: gold discoveries; troop food supplies; Yaqui subsistance. 04-29-1771
Fueros Corbalan to Croix letter concerning Yaqui problems. 07-08-1771
Fueros Correspondence between Corbalan and Croix re: military personnel; Santa Lucia revolt and Yaqui settlement. 06-13-1767
Fueros Corbalan to Croix letter-moving (Casa Marca; silver smuggling. 01-15-1771
Fueros Corbalan to Croix letter concerning Sonoran mines. 09-24-1771
Fueros Corbalan to Bucareli y Ursua letter describing recent Sonoran mining discoveries. 12-24-1771
Fueros Bernardo de Urrea to Pedro Corbalan letter concerning murder Indian woman. 11-11-1771
Fueros Fueros to Urrea letter concerning murder of Indian woman. 11-18-1771
Fueros Index of issues contained in documents sent from governor of Sonora, to virrey. 02-09-1777
Fueros Correspondence with Sonora's governor Francisco Crespo 1774 01-23-1774
Fueros Correspondence about administrative issues, between governor and virrey 1774. Mostly military issues. 03-30-1774
Fueros Correspondence between governor of Sonora and virrey 1774. 06-18-1774
Fueros Letters between governor of Sonora and virrey 1774. 01-21-1774
Fueros Documents concerning Indian affairs and military campaigns against Indians enemies. 07-02-1775
Fueros Correspondence between governor of Sonora and viceroy 1775. Indian affairs. 08-21-1775
Fueros Administrative correspondence between governor of Sonora and viceroy, 1776 09-17-1776
Fueros Correspondence from various officials to viceroy regarding military issues in Provincias Internas. 04-23-1788
Fueros Various instancias from officers requesting promotions within Provincias Internas. 12-21-1786
Fueros Instrucciones generales -- que empezo a estender el coronel d. Juan de Ugalde Cavallero del orden de Santiago . . . 01-01-1787
Fueros Letters dealing with actions of Ugalde against the mescalero Indians. 00-00-1786
Fueros Letters between different civil and military officials concerning mescaleros living near presidio del norte. 09-12-1772
Fueros Letters between Galvez, Ugalde, and Ugarte concerning military campaigns against Cohahuila's Indians. 00-00-1777
Fueros El senor comandante general interino de Provincias Internas don Joseph Antonio Rengel, en oficio de 7 de maio ... 10-27-1783
Fueros novedades reported to the viceroy by military officials 09-08-1788
Fueros Administrative correspondence between Castro and the viceroy. 10-19-1790
Fueros expediente sobre el cumplimento real orden de 29 de febrero de 1787 comunicada al denor secretario de virreynato don Francisco Fernandez de... 12-24-1784
Fueros Introductory letter from Ugarte to Revilla Gigedo explaining complaints and current conditions of area under his command. 11-20-1789
Fueros Concerns forced retirement of officials considered 'inutil' by Ugalde, virreyes. 00-00-1782
Fueros Concerns forced retirement of officials considered 'inutil' by Ugalde, virreyes. 04-08-1783
Fueros Concerns 'retirement' of Fueros, considered 'inutil' by Ugalde and virrey. 06-18-1782
Fueros Concerns 'retirement' of Fueros, considered 'inutil' by Ugalde and virrey. 02-25-1788
Fueros Concerns 'retirement' of Fueros, considered 'inutil' by Ugalde and virrey. 02-25-1788
Fueros Testimony from ministers to virrey, others explaining harsh treatment of Indians at certain missions. 09-07-1787
Fueros Correspondence between missionaries, governor, others concerning allegations of mistreatment of Indians at missions. 00-00-1781
Fueros Virrey decrees division between comandancia general, informs pertinent functionaries of decision. 09-30-1772
Fueros sobre eleccion de govierno politico y militar en la taraumara y de ests empleo y del ayudante inspector del presidio. 02-12-1790
Fueros Providencias para que el capitan Moncada recoja varias bestias y armamentos de desertores y disponga de todo el gobernador. 09-26-1780
Fueros Cuentas respectivas a soldados del presidio del Tucson y Santa Cruz 00-00-1780
Fueros Accounts pertaining to the members of Rivera y Moncada 's Colorado river expedition. 10-13-1764
