Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Moctezuma Autos concerning establishment and conditions of Camargo. 05-31-1750
Moctezuma Autos concerning establishment and conditions of Camargo. 05-31-1750
Martinez Autos concerning establishment and conditions of Camargo. 05-31-1750
Moctezuma Autos concerning establishment and conditions of Dolores. 07-26-1750
Martinez Autos concerning establishment and conditions of San Isidrio. 01-20-1751
Moctezuma Autos concerning establishment and conditions of San Isidrio. 01-20-1751
Moctezuma Autos concerning establishment and conditions of Santander 09-14-1750
Moctezuma Autos concerning establishment and conditions of Santander 09-14-1750
Moctezuma Autos concerning establishment and conditions of Sotolamarina. 07-21-1750
Moctezuma Autos concerning establishment and conditions of Sotolamarina. 07-21-1750
Miranda Autos concerning exploration for minerals along the Colorado River and the mapping of the area. 11-26-1755
Menchaca Autos concerning exploration for minerals along the Colorado River and the mapping of the area. 11-26-1755
Miranda Autos concerning French trespassing onto Spanish territory, Part II. 00-00-1690
Mazo Calderon Autos concerning French trespassing onto Spanish territory, Part II. 00-00-1690
Maldonado Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
Martines y Ruiz Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
Malo de Villavicencio Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
Mexia Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
Mendoza Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Miabe Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Martin Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Miranda Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Martin Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Munoz Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Mus Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Munoz Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Munoz Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Morales Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Muro Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Maldonado Autos concerning missions and taxes. 10-11-1737
Monzon Autos concerning missions and taxes. 10-11-1737
Melgarejo Autos concerning movement of tlaxcalan families to Casafuerte in Coahuila to strengthen this colony. 06-08-1735
Mateo Autos concerning Nayaritas and guasamotecos who threatened to kill missionaries and free prisoner Juan Tonate from jail in Mexico. 02-12-1761
Martinez Autos concerning Nayaritas and guasamotecos who threatened to kill missionaries and free prisoner Juan Tonate from jail in Mexico. 02-12-1761
Marcelino Autos concerning Nayaritas and guasamotecos who threatened to kill missionaries and free prisoner Juan Tonate from jail in Mexico. 02-12-1761
Minjares de Salazar Autos concerning Nayaritas and guasamotecos who threatened to kill missionaries and free prisoner Juan Tonate from jail in Mexico. 02-12-1761
Mendoza Autos concerning Nayaritas and guasamotecos who threatened to kill missionaries and free prisoner Juan Tonate from jail in Mexico. 02-12-1761
Mingares y Zalazar Autos concerning Nayaritas and guasamotecos who threatened to kill missionaries and free prisoner Juan Tonate from jail in Mexico. 02-12-1761
Mendieta Autos concerning Nayaritas and guasamotecos who threatened to kill missionaries and free prisoner Juan Tonate from jail in Mexico. 02-12-1761
Mario Autos concerning Nayaritas and guasamotecos who threatened to kill missionaries and free prisoner Juan Tonate from jail in Mexico. 02-12-1761
Mendoza Autos concerning Nayaritas and guasamotecos who threatened to kill missionaries and free prisoner Juan Tonate from jail in Mexico. 02-12-1761
Mendoza Autos concerning pueblo revolt of 1680. 08-14-1680
Muza Natural Autos concerning pueblo revolt of 1680. 08-14-1680
Munoz Autos concerning pueblo revolt of 1680. 08-14-1680
Marques Autos concerning pueblo revolt of 1680. 08-14-1680
Marquelena Autos concerning the defense of different points against the French and the foundation of a presidio in Xicarilla. 01-02-1720
Mancuso Autos criminales contra Juan y Bernardino Grijalva por insultos al padre Daniel Janusque 04-12-1715
Munoz Autos criminales contra un indio llamado Alonso. 03-10-1688
Moraga Autos de expedicion de guerra contra los indios Seris, Salineros, Tiburones y topocas, y descripcion de la isla del Tiburon por Diego Ortiz... 09-09-1748
Monros Autos de guerra con motivos de los frecuentes abusos que cometen los indios enemigos de la real corona. 03-00-1655
