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Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Gutierrez Galindo Navarro, Pedro. A review of the criminal case against various soldiers for death of Bartolome Apodaca is passed on to comandante... 09-08-1778
Gutierrez Garcia, Antonio to Cordoba, Rafael. Suit for recovery of debt. 11-15-1815
Gutierrez Garcia, Juan Francisco (OFM). Certificate acknowledging confession and communion for governor Fernando de la Concha and his party of... 04-29-1794
Gutierrez Garzia Jurado, Ramon. Criminal proceedings against Ramon Garzia Jurado for forced labor of Indians. 09-00-1731
Gutierrez General correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and virrey (?) about western pi campaign of 1787-1788. 12-12-1787
Gutierrez General military correspondence between Ugalde and Florez. 07-07-1788
Gutierrez Geronimo Mazorra contra Vicente Gutierrez. Por pago de pesos. 03-12-1778
Gutierrez Gregorio de San Martin presidente de ayuntamiento. expediente establecido por el ayuntamiento sobre establecimiento de una escuela publica. 05-21-1810
Gutierrez Gregorio de San Martin. Sobre la formacion de grupos de vecinos armados. 00-00-1810
Gutierrez Gubernatorial administrative correspondence reporting on several Indian affairs and some military actions. 02-01-1792
Gutierrez Gubernatorial correspondence concerning reports on the status of the provincias del poniente. 11-00-1792
Gutierrez Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with a variety of Indian issues and affairs. 02-09-1791
Gutierrez Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with Indian affairs. 11-24-1790
Gutierrez Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with Indian affairs. 11-24-1790
Gutierrez Guerrero Torres asks Fondo Piadoso de Californias for 6000 pesos for works of Oteyza, Larrasabal and Herrerias. 06-17-1779
Gutierrez Gutierres, Juan Jose to Rey, Hisidro. Request by citizens of Bernalillo to go buffalo hunting. 11-29-1814
Gutierrez Gutierrez, Francisco (capitan). Detailed account of skirmish with group of friendly Indians resulting in death of one of them leading to... 03-24-1683
Gutierrez Gutierrez, Juan Jose. Letter to governor of New Mexico requesting decision on price to be paid to Indians for their corn. 11-15-1814
Gutierrez Gutierrez, Juan/Baca, Antonio. Ortiz brings suit to collect on contract defaulted on by Gutierrez. Contract dealt with sale of sheep. 07-09-1766
Gutierrez Gutierrez, Lorenzo (captain of militia). Service records of military personnel in the presidio de Santa Fe. 12-31-1814
Gutierrez Gutierrez, Lorenzo. Service records of troops at Santa Fee. 12-31-1815
Gutierrez He recivido la carta de v.s. de 4 de junio... 08-10-1789
Gutierrez he recivido la orden reservado, que vuestra excelencia me ha hecho el honor de dirijirme con fecha de 30 de abril . . . . 04-30-1793
Gutierrez he recurido del Alferez don Francisco Enderica una apachita que por enferma e imposibilitada de Marchar ... 12-08-1789
Gutierrez Hojas de servicio for various men. 12-12-1773
Gutierrez Hojas de servicio for various men. 12-12-1773
Gutierrez Hojas de servicio for various places and military units in Mexico. 03-02-1767
Gutierrez Hospitalization for insanity of cabo Joseph Martinez and Joseph Gutierrez soldier 10-04-1803
Gutierrez Ignacio Gutierrez. Listas de suministracion de la 1st compania Volante (3). 01-27-1784
Gutierrez Index of official documents dealing with Coahuila in possession of Martinez de Soria. 00-00-1799
Gutierrez Index requested by viceroy Pacheco y de Padilla of official documents dealing with Provincias Internas from 1636-1793. 00-00-1636
Gutierrez Indice 9o de los expidientes con que el sargento Valentin Moreno remite al senor comandante general de las Provincias Internas brigadier... N.D.
Gutierrez Indice 9o de los expidientes con que el sargento Valentin Moreno remite al senor comandante general de las Provincias Internas brigadier... N.D.
Gutierrez indice de los expedientes comines de Provincias Internas de los anos 1728 a 1792 00-00-1728
Gutierrez Indice del tomo 155 de Provincias Internas 09-02-1788
Gutierrez Informatio ad gradum. 00-00-1747
Gutierrez Informe by Barri to viceroy relating requested information on Ibarzabal and conditions in California. 04-00-1769
Gutierrez Informes by Roque de Medina regarding Coahuila in 1773 including much information regarding lipanes plus other Indian relations and... 10-07-1773
Gutierrez Inlistment papers of individuals in Santa Fe militia cavalry company including name, age, religion, description, parents names. 09-14-1808
Gutierrez Inlistment papers of individuals in Santa Fe militia cavalry company including name, age, religion, description, parents names. 09-14-1808
Gutierrez Inlistment papers of individuals in Santa Fe militia cavalry company including name, age, religion, description, parents names. 09-14-1808
Gutierrez instancia de don Ambrosio Meave sobre situado del presidio de Monterrey en el Nuevo Leon. 10-06-1754
Gutierrez instancia de Juan Manuel Diaz solorzano oficial 4 de la secretaria de la comandancia general de Provincias Internas sobre asytencias de su... 03-21-1790
Gutierrez instancia de Nicolas Aambrano, soldado de la compania de cuera, en California, para que se le paguen 500 pesos que se le adeudan. 01-11-1768
Gutierrez instancia del br. Juan Joseph Joaquin Blanquer Capellan del presidio del principe en la Nueva Vizcaya en que solicita retiro con sueldo 07-13-1783
Gutierrez Instrumentos con que el coronel don Joseph de Escandon comprueba haver concluido la poblacion que se le encargo en la costa de el seno... 05-27-1753
Gutierrez Investigation by contaduria de temporalidades to determine origin of 869 pesos with response by Gutierrez. 11-07-1768
Gutierrez Jacobo Belo regidor, Alferez real, Jose Bacilo Gutierrez regidor. Cuentas y valanze y reconocimiento existencias que hay en la tienda de la... 10-21-1812
Gutierrez Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola (mariscal de campo). Report negotiations of peace with lipan Indians and effort to receive hostages held by Indians. 11-24-1790
Gutierrez Joachin Fernandezto governor and captain don Lope de Cuellar. Inventories missions of Tarahumara Alta, Baja, Tepejuania, Sonora. 04-03-1770
