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Person Last Name Document title Date
Grimarest Pedro Garrido y Duran to virrey. Series of documents concerning Antonio de los Reyes' informe concerning state of Sonoran missions. 08-00-1789
Grimarest Indice 4.o de expidientes que remite al senor comandante general de las Provincias Internas brigadier Pedro Nava, el capitan comisionado... 00-00-1793
Grimarest Letters to and from viceroy and various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 02-28-1789
Grimarest Letters between viceroy and various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 12-28-1789
Grimarest Letters between viceroy and various officials concerning status of royal treasuries. 06-11-1790
Grimarest Letters from Pedro de Nava to virrey concerning employment proposals and payment to soldiers. 02-09-1793
Grimarest Index of the letters from Pedro de Nava, describing concerns in Provincias Internas del poniente de la Nueva Vizcaya. 06-03-1791
Grimarest Correspondence between Nava and Revilla Gigedo re: military personnel, finances and murder of peaceful Indians by soldiers. 01-01-1791
Grimarest Nava's correspondence concerning unidentified ships firing in bay of San Juan. 02-27-1791
Grimarest Nava's correspondence concerning search for ships sighted off Tiburon coast. 05-02-1791
Grimarest Nava's correspondence re: Grimarest's illness; Fourth company paymaster request for funds; military retirement and invalids. 06-04-1789
Grimarest Nava's correspondence concerning Grimarest's illness and insubordination; escape of Chiquito capitan. 12-04-1786
Grimarest Nava's correspondence concerning Denofeant's conduct among Apache chiricaquis, and Mata Binolas' plans against rebels near... 06-14-1791
Grimarest Correspondence between Nava, Arrillaga, and virrey concerning diverse administrative and fiscal affairs. 05-08-1793
Grimarest Letter from Ugarte to Valdez concerning division of provincias and progress of military campaigns. 06-09-1789
Grimarest Letter from unknown to Ugarte concerning departure of Grimarest to Sonora to become secretario de la comandancia general of that region. 12-30-1789
Grimarest Correspondence between viceroy and comandante general de Provincias Internas. 03-16-1788
Grimarest Correspondence between viceroy and comandante general 04-16-1788
Grimarest Correspondence between viceroy and comandante general de las Provincias Internas. 05-03-1788
Grimarest Series of documents concerning appointment of Llano as auditor de guerra by Arredondo, and solicitations from Espinosa, Munguia, and... 02-05-1814
Grimarest Series of documents concerning complaints by Campo that he is not receiving full salary entitled to him as secretario of Provincias... 08-01-1814
Grimarest Correspondence between Grimarest and viceroy concerning Indian raids in Sonora. 07-19-1790
Grimarest Correspondence between Grimarest and viceroy concerning Apache reduccion. 08-02-1790
Grimarest Correspondence between Grimarest and viceroy concerning travel route to New Mexico. 08-30-1790
Grimarest Correspondence between Grimarest and viceroy concerning military campaigns against Apaches. 08-30-1790
Grimarest Correspondence between Grimarest and viceroy concerning ways of informing viceroy on political, military, and economic affairs. 10-09-1790
Grimarest Correspondence between Grimarest and viceroy concerning the former's intention to visit the Seris. 10-10-1790
Grimarest Correspondence between Grimarest, viceroy, and other officials concerning raid of peaceful Apaches against enemy ones. 09-26-1790
Grimarest Correspondence between Grimarest and viceroy concerning return of fugitive Seris to Pitic. 10-22-1790
Grimarest Correspondence between Grimarest and viceroy concerning arrival of Apache (Chiquito) to Arispe. 12-04-1790
Grimarest Correspondence between Grimarest, viceroy, and Urrea concerning return of more fugitive Seris to Pitic. 12-06-1790
Grimarest el secretario de Provincias Internas solicitado certificacion de la secretaria de la comandancia sobre su merito y que se recomiende al rey. 01-11-1790
Grimarest expediente promovido por el senor intendiente de Durango sobre la remision a la superintendencia subdelegada de los extractos de revista. 08-16-1787
Grimarest Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with Indian affairs and other war operations in Sonora provinces of El norte. 01-06-1792
Grimarest Gubernatorial correspondence regarding military actions against Indians, between intendente Grimarest and the viceroy Revilla Gigedo. 19-22-1791
Grimarest Letters between Ugarte y Loyola and Revilla Gigeda concerning Indian auxiliaries, reduccion, rebellion. 02-26-1790
Grimarest Journals reporting campaigns of Tovar, Diaz de Luna, Soler in Sonora, Chihuahua. 06-14-1790
Grimarest Documents concerning pacification of Chiricahua, pinal Apaches. 07-29-1790
Grimarest Documents concerning Apaches in reduccion at Bacoachi . 08-30-1790
Grimarest Reports of Indian affairs at Pitic, Bacoachi ; order concerning military behavior toward peaceful Indians. 10-13-1790
Grimarest Documents concerning campaigns against Apaches, death of Gasiot y Miralles. 10-29-1790
Grimarest 1170 expedientes antiguos de Provincias Internas. Vuelven al archivo de donde se sacaron. 09-17-1790
Grimarest libro de caudales pertenecientes al ano de 1791. 01-10-1792
Grimarest libro de destribuciones pertenecientes al ano de 1791. 12-30-1791
Grimarest documentos de justificacion de la data de la cuenta del ano de 1791. 01-01-1791
Grimarest Accounts of special expenditures for Bacoachi Apaches, 1790. 12-31-1790
Grimarest Accounts of rations to specific Apache families at Bacoachi. 12-31-1790
Grimarest Accounts of expenditures for Bacoachi Apaches. 02-28-1791
Grimarest Accounts of expenditures for Bacoachi Apaches. 05-01-1791
Grimarest Concerning rations, accounts for Bacoachi Apaches. 04-15-1791
