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Person Last Name Document title Date
Gomez de Castro Sobre venida a Mexico de seis indios del real del vallecillo 10-18-1791
Gomez de Castro Documents about depredations by Pedro Jose and his band of rebels. 06-16-1793
Gomez de Castro Diary about abuses, killings, by Pedro Jose and his band. 05-01-1787
Gomez de Castro Routine administrative correspondence from Vaamonde to Castro. 04-28-1790
Gomez de Castro Letters between Vaamonde, Manuel and Conde de Revilla Gigedo concerning a variety of issues. First in this series begins with Con el indice... 06-26-1793
Gomez de Castro N. Reino de Leon destacamento de Linares 87 y 88, letters from Juan Domingo Echegaray and Dufay to Ugalde concerning Provincias Internas... 08-26-1786
Gomez de Castro Letters from Ramon and Gomez de Castro to Ugalde concerning Indians behavior, and military reports. 09-20-1787
Gomez de Castro Correspondence regarding remuneration of officers for years of military service. 01-12-1788
Gomez de Castro instancia de don Ambrosio Meave sobre situado del presidio de Monterrey en el Nuevo Leon. 10-06-1754
Gomez de Castro Letters between Dufay and other military officials dealing with his home arrests. Motives for the arrest are unclear to Dufay 09-20-1787
Gomez de Castro Documents dealing with the home arrest of Alferez Dufay accused of using abusive language and other ill guided behavior against subordinates 02-02-1790
Gomez de Castro Don Guillermo Dufay alferes primero de la compania de la Punta de Lampazos provincia del Nuevo Reino de Leon . . . . 10-04-1790
Gomez de Castro Comprobante numero 1 through comprobante numero 5 10-11-1789
Gomez de Castro Correspondence between Vaamonde and virrey concerning increasing Indian hostilities in Nuevo Leon. 03-20-1790
Gomez de Castro Correspondence between Vaamonde and Revilla Gigedo concerning need for increased defense in Nuevo Leon. 11-28-1789
Gomez de Castro Letters, testigos, autos between Gomezde Castro, Castillo de ? An Altamira about Chichimec reducciones in Guadalcazar 1742-3. 05-27-1743
Gomez de Castro Letters from Indians for virrey complaining that their lands have been taken it away. 07-17-1742
Gomez de Castro indice de las Provincias Internas Volumen numero 196 08-28-1786
Gomez de Castro mui reservado. Han llegado a mi noticia varios especies que conviene instruirlo de un modo seguro para resolver... 09-24-1799
Gomez de Castro Letters from various authors discussing the orders emanating from the junta provincial held to discuss problem of epidemic. 01-07-1803
Gomez de Castro Autos formed against Escandon from obispo de Guadalaxara. 11-04-1766
Gomez de Castro Vedia y Pinto and Gomez de Castro request military retirement because of illnesses suffered. 08-11-1807