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Person Last Name Document title Date
Merino Escandon's correspondence re: mission establishment in Aguayo, Escandon, and Revilla. 02-1--1757
Merino Neve's will and documents concerning carrying out provisions in will. 01-29-1777
Merino Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784
Merino Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories. 10-06-1774
Merino Documents concerning executors of Neve's will, inventories, auction and accounts of Neve's wealth. 01-29-1777
Merino Expediente promovido a consulta del comandante general de provincias de Poniente sobre colocar en el mando militar de la Sonora al coronel... 02-29-1764
Merino Ugarte y Loyola submits detailed informe regarding criminals accused of treason and means to contain rebellious Indian nations. 07-27-1785
Merino Ugarte y Loyola informs Galvez of proposal to create real audiencia and results of measures taken to pacify frontier tribes. 12-01-1783
Merino Reyes and Ugarte y Loyola submit informes to Galvez noting disastrous condition of missions and towns. Proposal for creation of custodia de... 08-27-1783
Merino Informes of Ugarte y Loyola and Alegre in which the conditions of provincias of Nueva Viscaya, Nuevo Mexico and Sonora, including... 09-22-1776
Merino Perez Florez requests retirement because of illness and old age. 08-04-1807
Merino Pujol leads group of Catalan families to Sonora to work in newly discovered mines, but is replaced by Fages following complaints of... 08-27-1778
Merino Fray Garzes requests financial assistance for establishment of new mission among Yuma, per order of Croix. 08-22-1776
Merino Series of letters in which fray Prestamero informs virrey that Croix holds 'religiosos' in low esteem, missions suffering because... 08-18-1780
Merino Correspondence between Ugarte and Florez concerning appointment of new captain of Tucson. 07-15-1787
Merino Correspondence between Posada and other government officials concerning pension of Allande. 01-14-1775
Merino Glossary of expenses incurred during pacification and settlement of colonia del Nuevo Santander. 08-01-1752
Merino copia de declaraciones recibidas sobre lo ocurrido el 14 de octubre con el ayuntamiento por haberse presentado a las nueve de la manana a s... 08-31-1814
Merino Documents concerning marriage of P. nolasco with M. Garza. 08-24-1786
Merino indice de los expedientes comines de Provincias Internas de los anos 1728 a 1792 00-00-1728
Merino Concerns the management of the segunda compania de Voluntarios de Cataluna. 02-26-1761
Merino Del padre rector Joseph Toral al padre provincial Juan Antonio de Oviedo. Sobre la asignacion de padres en las misiones de la pimeria. 06-26-1739
Merino Padre Juan Lorenzo Salgado to padre provincial Ignacio Calderon. noticia de la provincia de Sinaloa visita general. 03-08-1756
Merino Del padre Carlos de Roxas al padre provincial Francisco Zevallos. Sobre el estado de estas misiones. 07-13-1762
Merino Carlos IV (rey). Cedula regarding right of sanctuary. 08-28-1717
Merino Carlos IV (rey). Royal cedula - re: procedures in residencias. 08-29-1768
Merino Carlos IV. Royal cedula abolishing depositarios los generales and replacing them with cajas de depositos. 01-30-1781
Merino Galvez, Joseph de to comandante general de las Provincias Internas.. A letter concerning Pedro Baliente. 09-19-1782
Merino Gallego, Pedro Ignacio. Civil suit against Gallego by Maria Magdalena Baca for failure to fulfill promise of marriage. 10-23-1789
Merino Merino, Manuel. Royal decree on requirements for issuing titles of nobility. 08-09-1790
Merino Carlos IV. Royal decree with particulars of granting Spanish titles to people in the americas. 11-13-1790
Merino Nava, Pedro de to Concha, Fernando de la. Copy of real cedula about birth of king's daughter, Maria Teresa. 03-17-1791
Merino Merino, Manuel. Copy of report Uranga about theft of four horses from Apache chief. 07-19-1791
Merino Merino, Manuel. Copy of letter sent to Uranga by the Nava concerning the theft of four horses from Apache chief. 07-19-1791
Merino Carlos iv (rey). Real cedula requiring that oath of office be taken in traditional way and that media anata be paid. 12-30-1791
Merino Beregana, Domingo de. Report on financial affairs of eleven missionaries in New Mexico for year 1790. 05-26-1792
Merino Beregana, Domingo de. Report on financial affairs of eleven missionaries in New Mexico for year 1790. 05-26-1792
Merino . Royal cedula outlining ceremonial honors to be accorded the comandante general during mass. 02-18-1794
Merino Nava, Pedro de (comandante) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). In surrender of plaza de San Sebastian. 08-03-1794
Merino Merino, Manuel (escribano). Copy of procedure to be followed when the comandante general attends church. 08-23-1794
Merino Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). notice to governor of New Mexico of royal cedula outlining ceremonies to be accorded the comandante... 08-23-1794
Merino . Copy of royal cedula sent to governor of New Mexico ordering that missionaries travel expenses to and from California will be paid by the... 09-16-1794
Merino . Royal cedula decreeing new policy for royal finances and detailed explanation of conversion of debts, loans and other obligations. 12-10-1794
Merino Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Remission to governor of New Mexico copy of royal cedula of 1766 decreeing military bonuses for... 01-22-1795
Merino Diaz de hortega, Felipe. notice to viceroy related to governor of New Mexico, of Indian found wandering in Valladolid who was baptized and... 11-06-1795
Merino Pedro de Nava (comandante)-to-Fernando Chacon (gobernador). 11-11-1795
Merino Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Transmission to governor of New Mexico procedure to be followed for religious services for soldiers... 12-10-1795
Merino Carlos IV (rey). Royal order granting clemency to four military prisoners. 04-08-1796
Merino . Royal cedula outlining administration and collection of media anata tax and emphasis upon honest efficient collection. 08-23-1796
Merino . Royal cedula regulating treatment of criminals in rape cases prohibiting excessive punishment of convict after sentence. 10-30-1796
