Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Laso Correspondence between Elizondo and viceroy regarding state of readiness of troops for Sonora expedition. 08-21-1768
Laporte Correspondence between Elizondo and viceroy regarding state of readiness of troops for Sonora expedition. 08-21-1768
Luque Correspondence between Elizondo and viceroy regarding state of readiness of troops for Sonora expedition. 08-21-1768
Langlace Correspondence between Elizondo and viceroy regarding state of readiness of troops for Sonora expedition. 08-21-1768
Lumbreras Instructions by viceroy on expeditions to Nueva Vizcaya and Sonora. 05-13-1767
Laporte Letters between capitan Peiran and viceroy pertaining to movement of troops and religious personnel. 12-22-1767
Lasso Letters between capitan Peiran and viceroy pertaining to movement of troops and religious personnel. 12-22-1767
Li Ca Cuin [untitled] 12-20-1766
Laso Correspondence between Hijosa and viceroy about Sonoran expedition. 06-06-1767
Lopez de Solorzano Correspondence between Hijosa and viceroy about Sonoran expedition. 06-06-1767
Lumbrera Documentation of letters between viceroy and various officers for Sonora expedition. 04-10-1767
Lopez Portillo Documentation of letters between viceroy and various officers for Sonora expedition. 04-10-1767
Lazarraga Dispute over water rights 03-13-1769
Lopez Documents relating to religious appointments in Nueva Vizcaya during 1773. 01-01-1774
Labarny Letter from viceroy exonerating Labarny of cargas concegiles and advising him to use paper decreed by law for petitions. 10-30-1784
Landa Oficios resolving naming of four governors to province of Nueva Vizcaya by viceroy and real audiencia of Durango. 10-25-1785
Leiseca Oficios resolving naming of four governors to province of Nueva Vizcaya by viceroy and real audiencia of Durango. 10-25-1785
Laba Letters relate thanks to viceroy for having taken into consideration missions supervised by colegio de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe de... 09-22-1786
Lasaga Series of oficios and letters from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 00-00-1742
Leon Series of oficios and letters from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 00-00-1742
Llega Series of oficios and letters from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 00-00-1742
Lacomba Series of oficios and letters from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 10-26-1788
Lorenzo Series of oficios and letters from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 10-26-1788
Lasaga Series of oficios and letters from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 10-26-1788
Larrinaga Series of oficios and letters from Munoz to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 11-25-1785
Losaya Informes and letters from Serna to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 12-16-1785
Lasaga Informes and letters from Serna to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 12-16-1785
Leon Informes and letters from Serna to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 12-16-1785
Lopez Letters from officers to Ugalde concerning land litigation. 04-07-1788
Luz Letters from officers to Ugalde concerning land litigation. 04-07-1788
Lopez Aguado Letters from officers to Ugalde concerning land litigation. 04-07-1788
Lasaga Oficios and others sent to Vidal and Serna from Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 01-22-1786
Losaya Oficios and others sent to Vidal and Serna from Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 01-22-1786
Lacomba Letters and others from Ugalde to Vidal concerning military organization and activities. 00-00-1784
Lasaga Letters and others from Ugalde to Vidal concerning military organization and activities. 00-00-1784
Losaya Letters and others from Ugalde to Vidal concerning military organization and activities. 00-00-1784
Lozano Letters and others from Ugalde to Vidal concerning military organization and activities. 00-00-1784
Losaya Letters and others from Ugalde to Vidal concerning military organization and activities. 00-00-1784
Losaya Letters from Ugalde to Conde de Sierra Gorda and Serna concerning military affairs. 01-27-1788
Lorenzo Diarios sent to Ugalde from Vidal and Baldes concerning Indian relations. 04-30-1788
Luiz Diarios sent to Ugalde from Vidal and Baldes concerning Indian relations. 04-30-1788
Lasaga Manifiestos from Banfi concerning financial status of companias del Nuevo Santander. 09-01-1784
Lacomba Manifiestos from Banfi concerning financial status of companias del Nuevo Santander. 09-01-1784
Leon Diarios del destacamento de la Villa de Croix ano de 1788 y 89 10-01-1788
Lorenzo Diarios del destacamento de la Villa de Croix ano de 1788 y 89 10-01-1788
Leon Diarios del destacamento de la Villa de Croix ano de 1788 y 89 10-01-1788
Lorenzo Diarios del comandante del destacamento de la ciudad de Orcasitas ano de 1788-1789 08-01-1788
Lazaro Diarios del comandante del destacamento de la Villa de Llera, ano de 1788 y 89 09-01-1788
Leon Diarios del comandante del destacamento de la Villa de Llera, ano de 1788 y 89 09-01-1788
Leon Series of military personnel records from compania Volante de Nuevo Santander for 1788 signed by Murgier. 03-01-1788
