Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Marin del Valle Various letters from gobernador, viceroy and other officers from Sinaloa and Sonora. 06-20-1769
Marin del Valle Correspondence re: Zaya's complaints against contaduria of San Blas. 02-22-1793
Marin del Valle Acknowledgement of receipt of diary and map. 02-13-1756
Marin del Valle Letter from Marin del Valle re: Hernandez's extortion and mistreatment of Indians of Galisteo mission, and illicit sale of... 02-13-1756
Marin del Valle Letter to Marin del Valle relating fear that through movements of cumanches, French of Luciana will try to establish commerce. Spanish... 02-12-1756
Marin del Valle Letter to Marin del Valle from virrey (?) re: dismissal of Saenz, who is ordered to leave jurisdiction following complaints from locals. 02-27-1756
Marin del Valle Letter from Marin del Valle congratulating Ayumada on promotion to virrey. 03-08-1756
Marin del Valle Letter to Marin del Valle re: efforts made in reduccion of Indians alienated from Galisteo mission by mistreatment by Hernandez. 04-12-1756
Marin del Valle Letter to Marin del Valle re: submision of testimony detailing results of exile of Garvizu. 05-12-1756
Marin del Valle Letter to Marin del Valle stating receipt of letter written by author's predecessor re: liberty and good treatment Indians should... 05-12-1756
Marin del Valle Letter to Marin del Valle re: disobedience and other offenses of Madrid and Venavides. 05-12-1756
Marin del Valle Correspondence between Marin del Valle and virreys re: maintenance or peace with cumanches. 07-16-1755
Marin del Valle Letter to Marin del Valle re: reciept of letters dealing with dismissal and exile of Garibuzu; occurences with cumanches. 09-09-1756
Marin del Valle Letter to Marin del Valle re: decision in matter of complaints of Indians Botas and Baptista of various offenses they have suffered. 12-02-1756
Marin del Valle Letter to Marin del Valle from virrey (?) re: proceedings against Catuya for upsetting reconocimiento of Moquis. 10-11-1758
Marin del Valle Letter to Marin del Valle, and response re: food shortage. 07-31-1758
Marin del Valle Letter to Marin del Valle stating that Indians bought at markets should be allowed to marry and not treated like slaves. 02-23-1758
Marin del Valle Letter to Marin del Valle imposing an additional year of imprisonment on Truxillo. 01-26-1758
Marin del Valle Letter from Marin del Valle re: submission of estados de los presidios; response. 05-20-1759
Marin del Valle Letter from Marin del Valle to virrey Amarillas stating there have been no hostilities recently. 05-31-1760
Marin del Valle Letter from Marin del Valle to virrey Cruillas re: Apache raid wherein several horses were stolen and a few people killed. 05-12-1761
Marin del Valle Letter from Marin del Valle Cruillas re: submission of testimony, Indian hostilities. 05-12-1761
Marin del Valle Letter from Marin del Valle to virrey Cruillas re: reciept of superior orden that gobernadores, corregidores and alcaldes mayores should... 02-20-1761
Marin del Valle Letter probably from virrey re: replacement of Marin del Valle by Portillo as gobernador de Nuevo Mexico. 01-18-1761
Marin del Valle Letters from Portillo re: state of presidio at time of Marin del Valle's resignation. 06-10-1761
Marin del Valle Letters between virrey Amarillas, Marin del Valle and Portillo re: occurrences in province. 10-12-1758
Marin del Valle Instructions given to new gobernador Cachupin re: arms, gunpowder, livestock, treatment of Indians. 00-00-0000
Marin del Valle Letters from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas re: need for polvora; submission list of equipment and minitions in armory, co-signed by Portillo. 02-04-1762
Marin del Valle Correspondence between Cachupin, Cruillas and others re: Portillo's attack on cumanche; establishment of peace. 03-23-1762
Marin del Valle Letter from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas re: pacification of cumanches. 08-28-1762
Marin del Valle Copia de ynstruccion que dejo Velez Cachupin gobernador del Nuevo Mexico a su sucesor don Francisco Marin del Valle. 08-12-1754
Marin del Valle Series of letters from Croix dealing primarily with financial matters such as salaries and sinodos. 03-22-1768
Marin del Valle Correspondence of Campo Viergol concerning tolls collected in department of San Blas for the real hacienda. 09-01-1772
Marin del Valle Documents relating to charges brought by Moreno y Castro against Pison y Gusman for blasphemies, drunkenness, debts and other bad conduct,... 00-00-1768
Marin del Valle Documents relating to charges brought by Moreno y Castro against Pison y Gusman for blasphemies, drunkenness, debts and other bad conduct,... 00-00-1768
Marin del Valle 1777-d. Francisco de corres-numero 6...fojas; 02-07-1777
Marin del Valle Para llebar a efecto el importante plan al publico para una compania de accionistas destinado al comercio, y mineria de las provincias de... 05-17-1771
Marin del Valle Indice de expedientes de la provincia del Nuevo Mexico de los anos 1749-1789, 1791. 00-00-1749
Marin del Valle indice de los expedientes comines de Provincias Internas de los anos 1728 a 1792 00-00-1728
Marin del Valle Thomas Beliz Cachupin. Ynbentario de los autos civiles y criminales actuados en los cinco anos de govierno de don Thomas Velez Cachupin... 00-00-1749
Marin del Valle Francisco Antonio Mariv del Valle. Bando en que se prohive la benta de yeguas, caballos padres, bestias mulares, burros y aramas ofensibas... 11-26-1754
Marin del Valle Marin del Valle. Disagreement over appointment of Manuel Sanz de Garuizu as theniente general. 07-04-1755
Marin del Valle Domingo Luxan. Una petizion presentada ante el senor vicario y juez eclesiastico por Domingo Luxan, soldado de este real presidio. 08-09-1755
Marin del Valle Vicente Ginzo Ron y Thobar. Requests assigment as theniente vacated by Ortiz. 01-01-1756
Marin del Valle Joseph Antonio Naranxo. Preceedings concerning brutality committed against his wife. 07-23-1756
Marin del Valle Juan Benavides Diego Antonio Marquez. Benavides and Marques escaped from prison, Fernandez sent after them. 05-00-1757
Marin del Valle Carlos Fernandez. Fernandez submits for appointment as teniente of Santa Fe. 05-11-1757
Marin del Valle Petition that Esteban Rodriquez be returned to duty as the drummer for the company. 05-16-1757
Marin del Valle Francisco Guerrero. Guerrero brings charges against Miguel Thenorio documents deal with testimony of those involved. 08-22-1757
Marin del Valle Phelipe Tafoya. Asks for damages for the quilt loaned to Mareno, which his wife had intended to sell, but was damaged and needed washing. 07-19-1764