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Person Last Name Document title Date
Lopez ano de 1783 Nuevo Reino de Leon diligencias hechas sobre el insulto de los indios barbaros executado en el rancho de corral de piedra y... 04-02-1783
Lopez Series of letters from hacendados of real de Vallecillos complaining of abuses committed by Vaamonde and Baes 10-19-1790
Lopez Series of letters testimonies and autos about financial contributions made for the creation of 50 soldiers militia in Vallecillos 10-19-1790
Lopez Continuation of issue addressed in preceeding folios: allegations of mistreatment of pisones at mission Ygollo, related issues. 00-00-1753
Lopez Continuation of preceeding folios in which fathers of various missions defend themselves against allegations of poor mission administration... 02-10-1767
Lopez Continuation of preceeding folios in which fathers of various missions defend themselves against allegations of poor mission administration... 02-10-1767
Lopez Documents concern sunken bergantin, San Judas Fadeo. 09-20-1783
Lopez Comprobante numero 1 through comprobante numero 5 10-11-1789
Lopez diligencias sobre que el alcalde mayor de sayula confirio en su jurisdiccion como 400 lizencias de Fierros para marcar ganados... 01-01-1778
Lopez Declaracion de don Juan Antonio Manzano y de don Christobal Feliciano 11-20-1781
Lopez Declaracion de don Juan Antonio Manzano y de don Christobal Feliciano 11-20-1781
Lopez Declaracion de don Juan Antonio Manzano y de don Christobal Feliciano 11-20-1781
Lopez Declaracion de don Juan Antonio Manzano y de don Christobal Feliciano 11-20-1781
Lopez Letters from clergy of Sonora regarding the new method for physical and spiritual development in new and established missions 09-10-1772
Lopez Letters by Quimper to virrey and others concerning navigation trips. 11-06-1792
Lopez Expediente formado sobre el establecimiento de un correo mensal desde La Bahia del Espiritu Santo hasta Arispe. 01-31-1779
Lopez Expediente formado sobre el establecimiento de un correo mensal desde La Bahia del Espiritu Santo hasta Arispe. 01-31-1779
Lopez Expediente formado sobre el establecimiento de un correo mensal desde La Bahia del Espiritu Santo hasta Arispe. 01-31-1779
Lopez expediente sirve que se recogan todas las armas que se hayan dispersas y se recompangan en la real armeria del Fuerte .... 12-19-1782
Lopez expediente sobre las cuentas y gastos causados en la collera de Apaches que condujo cadete don Mariano Varela. 12-24-1788
Lopez Participo a la superioridad de v.e., como a mi regreso a esta villa, imbesti unos trece dias entre las montanas . . . . 07-11-1805
Lopez Series of judicial documents about conflict between government officials in San Antonio de Bejar. Conflict arose out of some orders... 04-14-1735
Lopez Series of autos on land measurements and distributions for colonizers who came from islas canarias to live in San Fernando, province of... 11-28-1730
Lopez n 44 letters concerning the assignment of Josef Ximenez as ship chaplain. 02-04-1792
Lopez en veinte y nuebe dia del mes de octubre.... letters concerning the misconduct of Nunez (clerk). 11-05-1791
Lopez en el expedte sobre falta de asistencia..... letters concerning charges of misconduct by Nunez. 10-06-1792
Lopez passo alas superiores manos.... letters concerning charges of misconduct against Nunez. 04-28-1791
Lopez articulo 1 letters concerning charges of misconduct filed against Jose Antonio Nunez. 09-25-1791
Lopez Series begins with en el departamento de San Blas.... letters concerning misconduct on the part of the clerk of the real hacienda of San... 07-05-1791
Lopez Correspondence concerning charges of adultery against Jose Maria Monterde 11-24-1794
Lopez Correspondence from Hijosa to viceroy concerning opinions on three matters of concern to the departmento of San Blas. 12-10-1771
Lopez First notebook of criminal charges against Jose Carlos Rubalcaba and his accomplices for intention to crown himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 04-24-1771
Lopez Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Lopez Autos concerning Nayaritas and guasamotecos who threatened to kill missionaries and free prisoner Juan Tonate from jail in Mexico. 02-12-1761
Lopez Expediente formado sobre el modo de dividirse las misiones de la California entre los religiosos Fernandos y dominicos de estas provincias. 04-08-1770
Lopez Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with Indian affairs. 11-24-1790
Lopez Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with Indian affairs. 11-24-1790
Lopez Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with a variety of Indian issues and affairs. 02-09-1791
Lopez Gubernatorial administrative correspondence reporting on several Indian affairs and some military actions. 02-01-1792
Lopez Testimonio compiled by Escandon detailing population structure, herd counts of Spanish in San Fernando 1752-3. 01-11-1751
Lopez Testimonio compiled by Escandon detailing population structure, herd counts of Spanish in San Fernando 1752-3. 01-11-1751
Lopez Testimonio compiled by Escandon detailing population structure, herd counts of Spanish in San Fernando 1752-3. 01-11-1751
Lopez Testimonio compiled by Escandon detailing population structure, herd counts of Spanish in San Fernando 1752-3. 01-11-1751
Lopez Testimonio compiled by Escandon detailing population structure, herd counts of Spanish in San Fernando 1752-3. 01-11-1751
Lopez excmo. Senor = don Miguel de la Garza Falcon, capitan vitalicio de s. m. de este rl. presidio... 05-07-1744
Lopez Autos formed against coronel Escandon. 01-29-1773
Lopez Letter to virrey concerning defense of Escandon. 06-22-1765
Lopez Letters to virrey explaining organization of missions in Nuevo Santander. 10-11-1769
Lopez Letters to virrey explaining organization of missions in Nuevo Santander. 10-11-1769
Lopez Letters to Pedro Valiente concerning the limits of the hacienda de Californias 03-06-1769
