Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Pineda Minutes of letters sent by governor Pineda for July 1769. 09-30-1769
Pineda Minutes of letters sent by governor Pineda for Oct., November 1769. 12-08-1769
Pineda Letter about attack on rancherias of rebel Indians in Sonora. 01-25-1770
Pineda [untitled] 03-17-1770
Pineda Documents relating state of Sonora under governor Pineda. 04-20-1770
Pineda Letters about military appointments and retirements in Sonora. 05-16-1770
Pineda [untitled] 10-06-1770
Pineda Minutes of letters sent by governor Pineda for December 1769. 01-27-1770
Pineda Minutes of letters by governor Pineda for December 1769 and January 1770. 03-24-1717
Pineda Minutes of letters sent by governor Pineda for March 1770. 03-00-1770
Pineda Minutes of letters sent by governor Pineda for April 1770. 06-16-1770
Pineda Minutes of letters sent by governor Pineda for May 1770. 07-18-1770
Pineda Petition for promotion by teniente Azuela. 09-24-1770
Pineda [untitled] 03-02-1770
Pineda [untitled] 08-06-1770
Pineda [untitled] 05-21-1770
Pineda [untitled] 01-12-1769
Pineda Documents about military campaigns in Sonora by capitan Cancio. 03-29-1769
Pineda Documents detailing military campaigns and biography of capitan Cancio. 04-20-1769
Pineda Documents about leave of absence for capitan Cancio. 01-07-1770
Pino Documents about exploration of California. 02-20-1769
Pineda Various letters from gobernador, viceroy and other officers from Sinaloa and Sonora. 06-20-1769
Pinedan Oficios del comandante general de Provincias Internas y respuestas del virrey 04-08-1777
Pineda List of autos referring to various issues within Provincias Internas. 05-02-1703
Pineda List of autos referring to various issues within Provincias Internas. 05-02-1703
Pineda Various documents relating to issues within Provincias Internas 07-17-1778
Pit-Suey Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and virrey Florez re: peace with mescalero. 09-39-1787
Picaxande-Yx-Tisle Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and virrey Florez re: peace with mescalero. 09-39-1787
Picax-Ande-Ynstinsle de Ugalde Correspondence between authors re: peace with lipiyan capitan, incl. diary. 05-02-1788
Picax-Ande Ynstinsle de Ugalde [untitled] 02-02-1789
Pignatelly Letter from Ugarte to virrey describing military campaigns and requesting promotion. 05-08-1788
Piyol Correspondence between Croix and Mayorga re: military personnel military supplies; military salaries; and use of funds. 10-27-1773
Pineda Domingo Elizondo to Marques de Croix. Letter concerning campaign against rebel Indians. 02-03-1771
Pineda Domingo Elizondo to Marques de Croix. Letter concerning Seri reduccion. 04-21-1771
Pineda Rough drafts of letters from Pineda to Elizondo. 01-16-1770
Pineda Domingo Elizondo and Juan de Pineda. Extracto de las noticias y novedades en la expedicion de Sonora (2 copies). 04-20-1770
Pineda Juan de Pineda, Domingo Elizondo. Extracto de las ultimas noticias de la expedicion de Sonora contra los yndios rebeldes del cerro Prieto. 03-01-1770
Pineda Discourse concerning withholding of salary of captain Francisco Mesia and fiscal account of expedition of Sonora. 03-13-1780
Pineda Discourse from commander of presidio of Buenavista to viceroy concerning Indian unrest. 03-18-1772
Pineda Informes de misiones de las pimerias alta y baja. 11-06-1772
Pineda Discourse concerning reales de minas at la Cieneguilla, Sonora. 01-20-1772
Pineda Correspondencia con el gobernador de Sonora, don Matheo Sastre, y otros de la provincia que tratan de varios particulares. 02-12-1772
Pineda Francisco Antonio Crespo at virrey Antonio Maria Bucarely y ursua. Letter concerning campaigns against Apaches;Bucarely's reply. 12-07-1773
Pineda Correspondence related to the military expedition to Sonora. 01-20-1771
Pineda Letters from Azuela and Bellido to viceroys concerning the military struggle against Sonoran Indians (with responses) 01-15-1771
Pineda Correspondence of Urrea, Bucareli and others concerning administrative/military problems at altar 01-01-1769
Pineda Administrative correspondence 1771-1773. 02-10-1771
Pineda Administrative correspondence between commanders of expeditions and viceroy. 05-05-1771
Pineda Testimony of junta de guerra convened for the establishment of the presidio of Buenavista. 02-16-1765
Pineda Administrative correspondence concerning budget and list of expenditures made in construction of Buenavista presidio. 03-07-1766
