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Person Last Name Document title Date
Padilla Letters from Garcia for virrey informing him about the situation in the provincias de occidente. 01-28-1820
Padilla Regarding military monetary awards. 10-04-1766
Padilla Concerns monetary awards to certain military men in Santa Fe and Carrizal. 10-04-1766
Padilla Concerns monetary awards to certain military men in Santa Fe and Carrizal. 10-04-1766
Padilla Concerns monetary awards to certain members of the military in Nueva Viscaya. 08-30-1807
Padilla Miscellaneous administrative documents concerning the Provincias Internas. 12-03-1817
Padilla Ynstruccion del estado en que se halla la yntendencia, y gobierno en Sonora, y Sinaloa , hasta 2 de julio de 1790. 00-00-1734
Padilla Ynstruccion del estado en que se halla la yntendencia, y gobierno en Sonora, y Sinaloa , hasta 2 de julio de 1790. 00-00-1734
Padilla Indice de los expedientes de Coahuila del ano 1756-1791. 00-00-1756
Padilla Joseph Maria de Ochoa, et al al padre Joseph Toral. Letter concerning mission business transactions. 05-07-1737
Padilla Testimonio de los autos practicados con motivo de la paz de los indios rebelados. 07-26-1698
Padilla Salvador Padilla, Jose Barbasa y Cabrera. Vicencio Cortes del rey contra Domingo de Jugo. 00-00-1752
Padilla Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Report to comandante that two Frenchmen, Domingo Lavadia and Pedro Vial, have been arrested per orders; and... 00-00-0000
Padilla Otermin, Antonio de (gobernador). Bando to make up list of vassals obligated to military service to crown and following list of names and... 09-08-1681
Padilla Anaya, Francisco de. Petition to governor for use of Indian labor to repair irrigation ditches. 07-30-1692
Padilla Diego Padilla (fray) to Pedro Rodriguez Cubero (gobernador y capitan general). Petition seeking justice for theft of livestock from Tesuque... 01-09-1699
Padilla Cabildo de Santa Fee to gobernador de Santa Fee. Writs, declarations, testimony pertaining to the suit against Fransisco Cuerbo y Valdes. 10-29-1710
Padilla Palma, Agustin de to Carabajal, Petrona de. Suit: Petrona de Carabajal accuses de Palma of abusing her daughter, Antonia de Valencia. 08-11-1711
Padilla Duran y Chaves, Fernando de to Gonzales, Juan. Suit: proceeding in suit against Chaves for assault on Gonzales. 01-20-1712
Padilla . Petition and presentation of a complaint against the governor, the Marques de la Penuela. 08-01-1712
Padilla Padilla, Diego de (fray). notice of receipt of alms. 04-12-1713
Padilla Blasques, Joseph. Petition to governor for return of runaway Indian servant who is claimed by Diego Padilla and governor's response to... 07-27-1713
Padilla Flores Mogollon, Juan Ignacio. Council of war; deliberations on strategy; lists of names of soldiers and other residents (including natives... 08-09-1714
Padilla Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon (gobernador). Testimony and decision of governor concerning treasonous remarks made by an Indian named Lorenzo. 06-16-1715
Padilla Juan de Dios Romero. Civil disturbance charged against Juan Antonio Lopez. 07-01-1720
Padilla Gonsales Bas, Juan (alcalde mayor). Proceedings of charge of theft against Sebastian Gallegos. 10-29-1735
Padilla Padilla, Juan Joseph de (fray)/Baca, Bernabe (alcalde mayor) to Olavide y Michelana, Henrique (gobernador). Proceedings against Francisco... 03-08-1737
Padilla Padilla, Juan Joseph de (fray)/Baca, Bernabe (alcalde mayor) to Olavide y Michelana, Henrique (gobernador). Proceedings against Francisco... 03-08-1737
Padilla Antonio, Juan to Gonsales Bas, Juan (alcalde mayor). Proceedings in case against Francisco Padilla for assault on Juan Anttonio. 06-14-1737
Padilla Joachin Codallos y Rabal. An order prohibiting the mistreatment of women and children in rancherias of non-christian Indians. 05-30-1744
Padilla Diego Padilla. Demanda puesto por Diego Padilla, contra Jazinto Sanchez and vecinos de la villa de Alburquerque, en razon de palabras... 10-17-1744
Padilla Antonio Baca. Queja que dio Antonio Baca alcalde mayor y capitan a guerra del pueblo de Xemes y su jurisdiction. 06-12-1745
Padilla Antonio Baca. Queja que dio Antonio Baca alcalde mayor y capitan a guerra del pueblo de Xemes y su jurisdiction. 06-12-1745
Padilla Juan del Pino. Demanda criminal de pedimiento de don Juan del Pino mercader. 12-24-1746
Padilla Juan del Pino. Demanda criminal de pedimiento de don Juan del Pino mercader. 12-24-1746
Padilla Eduarda Yturrieta. Diligencias sobre una dote ofrecido por Nicolas Duran y Chaves a Eduarda Yturrieta. 04-15-1747
Padilla Alexandro Gonsales y los testigos de mi asistensia actuando, como jues resetor en dicho dia mes y ano. 01-21-1749
Padilla Autos obrados por el theniente del pueblo de Taos sobre una junta de guerra celebrada en aquel pueblo. 12-29-1749
Padilla Record of various legal cases pertaining to or orginating from la Canada. 07-05-1750
Padilla Ursula de Chaves. A petition claiming goods from the estate of the mother of Ursula de Chaves. 07-07-1750
Padilla Miguel Lusero. Autos criminales por diferentes desovediensias cometiadas por Baltasar y Bernave Baca contra lo mandado por bando del senor... 08-02-1752
Padilla Barbara Garzia Jusado. Attempt to collect debts owed estate of her deceased husband. 02-04-1763
Padilla Padilla, Pedro. Padilla petitions return of mule by Rael. 10-31-1765
Padilla Trujillo, Pablo. Attempt to recover mule; traces path mule took and order for payment of mule. 09-27-1766
Padilla Padilla, Juan Manuel. Criminal charges brought against Juan Manuel Padilla for slaughtering cattle in his home, which is illegal. 11-22-1767
Padilla Galindo Navarro, Pedro. A review of the criminal case against various soldiers for death of Bartolome Apodaca is passed on to comandante... 09-08-1778
Padilla Croix (Cavallero de). A letter pertaining to the case of Cayetano Padilla. 09-08-1778
Padilla Galvez, Joseph de. Letter to comandante general Croix noting numerous errors in judicial proceedings in case of Cayetano Padilla and... 05-15-1779
Padilla Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a bando prohibiting travel without written permission. 12-10-1783
Padilla Padilla, Maria rita. A legal action begun by Maria Padilla to recover a mule. 06-26-1787
