Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Quevara Weekly rolls for cavalry of Nuebo Santander, listing wages, for nov, December 1771; each is signed by officers or justicias. 11-01-1771
Quixano Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry, December 1772. 12-01-1772
Quixano Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for December 1772 through February1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 01-01-1773
Quixano Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for March through May, 1773; wages listed; each is signed by officers or justicias. 04-02-1773
Quixano Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for July through Sept, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias; monthly wages listed. 07-02-1773
Quixano Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for September through nov, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 02-17-1773
Quijano Documents to viceroy from Cabildo regarding street lighting and cleaning around real palacio in Mexico. 00-00-1783
Quintero Administrative correspondence between the governor of Nuevo Santander and Serna. Index sent to the viceroy by Cierragorda. 07-22-1777
Quintanilla Index. Cierragorda reports on the status of provincias de Nuevo Santander. 01-12-1791
Quedas Various letters from virrey (?) to Lasaga and others re: administrative matters in Nuevo Santander. 05-02-1781
Quintero Correspondence between Lasaga and virrey (?) re: administrative matters for 1782. 02-25-1782
Quijas Listas and extractos of compania Volante de Nuevo Santander from monthly revistas July 1780 - January 1781; year-end quenta del haver. 07-31-1780
Quixas Administrative correspondence between virrey(?) and gobernador Lasaga for 1786. 01-10-1786
Quixano Administrative correspondence between virrey(?) and gobernador Lasaga for 1786. 01-10-1786
Quintanilla Correspondence between gobernador of Nuevo Santander and others campaign diaries, and administrative matters for 1780. 01-04-1780
Quixano Correspondence between gobernador of Nuevo Santander and others campaign diaries, and administrative matters for 1780. 01-04-1780
Quijas Correspondence between gobernador of Nuevo Santander and others campaign diaries, and administrative matters for 1780. 01-04-1780
Quintanilla Letters by gumely and Echegaray to Ugalde concerning military and Indian affairs. 12-23-1788
Quiroz Case against Gumeli for theft 11-10-1787
Quiroz Letters from Echegaray to Ugalde concerning troops organization for military inspection. 02-19-1788
Quintana Letters between Diaz de Ortega, Flores, and various military personnel describing Indian hostilities; proposing solutions. 10-17-1787
Quintana Letters between Diaz de Ortega, Flores, and various military personnel describing Indian hostilities; proposing solutions. 10-17-1787
Qunitana Letters between Diaz de hortega, virrey Flores & various military officials about Indian attacks and vecino abandonment. 10-06-1768
Quemado Letters between Rengel, Flores and Ugarte y Loyola concerning Indian hostilities, details of general campaign in 1787-1788. 09-04-1787
Quenenchose Letters between Ugarte y Loyola and subordinates detailing western province general campaign Mar-December 1788. 07-13-1788
Quezada Series of autos about the inhibiciones of Indians auxiliaries tlaxcalas and Chichimecas from the area of Zacatecas. Copies of autos enacted... 03-20-1592
Quintana Correspondence between Plo, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids in Santa Barbara, Guejoquilla, Conchos, Parral, and... 07-20-1790
Quintanilla Correspondence between Ugarte, viceroy, and other officials concerning soldiers confrontation with Apaches. 01-23-1789
Quezada Letters from Ugarte, and others to viceroy concerning Apache raids in Chihuahua and Durango. 06-17-1788
Queipo de Llano expediente formado sobre la salida de rezagos de platas de la villa de Chiguagua.... 03-09-1735
Queipo de Llano 821. Numero 19. Ano de 1773. Nueva Vizcaya numero 5. expediente formado sobre la colucion y secreta inteligencia de los indios Tarahumares... 04-05-1773
Queipo de Llano Folio 273 at the bottom: Diario. Hasienda del ojocaliente y marzo 1. de 1773. Next page: Don Manuel Munoz servicio que han hecho 03-01-1773
Queipo de Llano n. 64 expediente formado sobre la colucion, y secreta inteligencia de los Tarahumares. Se entrego original 08-20-1774
Quejas Don Manuel de la Sota Riva, teniente de granaderos del regimiento de infanteria de la corana de n.e. ... 00-00-0000
Quintanilla relacion jurada y secreta que yo el capitan de milicias de la legion de San Carlos don Jose Ygnacio Barragan... 07-14-1786
Quixano Letters from Royuela and Quixano to virrey concerning salary petitions. 09-29-1796
Quintana Letters concerning administrative promotions, and payment demands. 06-28-1796
Quiroga don Jose de los Heros vecino y del comercio.... treasury documents concerning payments requested and received for Chihuahua and Sonora 04-14-1792
Quintanilla los ministros principales de la real Hacienda, y cajas del distrito de esta intendencia de Durango 06-28-1788
Quintana con fecha 31 de julio ultimo, y 6 del corriente he dado dos certificaciones contra las caxas reales de esta capital de cantidad de 31,892... 08-07-1788
Quintana dirixo a vuestra excelencia testimonio de una certificacion de entero en la caxa de Chihuahua en la que puesto el requisito de mi orden. 10-20-1788
Quintana excelentisimo senor. Acompano a vuestra excelencia testimonio de una certificacion de entero de dos mil quatrocientos veinte y seis pesos... 09-07-1789
Quinteres Justicia de la Villa de Guemes remite testimonio de la cause de Perales de la muerte que dio a Flores. 06-16-1776
Quijano Gonzales de Santianes to Bucareli y Ursura re: Esquivel's position as judge. 08-19-1772
Quintanilla Series of accounts of Indian depredations in Nuevo Santander during administration of Gonzalez Santianes. 08-14-1772
Quitano Bucareli's expediente regarding complaint of mistreatment of pisones by fray Estrada at Hoyos mission. 09-00-1772
Quinos Dilegencias practicadas por noriega sobre el beneficio de metales en el real de San Nicolas de Croix. 06-06-1666
Quixano Dilegencias practicadas por noriega sobre el beneficio de metales en el real de San Nicolas de Croix. 06-06-1666
Quiros Palacio sobre los medios de promover las minas de Tamaulipa. 05-01-1768
Quixar Testimonies in case against morales for murder of Garza in Aguayo. 07-07-1756
