Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Murillo Series of certificaciones and testimonies about the conquest of Nayarit and Santa Maria de Los Angeles by military personnel of Colotlan. 05-16-1724
Muro Series of certificaciones and testimonies about the conquest of Nayarit and Santa Maria de Los Angeles by military personnel of Colotlan. 05-16-1724
Munguia Series of documents concerning appointment of Llano as auditor de guerra by Arredondo, and solicitations from Espinosa, Munguia, and... 02-05-1814
Muxica Series of documents concerning dispute between Arredondo and obispo de Monterrey over control of hospital de pobres. 05-06-1816
Murfi Series of documents concerning maritime transportation and military administration. 11-08-1804
Murga Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, military organization, and military-religious relations. 08-25-1809
Murphy Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, military organization, and military-religious relations. 08-25-1809
Musquiz Series of documents concerning peace treaty with Texas Indians. 02-08-1821
Munarriz Series of documents dealing with distribution of land and water rights to repopulators of San Fernando. Measurement and boundaries for each... 07-06-1731
Muniz Series of documents dealing with distribution of land to Indians Chichimecos settled in Colotlan and surroundings. Autos on trial against... 03-05-1773
Munoz Series of documents dealing with Indian wars and some administrative affairs among government officials 03-20-1792
Munoz Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784
Murgier Series of letters and oficios from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 05-25-1787
Muzquiz Series of letters between government officials and the viceroy 05-24-1792
Munoz Series of letters from Castro to virrey complaining about Emparan. 07-14-1791
Murgier Series of letters from officers to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 00-00-1768
Murgier Series of military personnel records from compania Volante de Nuevo Santander for 1788 signed by Murgier. 03-01-1788
Munoz Series of oficios and letters from Munoz to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 11-25-1785
Murgier Series of oficios and letters from Munoz to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 11-25-1785
Murgier Series of oficios and letters from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 11-20-1786
Murgier Series of oficios and letters from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 00-00-1742
Murgier Series of oficios and letters from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 10-26-1788
Munis Series of repetitive testimonies regarding charges of desertion against Maldonado, Borrego, Garza. 01-07-1819
Munoz Series of testimonies against Munoz for possession and trade of contraband jewelry. 03-20-1809
Muniz Series of testimonies and autos dealing with sexual assault committed by an Indian. Petition for release from jail of some soldiers. 04-02-1773
Muniz Series of testimonies and autos dealing with sexual assault committed by an Indian. Petition for release from jail of some soldiers. 04-02-1773
Muro Series of transcripts of interrogations of Anglo-Americans caught trespassing in Texas. 11-26-1819
Munoz Service records of oficiales, sargentos y cadete from compania veterana de Lampazos. 08-19-1799
Munaris Service records of oficiales, sargentos y cadete from compania veterana de Lampazos. 08-19-1799
Muniz Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. 01-23-1767
Munoz Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. 01-23-1767
Mulato Sierra Gorda's report re: settlement of Indian groups in Nuevo Santander. 00-00-1718
Munoz de Castro Sigue el inventa=rio de libros de=haziendas y caxa 11-13-1767
Murillo Silvestre Velez de Escalante, O.F.M., to provincial Isidro Murillo. Carta sobre la ruta de Nuevo Mexico a California. 07-29-1776
Murgier Sobre abono de haveres en este capital al teniente, sargento, cavo, y soldados de la compania del presidio de Santa Maria de Llera... 10-27-1791
Murgier Sobre ajustes de la tropa que conduje a este capital dos oficiales arrestados y que estaban iniciados en la causa del capitan don Juan... 03-05-1794
Munoz sobre destinar en el exercito del virreynato a los capitanes graduados don Andres Arias... 11-18-1787
Munoz sobre el reintegro de los ganados, ornamentos y vassos sagrados que se sacaron de las missiones de la antigua California para las de la... 09-20-1768
Mugategui Sobre incorporacion de varios pp fernandinos a la provincia del Santo Evangelio para exercer de misioneros en el Nuevo Mexico. 03-12-1790
Munoz de Nora Sobre la frontera entre francia y Espana cerca del rio Colorado y relaciones entre los dos paises. 00-00-1720
Munoz Sobre la quema de varias medidas en la villa de Palmillas... 01-26-1790
Murgier sobre nuestras acaecidas en las inmediaciones de Conchos por los indios de Pedro Jose que se refugian en la mision de San Cristobal, del N... 03-15-1791
Munos de Rivera Sobre pesos por Alonso Munos, contra Marcos Perez. 03-26-1648
Munoz y San Clemente Sobre que se reintegren a las caxas de manila las cantidades erogadas en la Goleta Valdes; testimonio del expediente crecido a consecuencia... 01-25-1792
Munguia sobre si se ha de cargar a la real hacienda y abonar a la compania presidial de Bexar 4,856 ps. Para obsequiar a los indios y mantener el... 12-21-1810
Murgier Solicitud del capitan de la segunda compania Volante don Juan Maria Murgier para restituirse a Espana. 00-00-1787
Munoz Solicitud del capitan de la segunda compania Volante don Juan Maria Murgier para restituirse a Espana. 00-00-1787
Mugarrieta Sonora expedientes de libranzas ano de 1787 04-19-1787
Mugarrieta Sonora expedientes de libranzas ano de 1788 01-11-1788
Mugarrieta Sonora. expediente de libranzas ano de 1789 11-24-1788
