Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Fernando VII Series of documents concerning retirement of Lopez and naming of new governor of Coahuila. 08-28-1815
Fernandez Series of documents concerning shipment of merchandise and supplies from San Blas to San Diego. 12-07-1789
Fuente Series of documents concerning shipment of merchandise and supplies from San Blas to San Diego. 12-07-1789
Fuente Series of documents concerning taxation 03-19-1786
Forsythe Series of documents concerning the interrogation of two anglo-americans caught in Texas. 12-21-1820
Flores Series of documents dealing with distribution of land to Indians Chichimecos settled in Colotlan and surroundings. Autos on trial against... 03-05-1773
Fernandez Lechuga Series of documents dealing with distribution of land to Indians Chichimecos settled in Colotlan and surroundings. Autos on trial against... 03-05-1773
Fernandez de Cordova Series of documents dealing with distribution of land to Indians Chichimecos settled in Colotlan and surroundings. Autos on trial against... 03-05-1773
Fernandez de Castro Series of documents dealing with maritime transportation and civil administration 10-16-1812
Fernandez Series of documents dealing with maritime transportation and civil administration 10-16-1812
Flores Valdez Series of documents dealing with recovery of money owed to the government, by captain Urrutia. Case is open by governor Sandoval against... 09-07-1735
Flores de San Pedro Series of documents on military services given to the king, by soldiers of soledad, jurisdiction of Colotlan. 03-24-1724
Flores de Valdez Series of documents on military services given to the king, by soldiers of soledad, jurisdiction of Colotlan. 03-24-1724
Fages Series of documents regarding administrative affairs of missions and presidios in the two Californias. 07-12-1728
Fernandez de la Carrera Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories. 10-06-1774
Fernandez Alexo Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories. 10-06-1774
Florida Blanca Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories. 10-06-1774
Florida Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784
Fernandez Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784
Fernandez Alexo Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784
Frias Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784
Fernandez de la Carrera Series of informes from Tresierra y Cano to virrey concerning loans made to private citizens by Caxas Matrinzes. 01-26-1795
French Series of letters about administration and reorganization of presidios and some mines, between Gatuno and the viceroy 10-01-1756
Flores de San Pedro Series of letters and certifications from government officials, dealing with military services provided to the king by soldiers of... 11-16-1721
Flores de San Pedro Series of letters and certifications from government officials, dealing with military services provided to the king by soldiers of... 11-16-1721
Fernando de Villa Series of letters and certifications from government officials, dealing with military services provided to the king by soldiers of... 11-16-1721
Fernandez Series of letters and informes concerning mission finances and personnel in California. 01-01-1798
Font-Cuberta Series of letters and informes concerning mission finances and personnel in California. 01-01-1798
Fernandez Series of letters and oficios from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 05-25-1787
Fages Series of letters between Ugarte y Loyola and virreynato concerning various military and financial matters. 03-17-1786
Fainy Series of letters by fainy and Fernandezdiscussing start of military campaign and details of campaign provisioning. 05-00-1770
Fernandez Series of letters by fainy and Fernandezdiscussing start of military campaign and details of campaign provisioning. 05-00-1770
Francisco Series of letters by fainy and Fernandezdiscussing start of military campaign and details of campaign provisioning. 05-00-1770
Finley Series of letters concerning apprehension of insane anglo-american in Bexar. 04-17-1820
Flores Series of letters dealing with applications from several military officials seeking to fill position left vacant 12-18-1788
Fernandez Series of letters documenting good conduct of chaplain 07-03-1788
Fuenclara Series of letters from Castillo de Aysa to viceroy concerning need to populate the northern frontier. 12-21-1740
Falcon Series of letters from Castro to Emparan concerning military escort requested by Castro. 04-10-1791
Fernandes Carmona Series of letters from Castro to virrey complaining about Emparan. 07-14-1791
Fueros Series of letters from Castro to virrey complaining about Emparan. 07-14-1791
Fernandez Series of letters from Croix dealing primarily with financial matters such as salaries and sinodos. 03-22-1768
Fages Series of letters from Croix dealing primarily with financial matters such as salaries and sinodos. 03-22-1768
Flores Series of letters from hacendados and mineros in real of Vallecillos, complaining about abuses of authority committed by local commander 09-11-1790
Figueroa Series of letters from Mendoza to virrey concerning various military and administrative affairs in Pimeria Alta. 11-16-1754
Fontes Series of letters from Monserrat and Tienda de Cuervo concerning pacification of Indians in Sonora. 05-02-1761
Florez Series of letters from Parada, Monterde and others concerning military and administrative ordinances 10-04-1787
Fuentes Series of letters from Trudeau and Laffitte intercepted by Arredondo concerning rebel activities in Texas. 02-24-1816
Fernando VII Series of letters from Trudeau and Laffitte intercepted by Arredondo concerning rebel activities in Texas. 02-24-1816
Fajez Series of letters in which fray Prestamero informs virrey that Croix holds 'religiosos' in low esteem, missions suffering because... 08-18-1780
Fundidor Series of letters in which fray Prestamero informs virrey that Croix holds 'religiosos' in low esteem, missions suffering because... 08-18-1780
