Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Fernandez de Carrion Sebastian de Posada. Testamento, inventorio y distribucion de bienes. 05-06-1651
Flores Sebastian Morjaras. Peticion al Cabildo para posesion del estado del defunto Jose Juachin Flores. 04-18-1775
Flores Sebastian Morjaras. Peticion al Cabildo para posesion del estado del defunto Jose Juachin Flores. 04-18-1775
Flores Second half of third of four notebooks concerning opposition to canonry of Durango. 05-09-1770
Francisco Antonio Second notebook of criminal charges against Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba and his accomplices 05-02-1771
Flores Second of four notebooks concerning opposition to canonry of Durango. 01-18-1768
Fernandez Senor capitan don Juan Maria Murgier - Mui senor mio: enterado de lo que usted me expono en su carta . . . . 07-14-1786
Florez Senor comandante general=por ser de Suma importancia que las naciones barbaras se aficionen... 05-26-1777
Felipe Senor: por la superior orden de vuestra excelencia de 27 de marzo de este ano, quedo instruido 05-09-1784
Flores senor: uno de los encargos de v.e. fue le que prestara mi mayor attencion 02-22-1788
Frias Seri Indians settlement near the Pitic. 12-12-1771
Fidalgo Series begins with certifico que el dia 19 diz. Del pasado.... 10-17-1791
Fobar Series begins with certifico que el dia 19 diz. Del pasado.... 10-17-1791
Faustino Series begins with certifico que el dia 19 diz. Del pasado.... 10-17-1791
Frillo y Bermudez Series begins with certifico que el dia 19 diz. Del pasado.... 10-17-1791
Florez Series of appeals to virrey from padres at colegio Pachuca for Martinez to travel to Rome. 12-23-1786
Fernandez de Cordova Series of autos about the inhibiciones of Indians auxiliaries tlaxcalas and Chichimecas from the area of Zacatecas. Copies of autos enacted... 03-20-1592
Flores Series of autos and testimonies describing the type of abuses committed by Baes against hacendados of real de Vallecillos 09-17-1790
Fernandez de Estrada Series of autos and testimonies of military operations in the area of Guejuquilla jurisdiction of Colotlan. 05-22-1758
Flores Series of autos and testimonies on trial against Indian leader Leonardo Ramirez, accused of abuses committed against Indians under his... 08-11-1780
Fernandes Series of autos by licenciado osorio concerning merchant/sales tax 05-20-1779
Frevino Series of autos by licenciado osorio concerning merchant/sales tax 05-20-1779
Faboada Series of autos by licenciado osorio concerning merchant/sales tax 05-20-1779
Flores Series of autos by licenciado osorio concerning merchant/sales tax 05-20-1779
Flores de San Pedro Series of autos dealing with the conquest and reorganization of the provincias of San Luis Cololtlan 1773-1777. 11-06-1773
Fernandez Series of autos in prosecution of Cordero Ruiz and Amezua 01-10-1791
Flores Series of autos on Indian religious practices. Letters informing the viceroy of idolatry of Indians and the determination exterminate it 02-01-1768
Fermin y Acuna Series of autos on judicial proceedings. Charges brought against Indians accused of attacking a mine. Series of testimonies taken from... 11-14-1771
Flores Series of autos on land measurements and distributions for colonizers who came from islas canarias to live in San Fernando, province of... 11-28-1730
Frelles Villa de Moros Series of autos on the creation of militias in Colotlan and Nayarit to protect presidios and silver shipments to Spain 11-22-1777
Flores de la Torre Series of certificaciones and testimonies about the conquest of Nayarit and Santa Maria de Los Angeles by military personnel of Colotlan. 05-16-1724
Flores de San Pedro Series of certificaciones and testimonies about the conquest of Nayarit and Santa Maria de Los Angeles by military personnel of Colotlan. 05-16-1724
Fernandez de Cordova Series of certificaciones and testimonies about the conquest of Nayarit and Santa Maria de Los Angeles by military personnel of Colotlan. 05-16-1724
Fuentes Series of correspondence with governor Escandon concerning administrative affairs in Nuevo Santander. 01-06-1764
Flores Series of documents certifiying an earthquake that occurred in Colotlan 1774. 03-27-1775
Fernandez Series of documents concerning complaints made by Humana that Goycochea has not vacated his former residence. 02-28-1806
Fernandez Series of documents concerning discovery in Texas of movement sympathetic towards coronel Iturbide. 03-16-1821
Fernandez Series of documents concerning discovery in Texas of movement sympathetic towards coronel Iturbide. 03-16-1821
Fons Series of documents concerning expenses made by Sagarraga in preparing for transition of office to Gonzalez del Castillo. 10-10-1799
Flanells Series of documents concerning granting of status of poblador and invalido to retired soldier Valentin Flanella. 06-13-1773
Felipe II Series of documents concerning legal history supporting Lujan's request that he receive Halberdier's salary. 09-29-1797
Fernandez de la Torre Series of documents concerning maritime transportation and military administration. 11-08-1804
Fuente Series of documents concerning maritime transportation and military administration. 11-08-1804
Fernandez Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, military organization, and military-religious relations. 08-25-1809
Franco Series of documents concerning naming of Elosua as ayudante inspector and Pardo as governor of Texas. 02-17-1818
Froylan de Mier Series of documents concerning naming of governor of Nuevo Leon. 03-27-1813
Fernando VII Series of documents concerning naming of governor of Nuevo Leon. 03-27-1813
Fernando VII Series of documents concerning petition of retirement by pages. 06-15-1816
Fons y Cerda Series of documents concerning project to increase production at hacienda San Pedro de Ibarra. 02-07-1797
Fernandez de Castro Series of documents concerning promotions granted to Palou and Genebriera. 10-01-1808
