Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Potau de Portugal Correspondence re: expenses for maintenance of Indians. 01-18-1790
Potau de Portugal Cuentas and related correspondence for pacified and imprisoned Apaches from Principe, Carrizal, Janos, San Buenaventura, Namiquipa, and... 12-15-1791
Pontivi Cuentas from Janos for supplies to Apaches de paz y prisioneros, chiricaguis de paz and chiricaguis auxiliares. 08-31-1788
Ponze de Leon Cuentas for supplies to Apaches prisioneros y de paz in presidio de carrizal. 06-23-1791
Portto Cuentas for supplies to Apaches de paz and prisioneros; Taraumara auxiliaries at Chihuahua. 06-25-1791
Ponze Cuentas for supplies to Apaches de paz and prisioneros; Taraumara auxiliaries at Chihuahua. 06-25-1791
Posada Correspondence re: expenses for maintenance of Apaches de paz. 07-09-1790
Posada Correspondence re: justification of expenditures for Apaches de paz, prisioners of war and auxiliaries. 12-28-1791
Posada Correspondence re: approval for 3000 pesos for expenses of maintaining Apaches de paz. 07-16-1787
Polinario Dos cuentas de gastos extraordinarios originados en la provincia de Nuevo Mexico. 08-25-1787
Porras y Ortiz Correspondence re: expenses and funding of expedicion militar de Sonora. 07-17-1768
Poloriano Collection of autos and testimonios related to economic crisis of Chihuahua City (directed to viceroy?) 10-19-1739
Portola Letters about treasury of Sonora, and other documents. 01-20-1770
Ponze Request of payment of sinodos and monies to priests in Sonora. 08-02-1770
Portola Documents about exploration of California. 02-20-1769
Pomendio List of autos referring to various issues within Provincias Internas. 05-02-1703
Porras List of autos referring to various issues within Provincias Internas. 05-02-1703
Ponce Documents relating to various issues within prov. internas. 05-03-1703
Ponce Documents relating to various issues within prov. internas. 05-03-1703
Posada Correspondence to Rengel from real audencia gobernadora concerning various administrative matters. 04-09-1785
Ponze Correspondence between Virreynato and Rengel concerning certain financial, military and territorial matters. 10-12-1785
Ponze Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and virreynato regarding various military and economic matters. 05-25-1786
Potes Military, fiscal and administrative correspondence of comandante general Croix, primarily with viceroy, for 1782. 08-19-1773
Pobrete Military, fiscal and administrative correspondence of comandante general Croix, primarily with viceroy, for 1782. 08-19-1773
Pol Letters from Azuela and Bellido to viceroys concerning the military struggle against Sonoran Indians (with responses) 01-15-1771
Pol Letters from Sonoran field commanders to viceroy with responses concerning matters involved with the Elizondo expedition 05-27-1771
Pol Correspondence of Urrea, Bucareli and others concerning administrative/military problems at altar 01-01-1769
Polo Series of complaints to virrey concerning Oca's mistreatment of soldiers and contempt for local missionaries. 11-13-1764
Posada Documents relating to complaints by Navarro that Nayarit cannot afford to pay for office of justicia mayor. 01-10-1783
Posada Documents relating to request by Navarro to cajas de Guadalaxara for payment of synods and provisioning of corn for cultivation by Indians. 02-16-1787
Posada Correspondence re: request by ministerio de San Blas for extension in presenting cuentas to tribunal due to illness of Monterde and lack of... 04-16-1793
Posada Correspondence re: supplies needed in San Blas. 04-18-1793
Posada Correspondence re: request by Tovar for salary while employed as amanuense. 09-10-1791
Posada Correspondence re: Zaya's complaints against contaduria of San Blas. 02-22-1793
Posada Correspondence re: granting of salary for criados employed on various expeditions. 07-23-1789
Ponze Correspondence re: Garcia Galindo's request for remainder of expense money for trip to San Blas to relieve Monterde as contador. 10-31-1794
Posada Correspondence re: construction of iglesia and Casa Cural in San Blas 06-29-1779
Posse Correspondence re: construction of iglesia and Casa Cural in San Blas 06-29-1779
Poze Correspondence re: fire in old church and financing construction of new church. 05-17-1787
Poramas Correspondence of Fueros with viceroy and real de cuentas officials about affairs at Cieneguilla 07-19-1775
Posada Various letters relating to Maria Caballero's request for pension of Montepio military. 02-21-1785
Posada Correspondence related to adjustments to Rengel's salary upon promotion to comandante inspector. 06-11-1783
Posada Correspondence related to Miranda's request for payment of pension from Montepio militar following her husband's death. 11-13-1780
Posada Correspondence relating to purchase of Calo's house. 01-07-1785
Posada Papers relating to disposition of mines and other goods from Torre y Barco's estate. 01-12-1780
Portas Papers relating to disposition of mines and other goods from Torre y Barco's estate. 01-12-1780
Posada Correspondence re: Montolla's request for release from Castillo de San Juan de Ulua. 06-08-1783
Posada Request from Croix for marcas, punzones, pesos, libros and other items needed for establishment of new Caxa Real de Chihuahua. 08-03-1782
Portugues Instructions to Gregori and discussion of finances. 03-07-1780
Portuges Pineda to Croix letter concerning Alcabala. 01-14-1768
