Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Gutierrez Naming of Codina as chief engineer for public works in Guadalajara, especially for irrigation projects in region to relieve severe drought. 05-06-1787
Gutierrez Documents dealing with ingeniero Codina's replacement in Guadalajara, Pagazaurtundua presently serving in Provincias Internas. 00-00-1774
Gutierrez Documents investigating reported abuses against the poor by owners, shopkeepers and in the mines in the region of Pachuca. 10-03-1791
Gutierrez Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and the governors Cierragorda and Lorca. 04-29-1789
Gutierrez Letters from Ramon to Ugalde concerning remittance of food supplies and soldiers to Ugalde's next campaign. 08-17-1789
Gutierrez Letters from Echegaray to Ugalde concerning military promotions, granting of invalid status and travel costs of Indian captives. 01-25-1788
Gutierrez Letters from Echegaray to Ugalde concerning arrangements for Ugalde's campaign. 06-12-1789
Gutierrez Letters between Diaz de Ortega, Flores, and various military personnel describing Indian hostilities; proposing solutions. 10-17-1787
Gutierrez Letters between Diaz de Ortega, Flores, and various military personnel describing Indian hostilities; proposing solutions. 10-17-1787
Gutierrez Letters between Diaz de hortega, virrey Flores & various military officials about Indian attacks and vecino abandonment. 10-06-1768
Gutierrez Letters between Diaz de hortega, virrey Flores & various military officials about Indian attacks and vecino abandonment. 10-06-1768
Gutierrez General correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and virrey (?) about western pi campaign of 1787-1788. 12-12-1787
Gutierrez Letters between Ugarte y Loyola and subordinates detailing western province general campaign Mar-December 1788. 07-13-1788
Gutierrez Letters between Ugarte y Loyola and subordinates detailing western province general campaign Mar-December 1788. 07-13-1788
Gutierrez Series of letters dealing with political jurisdiction of provincias del oriente and poniente. 04-07-1819
Gutierrez Letters dealing with conflict in adjudicating political jurisdiction over provincias de Oriente and Occidente. Documents concerning... 07-12-1812
Gutierrez Letter from Arredondo and others, to the viceroy concerning the campaign organized to recover Texas from Mexican rebels. 05-00-1813
Gutierrez Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids during September. 09-00-1790
Gutierrez Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids during November. 11-30-1790
Gutierrez expediente formado sobre la salida de rezagos de platas de la villa de Chiguagua.... 03-09-1735
Gutierrez ...guin, siendo asistente, con mi assa. El primer regidor de esta villa d. Andres Florentino Ruiz y los dos jurados... 05-29-1793
Gutierrez [untitled] 04-09-1793
Gutierrez don Juan Antonio Alexo Fernandez capitan de la compania de San Antonio de Tula... 11-05-1791
Gutierrez Letters from Penilla to virrey concerning grant petitions. 11-08-1795
Gutierrez Letters from Penilla to virrey concerning grant petitions. 11-08-1795
Gutierrez Letters from Bochat, Vaamonde and others to virrey concerning Bochat's employment. 02-28-1794
Gutierrez Letters by de la Bodega y Quadra, Arreze and others to virrey concerning exploration trips. 12-01-1785
Gutierrez Autos by Munoz against Cabildos from Santa Barbara, Santo Domingo and Santa Maria at Nuevo Santander. 01-23-1790
Gutierrez Correspondence between commander of provincias del Oriente and the viceroy. 05-21-1785
Gutierrez Administrative correspondence between Castro and the viceroy Revilla Gigedo. 09-20-1791
Gutierrez con fecha 31 de julio ultimo, y 6 del corriente he dado dos certificaciones contra las caxas reales de esta capital de cantidad de 31,892... 08-07-1788
Gutierrez dirixo a vuestra excelencia testimonio de una certificacion de entero en la caxa de Chihuahua en la que puesto el requisito de mi orden. 10-20-1788
Gutierrez por el oficio de numero 18 de 20 de Mayo ultimo quedo impuesto de haber librado contra las caxas matrices, y a favor de dos Jos Manuel de... 06-23-1789
Gutierrez Bucareli's correspondence re: investigation of conduct of Fuentes, Inchaurregui and Nava in San Carlos. 00-00-1769
Gutierrez Palacio sobre los medios de promover las minas de Tamaulipa. 05-01-1768
Gutierrez Testimonies in case against morales for murder of Garza in Aguayo. 07-07-1756
Gutierrez que se nombre a don Sebastian Barzelo con el suelto de 720 pesos senatados en real orden de 10 de noviembre de 86 . . . . 01-11-1791
Gutierrez he recivido la orden reservado, que vuestra excelencia me ha hecho el honor de dirijirme con fecha de 30 de abril . . . . 04-30-1793
Gutierrez excelencio comandante general de Provincias Internas con fecha de primero de augosto felicita las abilitaciones y enbio . . 04-29-1793
Gutierrez sobre remision de polvora a la provincia de Nueva Vizcaya. 01-29-1794
Gutierrez con fecha de 12 de diziembre de 93 represento don Francisco de Yermo vecino del presidio de Rio Grande . . . . 01-30-1793
Gutierrez en real orden de 10 de noviembre ultimo dispuso senor magistad la aplication de don Carlos Justiniani . . . . 03-14-1795
Gutierrez sobre anticipacion de pagas a don Jose Blanco capitan de la segunda compania Volante de la colonia del Nuevo Santander. 07-15-1795
Gutierrez Requests to viceroy for permission to travel, special treatment of salaries. 02-08-1792
Gutierrez Concerning supply of lanzas to milicias of Michoacan. 05-22-1784
Gutierrez Concerning Moreno transporting chaingang of Apaches to Mexico City; related financial affairs. 03-27-1792
Gutierrez instancia de don Ambrosio Meave sobre situado del presidio de Monterrey en el Nuevo Leon. 10-06-1754
Gutierrez cartas del governador del Nuevo Leon sobre irrupciones, en que manifiesta la entrada de los indios por la provincia de Coahuila. 04-02-1774
Gutierrez ano de 1783. Nuevo Reyno de Leon. Dilixencias hechas por denuncia de Joseph Mathias Munoz, sobre el conocimiento de cuatro indios de los... 05-01-1783
Gutierrez Administrative correspondence about the transfer of Alferez Valenzuela, from Lampazos to Spain 12-04-1788
