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Person Last Name Document title Date
Luera Military lists and reviews for each company in Nueva Vizcaya, January, 1818. 01-00-1818
Luera Service records, biographies, and honors awarded to five members of the compania presidial de San Buenaventura. 06-24-1818
Luera Record of service for sargentos & cabos. 03-30-1801
Luera Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). note to comandante general that royal order authorizing military bonus for sergeant Felipe Luera has been... 11-19-1802
Luera Sotelo, Ygnacio. List of men, horses and mules of Santa Fe presidio. 00-00-1805
Luera Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. Three copies of the service record of Phelipe Santiago de Luero. 05-14-1805
Luera Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. Three copies of the service record of Phelipe Santiago de Luero. 05-14-1805
Luera Real Alencaster, Joaquin del to Salcedo, Nemesio. Informing Salcedo that Luera had received two royal cedulas granting Luera service... 11-20-1805
Luera Joaquin del Real Alencaster (gobernador). Receipt of records and reports of Felipe Santiago Luera from commander of second company Volante. 04-01-1806
Luera Joaquin del Real Alencaster (gobernador). Drafts of sixten notes to the comandante general-most... 04-01-1806
Luera Andres Matteos. Transmission of service record of Felipe Santiago Luera to governor of New Mexico. 05-30-1806
Luera Nemesio Salcedo (comandante general). Three letters to governor of New Mexico awarding a bonus to sargent Felipe Santiago Luera... 09-24-1806
Luera Andres Matteos. note to governor of New Mexico acknowledging receipt of service record of sergent Felipe Santiago Luera. 10-27-1806
Luera Joaquin del Real Alencaster (gobernador). Drafts of twelve letters to the comandante general on various military and administrative matters. 11-20-1806
Luera Joaquin del Real Alencaster (gobernador). Service records of promotions and retirements from Santa Fe company. 01-01-1807
Luera Felipe de Luera. Informal note to governor requesting licence to petition comandante general for transfer to Namiquipa; and efforts to... 11-11-1808
Luera Filiacion records for troops of Santa Fe presidio. 1774