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Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Macarulla copia de declaraciones recibidas sobre lo ocurrido el 14 de octubre con el ayuntamiento por haberse presentado a las nueve de la manana a s... 08-31-1814
Marin copia de declaraciones recibidas sobre lo ocurrido el 14 de octubre con el ayuntamiento por haberse presentado a las nueve de la manana a s... 08-31-1814
Martinez copia de declaraciones recibidas sobre lo ocurrido el 14 de octubre con el ayuntamiento por haberse presentado a las nueve de la manana a s... 08-31-1814
Manta Negra Copia de los partes y un diario del capitan don Joseph Manuel Carrasco dando cuenta justificada de las resultas de su ultima Campana; con... 09-39-1789
Martinez Copia de los partes y un diario del capitan don Joseph Manuel Carrasco dando cuenta justificada de las resultas de su ultima Campana; con... 09-39-1789
Manuel Copia de los partes y un diario del capitan don Joseph Manuel Carrasco dando cuenta justificada de las resultas de su ultima Campana; con... 09-39-1789
Martinez Copia de los partes y un diario del capitan don Joseph Manuel Carrasco dando cuenta justificada de las resultas de su ultima Campana; con... 09-39-1789
Marin del Valle Copia de ynstruccion que dejo Velez Cachupin gobernador del Nuevo Mexico a su sucesor don Francisco Marin del Valle. 08-12-1754
Martin Copia de ynstruccion que dejo Velez Cachupin gobernador del Nuevo Mexico a su sucesor don Francisco Marin del Valle. 08-12-1754
Madrid Copia de ynstruccion que dejo Velez Cachupin gobernador del Nuevo Mexico a su sucesor don Francisco Marin del Valle. 08-12-1754
Maderuelo Copies of documents dealing with tax issues between Guadalaxara's real hacienda and province of Culiacan. 05-23-1779
Mangino Copies of documents dealing with tax issues between Guadalaxara's real hacienda and province of Culiacan. 05-23-1779
Martinez Pacheco Copy book of correspondence of governor of Texas, captain of La Bahia and comandante general concerning political affairs and Indian... 03-06-1791
Madrid Copy of letter from Garces to Bucareli re: establishment of mission in Yuma nation at request of capitan Palma. 03-11-1779
Mata y Cos Copy of several letters between Ugarte, Diaz, viceroy, and other government officials concerning Parras and Saltillo. 01-22-1786
Martinez de la Mata Copy of title of governorship granted to Emparan by king. 10-31-1790
Marizo Corbalan to Croix (Croix's response, Mexico, (9/14/1771) letter concerning sibubapas at Belen. 08-02-1771
Mayusca Corbalan to Croix (Croix's response, Mexico, (9/14/1771) letter concerning sibubapas at Belen. 08-02-1771
Maese Cornel y Ferraz, Antonio (secretario de estado). Royal order 10-04-1766
Marron Cornel y Ferraz, Antonio (secretario de estado). Royal order 10-04-1766
Martin Cornel y Ferraz, Antonio (secretario de estado). Royal order 10-04-1766
Martinez Correspondence about attack on Cerro Prieto; murder charge against soldier. 06-20-1768
Martinez Correspondence about troop movement for expedition of Sonora. 04-20-1767
Mangino Correspondence among various military and political personnel concerning shortages, shipment and sale of arms. 04-22-1785
Mata Correspondence among various officials concerning suspension of 'recargo de armamentos.' 01-23-1787
Mata Binolas Correspondence and diary re: Cordero's campaign against Indians. 08-29-1789
Mazon Correspondence and diary re: Cordero's campaign against Indians. 08-29-1789
Manta Negra Correspondence and diary re: Cordero's campaign against Indians. 08-29-1789
Madrid Correspondence and diary re: Cordero's campaign against Indians. 08-29-1789
Malarin Correspondence and published government documents on regulation of maritime transportation of other ports with San Blas 07-26-1810
Martinez Correspondence and published government documents on regulation of maritime transportation of other ports with San Blas 07-26-1810
Matamoros Correspondence between Allande, Ugarte, viceroy, and other government officials concerning endowment of Allande's wife. 08-06-1776
Marca Miranda Correspondence between Antonio de Ozio and governor of Californian peninsula regarding the branding of livestock. 11-13-1716
Martinez Correspondence between Arredondo, Lopez, and Adam concerning Indian hostilities in Coahuila. 02-17-1816
Madrazo Correspondence between authors re: peace with mescaleros. 04-13-1788
Martinez de Vargas Correspondence between Barry, Revilla Gigedo, and Martinez concerning marriage request by Barry. 05-24-1777
Manso Portugues Correspondence between Belena and viceroy for the years 1768-1770. 07-03-1768
Manuel Correspondence between Belena and viceroy for the years 1768-1770. 07-03-1768
Mayorga Correspondence between Caballero de Croix and virrey Mayorga on administrative matters of the Provincias Internas Jan.-March 1782. 01-02-1782
Martinez Pacheco Correspondence between Cabello and Galbez of year 1786. 01-22-1786
Mata Correspondence between Cabildo de Durango, virrey concerning dispute over delivery of funds. 07-11-1769
Marquez y Soria Correspondence between Cabildo de Durango, virrey concerning dispute over delivery of funds. 07-11-1769
Marin del Valle Correspondence between Cachupin, Cruillas and others re: Portillo's attack on cumanche; establishment of peace. 03-23-1762
Maldonado Correspondence between Cachupin, Cruillas and others re: Portillo's attack on cumanche; establishment of peace. 03-23-1762
Matayquiburr Correspondence between capitan Urrea and viceroy concerning military life and tactics against Indians. 01-11-1774
Mayorga Correspondence between Casas, viceroy, and Corras concerning Apache prisioner. 08-12-1790
Martinez Abas Correspondence between Castro and the viceroy. Military administration 1791. 04-06-1791
Martinez Correspondence between civil officers from Horcasitas, Santillana, Escandon and viceroy Galvez regarding attacks by Chichimecas. 02-28-1786
Mata Correspondence between comandante de Provincias Internas and Conde de Revillagigedo concerning military personnel. 04-28-1790
Matamoros Correspondence between comandante de Provincias Internas and Conde de Revillagigedo concerning military personnel. 04-28-1790
