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Person Last Name Document title Date
Lasso El habilitado general de Californias pide los situados de Monterrey, San Francisco(?) para surtir las memorias del ano de 96 12-20-1794
Lasso Funds for Fernandez 04-26-1795
Lasso Chaplain of ships of San Blas request permission to go to Mexico because of health problems 02-17-1787
Lasso Lessees of haciendas Arroyo Zarco and San Jose Mingo request legal action be taken against landlord for unlawful taxation. 02-17-1797
Lasso Habilitado general de Californias sobre que se concluyan los ajustes atrasados de presidios con preferencia por lo que interesan a la tropa... 11-24-1784
Lasso Expediente sobre la arribada a Monterrei de la Fragata Ynglesa americana el otro de Boston, su capitan Mr. Door, socorres que se le... 04-29-1796
Lasso Documents re: to debt of Fages to San Diego presido. 10-27-1793
Lasso Expediente formado sobre la resena de siete religiosos del colegio de San Fernando, como se expresa en la correspondiente resena. 00-00-1793
Lasso Request of flags for presidios of California. 06-11-1785
Lasso Series of documents concerning project to increase production at hacienda San Pedro de Ibarra. 02-07-1797
Lasso Documents relating to money owed to real hacienda by Fondo Piadoso. 03-15-1804
Lasso Series of letters relating to transfer of fray Romero and fray Sanchez Hervas from Spain to California. 02-24-1804
Lasso Series of letters concerning payment of synods to Fernandino missions of California by Fondo Piadoso. 10-24-1804
Lasso Series of letters relating to Lujan's request that he receive pay owed him for time that he was hospitalized. 11-03-1801
Lasso Series of letters re: request by Castro to retire with half salary. 03-31-1802
Lasso Series of documents concerning legal history supporting Lujan's request that he receive Halberdier's salary. 09-29-1797
Lasso Inventory of maintenance costs to be covered by real hacienda for barge servicing San Diego. 12-31-1802
Lasso Letters from Pena and related correspondence asking for payment of sinodos to California missionaries. 12-21-1803
Lasso Documents relating to request by Gomez that twelve missionaries be granted travel allowance for their passage from Spain to California. 03-22-1804
Lasso Problem of importation of mescal into California and the estanco de mescal in Tepic 05-29-1787
Lasso Matter of reimbursement for supplies provided to ships 00-00-1781
Lasso Criminals sentenced to Alta California 03-03-1796
Lasso Shipment of armaments to presidios of Monterrey and San Francisco 06-24-1791
Lasso Expenses of surgeon Crivelli 08-00-1797
Lasso Settlement of estate of Ignacio Oliden 03-23-1798
Lasso Request for transfer to Spain by Manuel Diaz de Solorzano 07-23-1794
Lasso Dispute over treasury payment 05-26-1801
Lasso Payment of libranzas girado by Chihuahua treasury 05-28-1801
Lasso Support for dona Josepha Munoz Michelena 01-08-1802
Lasso Controversial treasury payment by Pedro de Nava to teniente Zuluaga 01-21-1803
Lasso Hospitalization for insanity of cabo Joseph Martinez and Joseph Gutierrez soldier 10-04-1803
Lasso Salary request for replacement surgeon 10-20-1804
Lasso Retirement of fray Luis Salgado 07-23-1806
Lasso Request to return to Spain for Manuel Cueto y Vierna. 02-15-1785
Lasso Debt of Lasaga to fondo gratificacion 00-00-1784
Lasso Appointment of Blanco as interim governor Nuevo Santander 01-21-1798
Lasso Letters of governor Fayni to viceroy Bucareli and draft response 06-09-1773
Lasso Letters between capitan Peiran and viceroy pertaining to movement of troops and religious personnel. 12-22-1767
Lasso Letters from Nava to virrey concerning military personnel. 10-18-1778
Lasso Correspondence concerning award of back pay owed to Ventura Moreno by Pagaduria del Saltillo. 10-12-1795
Lasso Correspondence between Belena and viceroy for the years 1768-1770. 07-03-1768
Lasso Correspondence re: shipment of supplies to San Blas. Includes lists of items and costs. 03-06-1790
Lasso Correspondence re: supplies needed in San Blas. 04-18-1793
Lasso Letters from Garcia Conde concerning payment demands. 06-06-1796
Lasso Letters from Barcelo and Garcia describing medicine, medicine books and surgical tools to be sent to Villa de Chihuahua hospital. 07-31-1794
Lasso Letters from Nava to virrey concerning administrative personnel salaries. 01-01-1796
Lasso Letters from Bochat, Vaamonde and others to virrey concerning Bochat's employment. 02-28-1794
Lasso excelencio comandante general de Provincias Internas con fecha de primero de augosto felicita las abilitaciones y enbio . . 04-29-1793
Lasso con fecha de 12 de diziembre de 93 represento don Francisco de Yermo vecino del presidio de Rio Grande . . . . 01-30-1793
Lasso en real orden de 10 de noviembre ultimo dispuso senor magistad la aplication de don Carlos Justiniani . . . . 03-14-1795
