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Person Last Name Document title Date
Negrete y de la Torre Representaciones del senor comandante general de las Provincias Internas del oriente don Ramon de Castro sobre establecimiento de... 09-10-1772
Nevares Ano de 1818. Nueva Vizcaya. Listas de revista de las companias que guarnecen aquella provincia correspondentes al mes de Mayo junio julio y... 05-01-1818
Nevares Listas de revista de las companias que guarnecen las provincias de Nueva Vizcaya, Sonora y Nuevo Mexico respectivas a los 4 ultimos mes de... 10-01-1818
Neve 1818 p.y. de occidente. El exmo senor comandante general remite las ojas de servicio y relaciones de antiguedad... 12-31-1817
Neyya List of provisions for Apaches of Bacoachi. 02-01-1789
Neyya List of provisions for Apaches of Bacoachi in 1789. 03-22-1789
Neiya Documents concerning capture, reduccion of Apaches. 11-24-1788
Neiyes Xavier Documents concerning capture, reduccion of Apaches. 11-24-1788
Neve Documents concerning resettlement of Seri fugitives at Pitic after failed rebellion. 09-10-1790
Neyra Autos relating to death of postal official Dubal, claimants to his properties and investigation by governor. 09-30-1733
Neve Correspondence between viceroy and de Anza concerning de Anza second expedition to California. 01-02-1775
Neve Correspondence between Garces, de Anza and viceroy concerning explorations of Garces in upper Colorado and de Anza's exploration of... 03-20-1775
Nepomuceo y Oviedo Correspondence between Falco y Escandon and virrey concerning appointment to ayudantia de brigada. 11-29-1816
Neri Documents concerning interrogation of Cuerk. 02-09-1816
Negrete y de la Torre 1811-el ilustrisimo comandante de la 10 brigada con oficio de 12 de septiembre 11-28-1809
Neve Correspondence between viceroy and several government officials concerning new appointment of Croix. 00-00-1752
Nepomuceno Index of unfinished proceeding in Provincias Internas. 02-25-1793
Nepomuseno de la Pena Letters concerning payment of salary to Molano, chaplain of Monclova presidio. 12-31-1813
Neira Report by Zuniga on payments to soldiers of Santa Cruz presidio as per royal order of October 4, 1766. 12-31-1817
Neve Concerning general planning of military campaigns, defense of Texas, Coahuila. 12-06-1817
Negreros y Loria Correspondence to viceroy Venadito from September 1819 to March 1821, military concerns. 09-24-1819
Negrupios y Soria Concerning establishment of new treasury at Saltillo, civil appointments. 07-07-1793
Neyra Para llebar a efecto el importante plan al publico para una compania de accionistas destinado al comercio, y mineria de las provincias de... 05-17-1771
Negreiros y Herrera Correspondence re: widow's retirement claim. None Given
Negreiros y Herrera Correspondence re: donations of seeds and livestock from vecindarios as noted in account books of expedicion de Sonora. 09-02-1776
Negreiros y Herrera Correspondence re: repayment to Echeveste for money he had advanced for expedition de Chihuahua. 07-24-1776
Negreiros y Herrera Correspondence re: payment to Corvalan for expenses incurred in forming cuenta de la expedicion de Sonora. 01-12-1776
Negreiros Correspondence re: construction of canal, churches; pearl diving. 02-01-1776
Negreiros Copies of documents dealing with tax issues between Guadalaxara's real hacienda and province of Culiacan. 05-23-1779
Negreiros Population census, agricultural and mine conditions of San Ildephonso de la Cieneguilla. 12-25-1775
Nebe Neve's will and documents concerning carrying out provisions in will. 01-29-1777
Neve Neve's will and documents concerning carrying out provisions in will. 01-29-1777
Neve Neve's will and documents concerning carrying out provisions in will. 01-29-1777
Neve Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784
Neve Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784
Neve Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories. 10-06-1774
Neve Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories. 10-06-1774
Neve Documents concerning executors of Neve's will, inventories, auction and accounts of Neve's wealth. 01-29-1777
Neros Documents concerning executors of Neve's will, inventories, auction and accounts of Neve's wealth. 01-29-1777
Neve Representacion del Martinez pidiendo se le devuelva cantidad de pesos que se le retubieron en la mision de Bacadehuachi de donde era... 06-29-1786
Neve Expediente promovido a consulta del comandante general de provincias de Poniente sobre colocar en el mando militar de la Sonora al coronel... 02-29-1764
Neve Concha informs of New Mexico's state of troops and enemies and effective means for the containment of these foes. 09-17-1788
Neve Ugarte y Loyola informs of judicial, administrative, spiritual, economic, and defensive conditions in Sonora and Nueva Vizcaya. Information... 12-01-1783
Neve Ugarte y Loyola submits detailed informe regarding criminals accused of treason and means to contain rebellious Indian nations. 07-27-1785
Neve Ugarte y Loyola informs Galvez of proposal to create real audiencia and results of measures taken to pacify frontier tribes. 12-01-1783
Neve Reyes and Ugarte y Loyola submit informes to Galvez noting disastrous condition of missions and towns. Proposal for creation of custodia de... 08-27-1783
Neve Informes of Ugarte y Loyola and Alegre in which the conditions of provincias of Nueva Viscaya, Nuevo Mexico and Sonora, including... 09-22-1776
Neve Ugarte y Loyola informs of measures taken to punctually pay for synods for religious men attending to missions. 04-13-1779
Nepomuceno de la Garza Individuals from companies of Leon, Linares, Cadereyra, and Lampazos recommended to fill vacant posts of teniente and Alferez. 02-02-1807
Neve Concerns construction of casas de moneda in Guatemala and Arispe. 06-02-1739
