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Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Nogueras consulta del comandante de marina de San Blas sobre que las memorias para los presidios de California esten en todo February A mas tardar... 12-16-1785
Novales Correspondence and published government documents on regulation of maritime transportation of other ports with San Blas 07-26-1810
Noriega Correspondence between Antonio de Ozio and governor of Californian peninsula regarding the branding of livestock. 11-13-1716
Nolasco Carrasco Correspondence between comandante general, viceroy and various officers. 04-00-1787
Nolasco Chavez Correspondence between Gonzales and viceroy regarding military regulations for officers of presidios. 06-26-1768
Nolasco Carrasco Correspondence between governor of Coahuila and virrey concerning poor relations with Indians. 10-08-1787
Nogalde Correspondence between governors of Texas and virrey, year 1790 02-00-1790
Nolasco Ca Correspondence between Nava and Revilla Gigedo re: military appointements; relaying of orders; funds used in transport 12-27-1790
Noriega Correspondence between Plo, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids in Santa Barbara, Guejoquilla, Conchos, Parral, and... 07-20-1790
Noriega Correspondence between Salcedo, Venegas, and Gutierrez regarding various political and personal matters relating to border dispute with... 12-13-1810
Noriega Correspondence between viceroy and Ripperda concerning presidio defence and capitan Tobar. 12-15-1771
Noriega Correspondence between virrey, captains of presidios of Junta de los Rios and Janos. 02-14-1756
Noparan Correspondence concerning 'reduccion' of pintos to 'mision del Helguera.' 00-00-1768
Noriega Correspondence concerning various administrative affairs in Nuevo Santander. 07-24-1756
Noriega Correspondence from Corbalan to virrey concerning various aspects of provincial administration. 01-04-1772
Noriega Correspondence from gobernador to virrey, 1762, and testimony regarding correo. 02-15-1762
Noriega Correspondence from Mariscal de Campo to virrey concerning Indian affairs, tax collection, other issues in 1768. 00-00-1756
Nocedal Correspondence from Ruiz de Huidobro re: shipping of supplies to California. 02-20-1778
Noriega Correspondence from Santianez. 04-07-1772
Nolas Carrasco Correspondence from various officials to viceroy regarding military issues in Provincias Internas. 04-23-1788
Noboa Correspondence of governor Fayni and viceroy Bucareli 01-10-1776
Noja Correspondence of intendente Corbalan for July 1774 12-11-1759
Noriega Correspondence of Pedro Corbalan, intendente of Sonora, for January - March, 1774 03-29-1749
Noriega Correspondence re: financing of expedicion de Sonora. 05-01-1770
Noriega Correspondence re: military salaries, finances and supplies including cuenta from compania Volante de Nuebo Santander. 06-30-1777
Nos y Monforte Correspondence re: payment to caja de Chihuahua from Renta de Tavacos/ 01-16-1793
Noriega Correspondence re: Sarmiento's mines at Rosario. 12-29-1773
Noriega Correspondence re: widow's retirement claim. None Given
Noriego Correspondence regarding request from Lambrazos to appoint a one-man patrol. 09-18-1790
Nolarco Guiller Correspondence to viceroy Venadito from 1819, sundry concerns. 03-22-1819
Noriega Correspondence to viceroy Venadito from 1819, sundry concerns. 03-22-1819
Noriega Correspondence with gobernador Rubio and various commanders concerning military affairs in Nuevo Santander. 01-15-1769
Noriega Correspondencia con la colonia del Nuevo Santander y revistas. 10-26-1773
Noyola Court case against Pedro Chivato and his companeros. 04-28-1781
Noriega Court case against Pedro Chivato and his companeros. 04-28-1781
Noparan Criminal cases against Camarillo (Maulas), noparan and Jose Antonio. 09-02-1796
Noparan Criminal cases against noparan, Pedro Maulas, and Jose Antonio. 09-07-1796
Noparan Criminal cases against noparan, Pedro Maulas, and Jose Antonio. 09-07-1796
Nolan Cuenta de las cantidades suplidas por el fondo de gratificaciones en agasajos de indios. 12-31-1802
Noparan d. Tomas Rodriguez Biedma del orden de Santiago, teniente coronel de los rs. Exercitos. Sargento mayor de los ... 01-05-1794
Noriega Deserters from Anglo-American ships request residency in Spanish territories. 12-31-1804
Noriega Deserters from russian fragata juno off San Francisco harbor 04-14-1806
Noparan diario de la expedicion que consequencia de las ordenes del senor coronel don Melchor Vidal de Lorca 03-20-1789
Noparan Diarios del comandante del destacamento de la Villa de Llera, ano de 1788 y 89 09-01-1788
Noparan Diarios del destacamento de la Villa de Croix ano de 1788 y 89 10-01-1788
Noparan Diarios sent to Ugalde from Vidal and Baldes concerning Indian relations. 04-30-1788
Noparan Diarios, estados de fuerza of primera and segunda companias del Nuevo Santander. 02-01-1791
Noriega Diary about abuses, killings, by Pedro Jose and his band. 05-01-1787
Nopara Diary about abuses, killings, by Pedro Jose and his band. 05-01-1787
Nolan Diary of punitive expedition undertaken by tercera compania de Cavalleria Volante de Nuevo Santander. 04-02-1799
