Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Griego Ayuntamiento of Alburquerque to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting publication of Pino's proclamation and compliance with Melgares'... 08-26-1821
Garcia Conde Garcia Conde, Alejo. On conduct to be followed to achieve independence. 08-26-1821
Garcia Conde Garcia Conde, Alejo. On swearing support for Iturbide's independence plan. 08-27-1821
Griego Melgares, Facundo. List of the soldiers of the Santa Fee presidio company and their assignments. 10-01-1821
Garcia Conde Dominguez, Jose. Circular from imperial regency confirming all officials in their positions. 10-05-1821
Garcia Conde . Set of copies of circulars, orders, etc. 10-06-1821
Garcia Conde Dominguez, Jose. Transmitting decree of imperial regency calling for three days of prayer to gain divine support for the nation. 10-07-1821
Gutierres Aragon, Jose Miguel to Melgares, Facundo. Concerning the sending of a letter, as to whether or not it had arrived. 10-18-1821
Gutierrez Melgares, Facundo. Copy of a September 9, 1821 bando from the diputation of Durango concerning the need to maintain newly won liberties. 10-28-1821
Garcia Melgares, Facundo to Garcia, Juan. Acknowledging receipt of Garcia's letter and asking what office he (Garcia) holds. 10-29-1821
Garcia Conde Garcia Conde, Alejo to Melgares, Facundo. Transmitting an order from interim government for three days of prayer. 11-14-1821
Garcia Conde Garcia Conde, Alejo to Melgares, Facundo. Transmitting order concerning government of Mexico during the transition. 11-14-1821
Garcia Conde Bustamante, Anastasio. Copy of a circular communicating the authority Yturbide had been granted to create crosses to confer on deserving... 11-28-1821
Garcia Saabedra, Francisco to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on sale of shoes in his alcaldia that had been sent to purchase grain. 11-28-1821
Granado . December 4, 1821 copy of the gaceta imperial del Mexico with news of political and economic interest. Several reports from various... 12-04-1821
Garcia . December 4, 1821 copy of the gaceta imperial del Mexico with news of political and economic interest. Several reports from various... 12-04-1821
Guillen . December 4, 1821 copy of the gaceta imperial del Mexico with news of political and economic interest. Several reports from various... 12-04-1821
Gama y Cordoba Imperial regency. Copy of a decree concerning the return of confiscated goods. 12-15-1821
Garcia Imperial regency. Copy of a decree concerning the return of confiscated goods. 12-15-1821
Griego Melgares, Facundo. Service records of officers. 12-21-1821
Granados Melgares, Facundo. Service records of officers. 12-21-1821
Garcia Conde Garcia Conde, Alejo to Melgares, Facundo. Transmitting a circular calling for the preparation of lists of soldiers serving in the army. 12-28-1821
Garcia Conde Garcia Conde, Alejo to Melgares, Facundo. Transmitting circular requiring preparation of lists of officers and men serving in the army. 12-28-1821
Garcia Melgares, Facundo. Summary of the service records of non-commissioned officers and carabineros. 12-31-1821
Garcia Conde Melgares, Facundo. Report on officers dropped and added to the Santa Fee presidio company. 12-31-1821
Griego Melgares, Facundo. Report on officers dropped and added to the Santa Fee presidio company. 12-31-1821
Garcia y Yuneca Imperial regency. Copy of a decree concerning free trade with the United States using mules. 12-31-1821
Garcia Imperial regency. Copy of a decree concerning free trade with the United States using mules. 12-31-1821
Granillo Rey, Ysidro to Melgares, Facundo. 10-10-1821
Galvez Instructions for official correspondence. 11-13-1779
Galvez Instructions for mail dispatches. 11-05-1781
Galvez Royal request for information from missions. None Given
Garay Spanish involvement in napoleanic wars. 05-25-1809
Garcia Conde Report of Iturbide's capture of the fuerte de liceaga. 11-20-1812
Gonzalez Testimony regarding proposal for establishment of new pueblos and presidio in valle de la Canada. 10-14-1712
Garcia Jurado Ramon Testimony regarding proposal for establishment of new pueblos and presidio in valle de la Canada. 10-14-1712
Gongara Proceedings of settlement of claims by soldiers of Santa Fe presidio against governor Pedro Rodriguez de Cubero. 07-00-1713
Gilthomey Registration of land grants before Cabildo of Santa Fe. 07-21-1713
Garaycochea Representation on state of missionization of Indians of Moqui province and rejection of proposal of Agustin de Campos (S.J) to allow... 10-30-1714
Gomez Davila Residencia of administration of Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon (gobernador). 05-21-1721
Gilthomey Residencia of administration of Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon (gobernador). 05-21-1721
Garcia Testimony by various citizens and Indians charging conspiracy against nine Indians of various pueblos for secret meetings with enemy... 04-30-1748
Garduno Testimony by various citizens and Indians charging conspiracy against nine Indians of various pueblos for secret meetings with enemy... 04-30-1748
Guerrero Testimony by various citizens and Indians charging conspiracy against nine Indians of various pueblos for secret meetings with enemy... 04-30-1748
Garcia de Noriega Testimony by various citizens and Indians charging conspiracy against nine Indians of various pueblos for secret meetings with enemy... 04-30-1748
Gavaldon Civil suit by Ana Maria Ortiz against Juan Gavaldon for recovery of pesos. 10-24-1763
Gallegos Civil suit by Ana Maria Ortiz against Juan Gavaldon for recovery of pesos. 10-24-1763
Garcia de la Mora Census for Abiquiu and Taos jurisdictions. AL-, -1790
Garaycochea Dr. Padre Hidaldo al padre fray Ysidro de Espinosa. Casos raros suseditos en Texas. 11-20-1710
Gonzalez Por el padre fray Pedro Perez de Mesquia al senor virrey el Marques de Casafuerte. Sobre la fundacion de la nueba mision de San Francisco... 06-22-1725
