Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Perez Series of autos on land measurements and distributions for colonizers who came from islas canarias to live in San Fernando, province of... 11-28-1730
Padron Series of autos on land measurements and distributions for colonizers who came from islas canarias to live in San Fernando, province of... 11-28-1730
Pasqual Series of autos on the jurisdictional conflict raised between Guadalaxara and Bolanos because of estupro committed against Muniz. 02-17-1774
Perez Platon Series of billetes concerning Fondo Piadoso for California missions. 11-19-1777
Pineda Series of complaints to virrey concerning Oca's mistreatment of soldiers and contempt for local missionaries. 11-13-1764
Polo Series of complaints to virrey concerning Oca's mistreatment of soldiers and contempt for local missionaries. 11-13-1764
Pareda Torres Series of correspondence with gobernador Escandon concerning administrative affairs in Nuevo Santander. 01-13-1759
Penilla Series of correspondence with gobernador Escandon concerning administrative affairs in Nuevo Santander. 01-13-1759
Palacio Series of correspondence with governor Escandon concerning administrative affairs in Nuevo Santander. 01-06-1764
Parnilla Series of correspondence with governor Escandon concerning administrative affairs in Nuevo Santander. 01-06-1764
Puente Series of document on organization of militias in Nayarit and Bolanos arguing the need to protect Spanish assets and maritime... 11-22-1777
Pasqual Series of documents certifiying an earthquake that occurred in Colotlan 1774. 03-27-1775
Perez Series of documents certifiying an earthquake that occurred in Colotlan 1774. 03-27-1775
Pardo y Osorio Series of documents concerning appointment of Llano as auditor de guerra by Arredondo, and solicitations from Espinosa, Munguia, and... 02-05-1814
Pardo Series of documents concerning complaints by Campo that he is not receiving full salary entitled to him as secretario of Provincias... 08-01-1814
Puente Series of documents concerning complaints made by Humana that Goycochea has not vacated his former residence. 02-28-1806
Pages Series of documents concerning dispute between Arredondo and obispo de Monterrey over control of hospital de pobres. 05-06-1816
Pages Series of documents concerning fever contracted by soldiers at Espiritu Santo. 10-10-1816
Perez Series of documents concerning fever contracted by soldiers at Espiritu Santo. 10-10-1816
Pacheco Series of documents concerning introduction of hemp into Nueva California. 10-23-1798
Parraga Series of documents concerning maritime transportation and military administration. 11-08-1804
Perea Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, fiscal affairs, military organization and administration, civil administration and... 10-13-1810
Pardo Series of documents concerning naming of Elosua as ayudante inspector and Pardo as governor of Texas. 02-17-1818
Perez Maranon Series of documents concerning naming of governor of Nuevo Leon. 03-27-1813
Pardo Series of documents concerning naming of governor of Nuevo Leon. 03-27-1813
Puertas Series of documents concerning naming of official to oversee settling of debts owed by real hacienda for maintenance of troops in... 06-12-1817
Perez Gallardo Series of documents concerning naming of official to oversee settling of debts owed by real hacienda for maintenance of troops in... 06-12-1817
Perez Series of documents concerning peace treaty with Texas Indians. 02-08-1821
Padilla Series of documents concerning peace treaty with Texas Indians. 02-08-1821
Pages Series of documents concerning petition of retirement by pages. 06-15-1816
Palou Series of documents concerning promotions granted to Palou and Genebriera. 10-01-1808
Perez Series of documents concerning promotions granted to Palou and Genebriera. 10-01-1808
Perez Quijano Series of documents concerning promotions granted to Palou and Genebriera. 10-01-1808
Pacheco Series of documents concerning promotions granted to Palou and Genebriera. 10-01-1808
Pantoja Series of documents concerning shipment of merchandise and supplies from San Blas to San Diego. 12-07-1789
Perez Series of documents concerning the interrogation of two anglo-americans caught in Texas. 12-21-1820
Pena Series of documents concerning transportation, civil and military administration and other financial affairs. 07-06-1810
Pinera Series of documents concerning transportation, civil and military administration and other financial affairs. 07-06-1810
Peramas Series of documents concerning, expedition to open routes between Monterrey and San Diego. Administrative correspondence between viceroy... 06-18-1771
Palencia Series of documents dealing with conflict created due to mistreatment of Indians by caudillo Leonardo Ramirez. Case against Indian leader... 09-10-1780
Perez de Almazan Series of documents dealing with distribution of land and water rights to repopulators of San Fernando. Measurement and boundaries for each... 07-06-1731
Perez Juan Antonio Series of documents dealing with distribution of land and water rights to repopulators of San Fernando. Measurement and boundaries for each... 07-06-1731
Padron Series of documents dealing with distribution of land and water rights to repopulators of San Fernando. Measurement and boundaries for each... 07-06-1731
Poggio Series of documents dealing with hiring religious personnel for curatos of Colotlan. 04-01-1786
Pena Series of documents dealing with Indian wars and some administrative affairs among government officials 03-20-1792
Pardino Villar de Francos Series of documents dealing with recovery of money owed to the government, by captain Urrutia. Case is open by governor Sandoval against... 09-07-1735
Pardo Series of documents dealing with recovery of money owed to the government, by captain Urrutia. Case is open by governor Sandoval against... 09-07-1735
Prat Series of documents regarding administrative affairs of missions and presidios in the two Californias. 07-12-1728
Perez Series of documents regarding administrative affairs of missions and presidios in the two Californias. 07-12-1728
Portola Series of documents regarding administrative affairs of missions and presidios in the two Californias. 07-12-1728
