Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Prietto Vargas, Diego de to viceroy. Letter from Vargas to viceroy about escorts for padres. 03-14-1696
Prieto Vargas, Francisco (fray) to Vargas, Diego de. Petition for more Spanish escorts and arms. 03-22-1696
Prieto Vargas, Diego de to Vargas, Francisco de (fray). Auto delineating what can be done about sending soldiers to aid missionaries. 03-22-1696
Prieto Vargas, Diego de (governor) to Galves (conde de) (viceroy). Request for help. 05-22-1696
Prado Mestas, Juan Ygnacio. Diligencias seguidas a peticion del theniente de caballeria don Juan Ygnacio Mestas contra dona Barbara Baca. 01-27-1754
Probenzo Francisco Guerrero. Guerrero brings charges against Miguel Thenorio documents deal with testimony of those involved. 08-22-1757
Prada Croix (Cavallero de). expediente concerning church ornaments collected for a proposed navajo mission. 09-01-1781
Prada Gallego, Pedro Ignacio. Civil suit against Gallego by Maria Magdalena Baca for failure to fulfill promise of marriage. 10-23-1789
Prada . Census and report on missions of New Mexico of the custody of conversion of San Pablo for 1793 - 1794. 10-30-1795
Prado Mier y Villar, Juan de to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Request for information - re: discord between secular and regular clergy. 07-14-1798
Prada Chacon, Fernando (?) to Canuelas, Miguel. Letter - re: administrative affairs of province. 07-20-1798
Prada Chacon, Fernando to Nava, Pedro de (comandante). Reporting appointment of fray Diego Munoz Jurado as vice custodio of El Paso. 11-18-1798
Prada Chacon, Fernando (?) to Nava, Pedro de. Submittal of list of disabled soldiers. 10-19-1799
Prada Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). List of disabled soldiers entitled to pensions. 03-31-1800
Prada Fernando Chacon. Listing of contributions to donativo. 11-23-1800
Prada Salcedo, Nemesio (comandante general). note to governor of New Mexico announcing suspension of fray Joseph Mariano Sanchez as custodio of... 11-29-1802
Prada Chacon, Fernando. A set of instructions on how the new governor should deal with the navajo. 03-27-1805
Prada Prada, Jose de la to Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. 08-18-1805
Provencio Rey, Ysidro to Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. Informing the governor of criminal cases pending against several people in Durango, and people... 08-31-1805
Prada Real Alencaster, Joaquin del to Salcedo, Nemesio. 09-01-1805
Prado Rey, Ysidro to Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. Concerning the reconstruction of the curch at Senecu, which is a ruined state. 09-26-1805
Prada Real Alencaster, Joaquin del to Salcedo, Nemesio. Concerning the turning over of an official letter to the new custodio of the New Mexico... 10-02-1805
Prada Real Alencaster, Joaquin del to Prada, Josef de la. Requesting that an unspecified matter be resolved. 11-01-1805
Prada Prada, Jose de la to Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. 11-04-1805
Prada Inventories of goods of seven missions in New Mexico province. 07-05-1806
Proseel Ysidro Rey. Two notes to governor of New Mexico informing him of arrival of a Frenchman and an anglo-american on way to Chihuahua and... 08-31-1806
Provencio Ysidro Rey. Report to governor about minor legal matters in El Paso including cases pending, travelers with passports and lawyers... 01-25-1807
Prado Prado, Jose Seraphino to Manrriques, Jose. Covering letter for transmission of the pastoral of the obispo de Sonora. 04-01-1811
Prada Lopez, Damaso. Civil suit to recover debts totaling about 12,000 pesos. 06-17-1820
Prada Census for Abiquiu and Taos jurisdictions. AL-, -1790
Prada Notice of assignments of priests to El Paso and Santa Fe missions. 04-11-1794
Prada Filiacion records for troops of Santa Fe presidio. 1774
Prudencio Villanueva Diego de Borica a Juan Bautista Peru. Borica's letters to Peru concerning presisial affairs. 00-00-1781
Primo Theran Joseph Antonio de Jauregui Urrutia to colonial officials. Copies of series of documents concerning Indian depredations and describing... 08-26-1744
Prieto Matias Prieto a los senores presidiales y republicanos de la villa de San Fernando; y Francisco de San Buenaventura to same. Concerns the... 02-12-1754
Prieto Angel de Martos y Nabarrete. The case against St. Denis. 01-22-1761
Prov Diligencias sobre posesion de un solar de tierra entre Maria Caravajal y Josepha Hernandez. 03-23-1770
Prada Cavallero de Croix to Domingo Cavello. Approves Cavello's measures for the organization of troops at Bexar and issues commissions to... 08-16-1779
Prada Cavallero de Croix to Domingo Cavello. Transmitting appointments of Policarpo Prada and Francisco Borra as second Alferez and sargeant at... 08-20-1779
Prada De Croix to Domingo Cavello. Enclosing filiation papers of Phelipe Ferrero, appointed corporal to Bexar, and notifying arrival of newly... 09-16-1779
Prada Cavallero de Croix to Domingo Cavello. Gives instructions for payment of money to Mariano Urena, Francisco Borra and Felipe Ferrero,... 09-28-1779
Prada Domingo Cabello (gobernador) to de Croix (comandante general). Discusses appointments and salaries of policarpo parada and Francisco Borra... 10-06-1779
Prada Domingo Cabello to commandante of La Bahia. Gives instructions for the payment of salaries of Policarpo Prada and Francisco Barro,... 11-01-1779
Prada Domingo Cabello (gobernador) to de Croix (comandante general). notifies de Croix of remittance to La Bahia of instructions for handling of... 11-01-1779
Prada Cavallero de Croix to Domingo Cavello. Discusses accounts of Amangual, Prada, Urena, Borra and Ferrero. 12-26-1779
Prado Domingo Cabello (gobernador) to de Croix (comandante general). Transmits military report of cavalry division of La Bahia. 01-14-1780
Prada Domingo Cabello to Teodoro de Croix. Desertion of Jose de Aguilar. 07-12-1780
Prada Domingo Cabello to Teodoro de Croix. Comanche depredations, security of the province. 07-17-1780
Prada Domingo Cabello to Teodoro de Croix. nomination to vacant position. 08-17-1780
Prada Roster of Bahia presidio. 12-01-1780
