Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Perez Correspondence between viceroy and Croix in reference to various issues within Provincias Internas. 07-31-1777
Peru Correspondence between viceroy and Croix in reference to various issues within Provincias Internas. 07-31-1777
Perdigon Correspondence between viceroy and Croix in reference to various issues within Provincias Internas. 07-31-1777
Peramas Correspondence between viceroy and several government officials concerning their new duties under Croix. 00-00-1772
Pena Correspondence between Viceroy, Croquez, Labayen, Cruz and others about ships and commerce between San Blas and other ports; budgets... 01-19-1814
Perez Gallardo Correspondence between Viceroy, Croquez, Labayen, Cruz and others about ships and commerce between San Blas and other ports; budgets... 01-19-1814
Perez Gallardo Correspondence between virrey and various officials concerning routine fiscal and administrative affairs. 06-10-1815
Peres Correspondence between workers at salt flats of Zapotillo and virrey re: increade in price of salt. 05-02-1792
Pena Correspondence between workers at salt flats of Zapotillo and virrey re: increade in price of salt. 05-02-1792
Peres Correspondence between workers at salt flats of Zapotillo and virrey re: increade in price of salt. 05-02-1792
Perales Correspondence concerning 'reduccion' of pintos to 'mision del Helguera.' 00-00-1768
Perra Correspondence concerning charges of adultery against Jose Maria Monterde 11-24-1794
Perales Correspondence concerning establishment of mission for pinto Indians. 00-00-1769
Peron Correspondence concerning matters related to military expedition against Apaches. 09-19-1767
Perez Correspondence concerning possible commercial trade between Mexico and California. 05-24-1794
Peres Villamil Correspondence concerning voyages of ships from San Blas to Acapulco and construction of wall around naval casement in San Blas. 10-29-1794
Pedro Antonio Correspondence from Hijosa to viceroy concerning opinions on three matters of concern to the departmento of San Blas. 12-10-1771
Perez Correspondence from Loyola to viceroy during July 1788 regarding issues within Provincias Internas de Poniente with previous documents. 09-28-1787
Peru Correspondence from Loyola to viceroy during July 1788 regarding issues within Provincias Internas de Poniente with previous documents. 09-28-1787
Pebrete Correspondence from Loyola to viceroy during July 1788 regarding issues within Provincias Internas de Poniente with previous documents. 09-28-1787
Pesquera Correspondence from Loyola to viceroy during June 1788 with previous dated documents as reference. 06-01-1788
Peru Correspondence from military officials dealing with Apache raids in presidio of Tupson and vicinities 1788 03-28-1788
Peralta Correspondence from military officials dealing with Apache raids in presidio of Tupson and vicinities 1788 03-28-1788
Perez Gomez Correspondence from various officials to viceroy 08-20-1776
Peramar Correspondence from various officials to viceroy 08-20-1776
Pereyra Correspondence from various officials to virrey concerning 'novedades de indios.' 03-10-1782
Perez Correspondence list. papel instructivo from the viceroy to Croix. 03-00-1777
Perez Correspondence of Campo Viergol concerning tolls collected in department of San Blas for the real hacienda. 09-01-1772
Perez de Buizan Correspondence of Croix with presidente de la Junta de Arbitros and viceroy. 11-00-1776
Pena Correspondence of Croix with presidente de la Junta de Arbitros and viceroy. 11-00-1776
Pereyra Correspondence of Croix, primarily with viceroy Galvez, for June-December 1783. 03-14-1732
Perez de Ruyloba Correspondence of Fueros with viceroy and other officials 09-20-1775
Peramas Correspondence of Fueros with viceroy and other officials about affairs at placeres de Cieneguilla 01-04-1775
Perez de la Fuente Correspondence of Fueros with viceroy and other officials about affairs at placeres de Cieneguilla 01-04-1775
Perez Correspondence of governor Fayni and viceroy Bucareli 08-05-1775
Pena Correspondence of governor Fayni and viceroy Bucareli with related testimony 11-28-1774
Peron Correspondence of governor Fayni, viceroy Bucareli and others concerning Machacaba's expedition 08-23-1775
Perrea Correspondence of governor Fayni, viceroy Bucareli and others concerning Machacaba's expedition 08-23-1775
Perez Correspondence of Hijosa to viceroy Bucareli for April - May, 1777. 12-13-1774
Perez Cuerpo Correspondence of Hijosa to viceroy Bucareli for January - February 1777. 00-00-1775
Peller Correspondence of intendente of Sonora for 1775. 00-00-1749
Pellerano Correspondence of intendente of Sonora for August - October 1774. 06-18-1773
Perez de la Fuente Correspondence of Pedro Corbalan, intendente of Sonora, for January - March, 1774 03-29-1749
Peru Correspondence of Ugarte and viceroy concerning promotions of presidial officers and other administrative positions. 06-01-1787
Peres Correspondence of Ugarte and viceroy concerning promotions of presidial officers and other administrative positions. 06-01-1787
Peru Correspondence of Ugarte and viceroy concerning promotions of presidial officers and other administrative positions. 06-01-1787
Peru Correspondence of Ugarte and viceroy concerning promotions of presidial officers and other administrative positions. 06-01-1787
Peramas Correspondence of Urrea, Bucareli and others concerning administrative/military problems at altar 01-01-1769
Peramas Correspondence re: charges brought against various Indians. 12-15-1775
Perez Correspondence re: construction of iglesia and Casa Cural in San Blas 06-29-1779
