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Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Miguel Documents relating to charges brought by Moreno y Castro against Pison y Gusman for blasphemies, drunkenness, debts and other bad conduct,... 00-00-1768
Minichagas Documents relating to charges brought by Moreno y Castro against Pison y Gusman for blasphemies, drunkenness, debts and other bad conduct,... 00-00-1768
Mier Documents related to court cases of various prisoners. 08-12-1776
Mirafuentes Documents related to court cases of various prisoners. 08-12-1776
Miranda Documents re: founding dates of missions and presidios. 00-00-1640
Miranda Documents discussing the property, wealth and obligations of the Jesuits in New Spain and Nueva Viscaya. 09-00-1772
Miguelena Documents concerning soldiers parral compania de compana's attempts to obtain full salaries. 07-23-1711
Millan Rodriguez Documents concerning religious affairs of Durango and Chihuahua. 02-15-1817
Minjares Documents concerning purchase of, payment for supplies for Bacoachi Apaches. 07-23-1787
Miranda Documents concerning moving San Xavier presidio. 11-03-1756
Millan Rodriguez Documents concerning matters mutual to religious and political heirarchies. 03-10-1817
Michelensa Documents concerning Indian affairs and military campaigns against Indians enemies. 07-02-1775
Miranda Documents concerning financial support of colonial officials wife. 12-00-1780
Millan Rodriquez Documents concerning bishop of Durango's dealings with government and military leaders. 07-28-1817
Millan Rodriguez Documents concerning bishop of Durango's dealings with government and military leaders. 05-31-1817
Mier y Noriega Documents concerning accusations made by Garza against Munoz of possession of contraband jewelry. 07-07-1809
Minjares Documents by Bonavia concerning military retirements and bonuses. 02-22-1816
Milian Perez Documents about exploration of California. 02-20-1769
Mira Dispute over water rights 03-13-1769
Mier y Trespalacios Discussion of desire to settle cases of various prisoners who are currently imprisoned in real carcel of Durango. 12-24-1778
Mirafuentes Discussion of desire to settle cases of various prisoners who are currently imprisoned in real carcel of Durango. 12-24-1778
Minchaca Discourse related to investigation of possible French settlements in area of Los Tejas 05-05-1703
Michilena Discourse concerning reales de minas at la Cieneguilla, Sonora. 01-20-1772
Mireles diligencias practicadas sobre falta de respeto a la jurisdiccion real ordinaria por la tropa del quartel de San Antonio, la noche del dia 8... 01-10-1817
Mireles diligencias practicadas para la haberiguacion de insulto de que se le hicieron al alcalde de 10. Voto don Francisco Roldan por Alferez dn.... 01-08-1817
Miera Diego Martinez Arellano (fray). Suit to recover sheep from Cleto de Miera. 06-09-1801
Michilena Diaz de hortega, Felipe. notice to viceroy related to governor of New Mexico, of Indian found wandering in Valladolid who was baptized and... 11-06-1795
Miranda Diary of the expedition to the provincia of the Indian techas from fray Massanet. 05-06-1691
Mier y Noriea Diary about abuses, killings, by Pedro Jose and his band. 05-01-1787
Miranda Diarios, estados de fuerza of primera and segunda companias del Nuevo Santander. 02-01-1791
Miguel Detailed cuentas of expenses from Janos for supplies for pacified Indians and prisoners of war. 08-31-1788
Miguel Julian Deserters from russian fragata juno off San Francisco harbor 04-14-1806
Michel Del padre Juan Nentvig al padre provincial Salvador de Gandara. Sobre las semillas necesarias para el abasto de la tropa, y otras cosas. 03-18-1767
Middendorff Del padre Juan Nentvig al padre provincial Francisco Zeballos. Que lo que hizo para formar el mapa, no fue mas que un tosco borrador. 02-14-1765
Miguel Antonio Declaracion de don Juan Antonio Manzano y de don Christobal Feliciano 11-20-1781
Mier Debt of Lasaga to fondo gratificacion 00-00-1784
Miranda Cuerbo y Valdez, Fransisco. Council of war. 05-18-1707
Mirones Cuentas relativas a la tropa de California 00-00-1780
Miguel Cuentas from Janos for supplies to Apaches de paz y prisioneros, chiricaguis de paz and chiricaguis auxiliares. 08-31-1788
Miguel Cuentas from Janos for supplies to Apaches de paz y prisioneros, chiricaguis de paz and chiricaguis auxiliares. 08-31-1788
Millan cuenta presentada por el sargento Gaspar Lechon a los gastos imbertidos en la collera de mecos... 02-09-1783
Miranda Croix (Marques de) (virrey). Decreto y diligencias sobre uso de los vezinos de San Fernando para construccion de edificos; y protesta de... 09-19-1771
Miguel Criminal-trespass and assault. 09-11-1743
Miguel Criminal- suspicion of indio 03-06-1668
Miranda y Carreno Criminal cases against Camarillo (Maulas), noparan and Jose Antonio. 09-02-1796
Miramontes Criminal case- por robo. 05-21-1658
Miguel Criminal case- assault. 04-26-1657
Miguel Criminal case- assault. 11-04-1649
Miguel Criminal case against Indian for theft livestock. 06-10-1711
Mier y Noriega Court case against Pedro Chivato and his companeros. 04-28-1781
