Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Munoz Letters from Herrera to Salcedo concerning structure of rebel government in Texas during illegal governorship of casas. 03-28-1811
Musquis Letters from Herrera to Salcedo concerning structure of rebel government in Texas during illegal governorship of casas. 03-28-1811
Munoz Index of correspondence between Salcedo and virrey between 1809 and 1811, comprising most of previous 200 folios of this Volume. 03-14-1809
Murphy Letters to viceroy concerning threats to Spanish power in Luisiana. 12-21-1810
Murphi Correspondence with virrey concerning efforts against rebel activity in Texas. 02-24-1816
Munoz Documents concerning accusations made by Garza against Munoz of possession of contraband jewelry. 07-07-1809
Munoz Series of testimonies against Munoz for possession and trade of contraband jewelry. 03-20-1809
Munive Real orden que concede jubilazion a don Jose Munive medico cirujano de la compania presidial de la Monclova. 06-12-1797
Murquiez Instancia de don Juan Estevan de la Serna para que se socorra la partida de tropa de la segunda compania Volante que conduje a este capital... 12-27-1791
Murgier Sobre abono de haveres en este capital al teniente, sargento, cavo, y soldados de la compania del presidio de Santa Maria de Llera... 10-27-1791
Murgier Sobre ajustes de la tropa que conduje a este capital dos oficiales arrestados y que estaban iniciados en la causa del capitan don Juan... 03-05-1794
Murga Letter from Bonavia to virrey concerning merit raises for presidiales. 08-05-1817
Munguia Letter and service records sent by Garcia Conde to virrey concerning payments to soldiers of altar presidio. 07-01-1817
Munguia Letter and service records sent by Garcia Conde to virrey concerning payments to soldiers of altar presidio. 07-01-1817
Munos Report from Arzate and Lomban concerning payments to soldiers of the quarta compania Volante de Nueva Vizcaya. 11-07-1816
Munos Report from Arzate and Lomban concerning payments to soldiers of the quarta compania Volante de Nueva Vizcaya. 11-07-1816
Munos Report from Arzate and Lomban concerning payments to soldiers of the quarta compania Volante de Nueva Vizcaya. 11-07-1816
Munoz Concerning general planning of military campaigns, defense of Texas, Coahuila. 12-06-1817
Munoz de Olbera Reports of attempts to subdue Indians in pueblos of Nayarit. 01-09-1724
Munoz de Olbera Reports of military excursions to patroll Naiarit. 03-03-1724
Munos Reports of conflict, peaceful encounters with Indians in Nayarit. 01-22-1724
Munoz de Olbera Reports of activities of Indians, Spanish taking advantage of tribe turning against tribe. 03-06-1724
Muro Concerning founding new villas, reduccion of Indians in Nayarit 08-09-1722
Munoz Reports of milicia activities near vieja Tamaulipa sierra. 12-14-1789
Munoz Documents concerning death of Sastre. 03-17-1773
Munoz Correspondence re: charges brought against various Indians. 12-15-1775
Murrieta Seri Indians settlement near the Pitic. 12-12-1771
Munoz y Subiran Autos formed against Escandon from obispo de Guadalaxara. 11-04-1766
Mullano Echagarray testifies to real tribunal de cuentas having delivered lost expedientes to villegas puente who testifies that he never received... 00-00-1731
Munoz Escandon's correspondence re: mission establishment in Aguayo, Escandon, and Revilla. 02-1--1757
Munoz Neve's will and documents concerning carrying out provisions in will. 01-29-1777
Munoz Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784
Munoz Documents concerning executors of Neve's will, inventories, auction and accounts of Neve's wealth. 01-29-1777
Muxica Balderrain requests retirement after snakebite, also asks for financial help. 11-25-1785
Mugartegui Documents concerning request and granting of permission for passage of fray Sanchez from San Blas to Monterrey to replace missionary... 03-03-1791
Murgoitio Letter from Dorrego to virrey complaining that synods received for Tamitas mission are insufficient to continue operation. 02-04-1800
Musquiz Series of documents concerning peace treaty with Texas Indians. 02-08-1821
Muzquis Arredondo informs virrey about a fight the compania de Bavia had against the lipan indians 09-14-1819
Munoz Letters from Garcia informing virrey about a fragata that arrived from Callao and possibility that insurgentes had intercepted the ship. 02-28-1820
Mueras Diaz de Solorzano requests promotion to coronel. Service record attached. 05-15-1810
Muns Ruiz de Larramendi requests retirement from compania presidial de San Elceario and permission to reside in Spain. 09-01-1816
Murga Lopez requests retirement from company of Durango due to his suffering from consumption. Lopez' service record and role in killing of... 05-27-1816
Muns Garay requests retirement from quarta compania de milicias Voluntarios de caballeria de Nueva Vizcaya. Garay's role against rebels and... 11-05-1817
Muela Regarding military monetary awards. 10-04-1766
Munos Regarding military monetary awards. 10-04-1766
Munos Regarding military monetary awards. 10-04-1766
Muela Concerns Manuel Hernandez's and Juan Gras' requests for the status of invalid and many soldiers' monetary awards for years... 10-04-1766
Muela Concerns Manuel Hernandez's and Juan Gras' requests for the status of invalid and many soldiers' monetary awards for years... 10-04-1766
Munoz Ugarte y Loyola submits detailed informe regarding criminals accused of treason and means to contain rebellious Indian nations. 07-27-1785
Munoz Index and extractions from expedientes containing abundant administrative, military and religious information regarding the provinces... 01-01-1766
