Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Menchaca Concerns 'retirement' of Fueros, considered 'inutil' by Ugalde and virrey. 02-25-1788
Menchaca Correspondence between governor of Coahuila and virrey concerning Indian incursions and military actions 03-23-1790
Menchaca Correspondence between governor of Coahuila and virrey concerning poor relations with Indians. 10-08-1787
Menchaca Letters, diaries from Munoz and Trevino and responses from virrey Conde concerning Indian activity in province of Texas first in this... 03-24-1791
Menchaca Letters, diaries from Munoz and Trevino and responses from virrey Conde concerning Indian activity in province of Texas first in this... 03-24-1791
Menchaca Series of judicial documents about conflict between government officials in San Antonio de Bejar. Conflict arose out of some orders... 04-14-1735
Menchaca dos cartas he recivido de v.e. una con fecha 25 de febrero y otra de 7 de marzo ultimos ambas relativas . . . . 04-03-1792
Menchaca Extracto de las hostilidades executadas por los lipanes y mezcaleros . . . . 03-24-1792
Menchaca Extracto de las hostilidades executadas por los lipanes y mezcaleros . . . . 03-24-1792
Menchaca por la carta de v.m. de 21 de noviembre ultimo y documentos que la acompanan que . . . . 11-04-1792
Menchaca Series of documents dealing with Indian wars and some administrative affairs among government officials 03-20-1792
Menchaca Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with Indian affairs. 11-24-1790
Menchaca Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with Indian affairs. 11-24-1790
Menchaca Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with a variety of Indian affairs and other military administrative events. 06-18-1792
Menchaca excmo sr= la duda que en este memorial se propone, sobre el parecer del auditor, es verdaderamente... 02-25-1737
Menchaca Autos concerning exploration for minerals along the Colorado River and the mapping of the area. 11-26-1755
Menchaca French trespassing into Spanish territory, Part III. 00-00-1690
Menchaca Tejas province mission and presidio establishment and Indian ethnographic data. 07-00-1684
Menchaca Documents concerning reciprocal trade between Louisiana and Texas and on the equipping of a port on the coast of the latter. 09-23-1778
Menchaca Documents concerning free trade between provincias of Luisiana and Texas. 06-02-1783
Menchaca soldados que de los presidios de la punta de Lampazos, Coahuila, Laredo, y mision de San Christoval... 04-12-1795
Menchaca Comuniciones del ministro practical de San Blas sobre llegada de buques, carga que conducen, cobre de derechos, ect... 10-07-1813
Menchaca numero 18. Sin embargo del primero y segundo parte que con fecha de 10 del corriente tengo a vuestro senor dados 06-13-1791
Menchaca numero 18. Sin embargo del primero y segundo parte que con fecha de 10 del corriente tengo a vuestro senor dados 06-13-1791
Menchaca valle de Santa Rosa, ano de 1791. Declaraciones tomadas por el ayudante inspector don Juan Gutierrez de la Cueva, sobre lo acaecido con los... 06-27-1791
Menchaca 1171. Ano de 1791. Provincias de oriente. Ordenes al comandante general don Ramon de Castro y sus contestaciones 12-28-1790
Menchaca numero 30. Excelentisimo senor. Por el oficio de vuestra excelencia del 16, ultimo y memorial que se sirve acompanarme 04-04-1791
Menchaca 1170 expedientes antiguos de Provincias Internas. Vuelven al archivo de donde se sacaron. 09-17-1790
Menchaca Correspondence among various officials concerning 'recargo' on weapons purchased by troops. 02-07-1779
Menchaca oficios de senor comandante general de las provincias de oriente, don Ramon de Castro... 12-00-1791
Menchaca oficios de senor comandante general de las provincias de oriente, don Ramon de Castro... 12-00-1791
Menchaca Ff.91 reads presidio de la Monclova. ff.92 Coahuila. Comandante de la compania del presidio de Coahuila. 1755. varios government... 00-00-1732
Menchaca Correspondence to viceroy Venadito from September 1819 to March 1821, military concerns. 09-24-1819
Menchaca Series of documents concerning peace treaty with Texas Indians. 02-08-1821
Menchaca Letters from Arredondo for virrey informing him about the overflow of the river San Antonio and number of dead. 07-31-1819
Menchaca Index and extractions from expedientes containing abundant administrative, military and religious information regarding the provinces... 01-01-1766
Menchaca Index and extractions from expedientes containing administrative, military, and religious information regarding numerous provinces. (legajo... 10-29-1765
Menchaca Index and extractions from legajo 11 (1764), quadernos 1-8, containing administrative, military, and religious information regarding... 12-03-1763
Menchaca Relaciones de servicios for the tercera compania Volante de Nuevo Santander. 05-15-1760
Menchaca Index of correspondence between Ugalde and Florez, 1787. 08-28-1787
Menchaca Documents concerning marriage of P. nolasco with M. Garza. 08-24-1786
Menchaca Documents required to obtain marriage license for Ignacio Garisuain, Josefa Martinez. 05-14-1782
Menchaca General military correspondence between Ugalde and Florez. 07-07-1788
Menchaca Correspondence concerning various matters of military administration. 11-16-1788
Menchaca Letters between Ugalde, other military administrators, various concerns. 11-16-1788
Menchaca Letters from Ugalde to Revilla Gigedo concerning military administration. 09-22-1790
Menchaca Letters from Ugalde to Revilla Gigedo concerning military administration. 09-22-1790
Menchaca Indice de los expedientes de Texas del ano 1737 hasta el de 1791 (actually 1792). 00-00-1737
Menchaca Atanasio Demesieres to Caballero de Croix. 04-08-1778
Menchaca Atanasio Demesieres to Caballero de Croix. 04-15-1778
