Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Ferros Bernardo Roybal-to-Gaspar Domingo de Mendoza. Criminal case against Manuel Martin, adultery and assault. 06-07-1741
Fernandez Luis Quintana. Causa criminal contra Luis Quintana, Apache. 07-08-1741
Felis Sanches Luis Quintana. Causa criminal contra Luis Quintana, Apache. 07-08-1741
Fuente Gaspar Domingo de Mendoza. General order to alcaldes mayores concerning vigilance of Indian problems. 02-20-1742
Fuenclara Dilixencias judiziales-la alberiquazion de la persona de Santiago Belo, nazion franzes. 06-10-1744
Fernando VII Garcia Conde, Alejo. Legal decrees pertaining to vagrants and gypsies. 04-30-1745
Fernandes Juan Antonio Salazar. Causa criminal, a pedimento de Juan Antonio Salazsar, contra Manuel Valerio. 07-31-1745
Fernando Fernando, rey de Espana. Royal appointment of Joseph Naranja as Santa Fe militia captain. 03-13-1747
Fernandez Ventura indio. Description of navajos by Ventura, a genizaro Indian, who lived with the navajos for more than a year. 07-20-1748
Fierro Velez Cachupin, Tomas (gobernador). Lengthy report by governor of New Mexico presenting testimony of three captured Frenchmen who admit to... 04-12-1749
Fernandez Autos obrados por el theniente del pueblo de Taos sobre una junta de guerra celebrada en aquel pueblo. 12-29-1749
Fernando VII . Outlawing petitions by troops, outlines punishments. 11-11-1752
Fresquis Joseph Fresquis. Litigation over 18 peso debt-Joseph Fresquis s contra Antonio Gallegos sobre el complimento de un trato. 04-28-1753
Fragoso Domingo Luxan. Una petizion presentada ante el senor vicario y juez eclesiastico por Domingo Luxan, soldado de este real presidio. 08-09-1755
Fernandez Vizente Ginzo Ron y Thobar. Complaint brought about by soldiers scandalous conduct, bad living and slovenly appearance. 04-17-1757
Fernandez Juan Benavides Diego Antonio Marquez. Benavides and Marques escaped from prison, Fernandez sent after them. 05-00-1757
Fernandez Carlos Fernandez. Fernandez submits for appointment as teniente of Santa Fe. 05-11-1757
Fernandez Petition that Esteban Rodriquez be returned to duty as the drummer for the company. 05-16-1757
Fernandez Petition that Esteban Rodriquez be returned to duty as the drummer for the company. 05-16-1757
Fernandez Francisco Guerrero. Guerrero brings charges against Miguel Thenorio documents deal with testimony of those involved. 08-22-1757
Fresques Pedro Martin. Concerns return of mule to Fresques by Diego Naranjo. 02-27-1762
Fernandez Julio Antonio Duran. Duran petitions for the return of his horse taken by Pedro Antonio Truxillo. 03-08-1762
Fernandez Lazaro Cordova. Felipe Garduno brings charges against his father-in-law, Cordova, for animals owed him. 04-22-1762
Flores Miguel el Tasajo. Proceedings against Miguel (reano) el Tasajo for cattle theft. 06-12-1762
Flores Miguel el Tasajo. Proceedings against Miguel (reano) el Tasajo for cattle theft. 06-12-1762
Fernandez Juana Lujan Inventory and settlement of Juana Lujan estate. 07-15-1762
Fernandez Miguel Ventura. Pedro Atienza brings charges to recover a macho (mule). 08-04-1762
Fernandez Juan de Dios. Attempt to recover goods stolen from house of Francisca Atienci that belong to Pino. 10-18-1762
Fernandez Barbara Garzia Jusado. Attempt to collect debts owed estate of her deceased husband. 02-04-1763
Fernandes de la Pedrera Phelipe de Sandobal. Phelipe de Sandobal renounces goods he received from his mother's estate that his sisters might divide those... 01-24-1765
Fernandez Roque Lobato vs. Cristobal Bernal. Men fought, Lobato had called Bernal a bum and a thief- lawsuit that resulted, Bernal sent to jail. 04-23-1765
Funquera Martin, Manuel. Proceedings stemming from charges off incest brought against Martin - testimony of daughter taken, compared with fathers-... 02-06-1766
Fernandes Casados, Polonia. Petition for control of goods inherited by daughter, charges that the girl's grandfather is too busy to handle the... 06-03-1766
Fuente Bijil, Juan (heirs of). Lujan had been debtor of Bijil, paid debt later charged forty-two pesos more, which having paid he sought to... 09-26-1766
Fernandes Caro, Joseph Andres. Proceedings in robbery case - Caro convicted and told never to return to that province. 10-20-1766
Fragoso Venitez, Manuel. Criminal charge brought by Manuel Venitez against soldier Francisco Xavier Fragoso for stealing a gold religious relic. 05-20-1767
Fernandez Garcia, Salbador. Criminal case against Nicolas Serrano for debt owed for sale of sheep and for slander against Garcia's wife. 07-08-1767
Fernandez Duran de Armijo, Antonio. Documentation of legal struggle of Antonio Duran de Armijo against Baca to recover debt for sheep owed to Armijo. 09-03-1767
Fernandez Mendinueta, Pedro Fermin de (gobernador). Criminal case against Pedro and Manuel Moya for robbery of presidio warehouse. 10-05-1767
Fernandez Anaya, Juan de. Proceedings for Juan de Anaya to recover stolen cattle sold to the Indian Maiquate and obligation of the cattle thief... 12-04-1767
Fernandez Tafoya, Miguel. Proceedings against Miguel Tafoya for robbery and inciting the Apaches against citizens and crown. 06-21-1768
Fernandes Pena, Juan de Dios. 09-22-1770
Francisca Mendinueta, Pedro Fermin de (gobernador). Proceedings of criminal case against two Indian women, a mother and her daughter, for murdering... 04-22-1773
Francisca Anza, Juan Baptista (gobernador). Proceedings of review and execution of death penalty against two Indian women of Cochiti who murdered an... 10-14-1775
Fernandez Garcia, Salvador/Martin, Gregorio. Contract between Salvador Garcia and Gregorio Martin for payment of 150 pesos to Gregorio to atone for... 11-05-1775
Fernandez Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Bando concerning the evasion of law-suits. 10-25-1777
Flores Rubio, Jose. Copy of opinion of Jose Rubio, comandante ynspector, supporting order by archibishop of Mexico that all military men of able... 08-08-1778
Febrer Carlos iv (rey). Real pragmatica sancion, regarding issuance of vales to finance royal expenditures. 00-00-1780
Fernandez Anza, Juan Baptista de. A bando concerning the Voluntary war contribution. 08-17-1780
Flores Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo to Concha, Fernando de la. Replacement of retiring capitan Troncoso by Joseph Maldonado. 01-23-1781
